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Dogecoin (DOGE) Investors Shifting Towards Pandoshi (PAMBO)

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 投資者轉向 Pandoshi (PAMBO)

發布: 2024/01/24 08:35 閱讀: 775

原文作者:CoinPedia News


The post Dogecoin (DOGE) Investors Shifting Towards Pandoshi (PAMBO) appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 投資者轉向 Pandoshi (PAMBO) 的貼文首先出現在 Coinpedia 金融科技新聞上

Once a viral sensation, the meme coin Dogecoin (DOGE) is losing its sheen among crypto investors. A mass exodus is underway as users shift to Pandoshi (PAMBO), a trailblazing new ecosystem.

一度引起轟動的迷因幣狗狗幣(DOGE)在加密貨幣投資者中正在失去光彩。隨著用戶轉向 Pandoshi (PAMBO) 這一開創性的新生態系統,大量用戶正在流失。

Pandoshi represents a decentralized network focused on community governance, financial privacy, and security. Its backbone is a sustainable Layer-2 network harnessing Proof of Stake consensus for validator approvals.

Pandoshi 代表了一個專注於社群治理、財務隱私和安全的去中心化網路。它的主幹是一個可持續的第 2 層網絡,利用權益證明共識來進行驗證者批准。

By relying on staking rather than compute-heavy mining, Pandoshi avoids the costs and environmental harm linked to Dogecoin’s Proof of Work model.  

透過依靠質押而非計算量大的挖礦,Pandoshi 避免了與狗狗幣工作量證明模型相關的成本和環境危害。

Real-World Utilities


Central to Pandoshi is the delivery of real-world utility spanning decentralized trading, payments, and token storage. This includes PandoshiSwap, a decentralized exchange built on liquidity pools that enable peer-to-peer crypto trading without intermediaries or KYC.

Pandoshi 的核心是提供現實世界的實用工具,涵蓋去中心化交易、支付和代幣儲存。其中包括 PandoshiSwap,這是一個基於流動性池的去中心化交易所,無需中介機構或 KYC 即可實現點對點加密貨幣交易。

In a recent watershed development, Pandoshi also launched the beta version of its highly anticipated Pandoshi Wallet on the Google Play Store. The Pandoshi Wallet offers users a non-custodial gateway to the Pandoshi ecosystem, initially focusing on supporting Ethereum-based assets and dApps. 

在最近的分水嶺發展中,Pandoshi 也在 Google Play 商店上推出了備受期待的 Pandoshi 錢包的測試版。 Pandoshi 錢包為用戶提供了進入 Pandoshi 生態系統的非託管網關,最初專注於支援基於以太坊的資產和 dApp。

Plans are already underway to broaden support to non-Ethereum blockchain networks in future app updates, bringing the versatility of the Pandoshi Wallet to an even wider crypto audience. An iOS release is also in the works to improve accessibility.

我們已經計劃在未來的應用程式更新中擴大對非以太坊區塊鏈網路的支持,從而將 Pandoshi 錢包的多功能性帶給更廣泛的加密受眾。 iOS 版本也正在開發中,以提高可訪問性。

The delivery of the community-powered Pandoshi Wallet aligns firmly with the project’s emphasis on transparency, user privacy, and driving progress through open-source collaboration.

由社群驅動的 Pandoshi 錢包的交付與該專案對透明度、用戶隱私和透過開源協作推動進步的強調完全一致。

Click Here To Take Part In Pandoshi Presale

點擊此處參加 Pandoshi 預售

PAMBO Value Economics 


PAMBO, Pandoshi’s native token, embraces a deflationary tokenomics model to produce in-built scarcity that boosts its investment appeal. The ecosystem’s design ensures a share of all proceeds from activities like trading fees are redirected towards permanently removing PAMBO tokens from circulation.

PAMBO 是 Pandoshi 的原生代幣,採用通縮代幣經濟模型來產生內在的稀缺性,從而增強其投資吸引力。該生態系統的設計確保交易費用等活動的所有收益的一部分被重定向到永久地將 PAMBO 代幣從流通中移除。

This symmetrical approach of fixing PAMBO’s total supply while systematically decreasing tokens in public availability stimulates growth in inherent value.  

這種固定 PAMBO 總供應量同時系統性減少公共可用代幣的對稱方法刺激了內在價值的成長。

PAMBO Presale Opens Doors

PAMBO 預售開啟

The ongoing PAMBO presale enables investors to acquire the asset at discounted fixed rates before eventual exchange listings. 1 billion of the total 2 billion tokens are up for purchase by presale participants at the current rate of $0.008 per token. 

正在進行的 PAMBO 預售使投資者能夠在最終交易所上市之前以固定利率折扣購買資產。總共 20 億枚代幣中的 10 億枚可供預售參與者以目前每枚代幣 0.008 美元的價格購買。

Based on projections, PAMBO could ascend to prices upwards of $50 by late 2024, translating to triple-digit percentage gains for early presale buyers. Listings on leading exchanges like Uniswap, Coinbase and Binance will ignite massive price rallies.

根據預測,到 2024 年底,PAMBO 的價格可能會升至 50 美元以上,這意味著早期預售買家的百分比漲幅將達到三位數。 Uniswap、Coinbase 和 Binance 等領先交易所的上市將引發大規模的價格上漲。

Dogecoin’s Diminishing Value


Unlike Pandoshi’s multifunctional ecosystem, Dogecoin lacks utility apart from payments and value storage. Initially viral for its community-led meme status, Dogecoin’s clout has faded.

與 Pandoshi 的多功能生態系統不同,狗狗幣除了支付和價值儲存之外缺乏實用性。狗狗幣最初因其社區主導的迷因地位而廣為人知,但現在它的影響力已經減弱。

The lost involvement of key backer Elon Musk and doubts around efficiency compared to Pandoshi’s staking mechanism further diminish bullish Dogecoin perspectives.

與 Pandoshi 的質押機制相比,主要支持者 Elon Musk 失去參與以及對效率的懷疑進一步削弱了狗狗幣的看漲前景。

Concluding Thoughts 


As Pandoshi continues to gain traction in 2024, analysts agree on its potential to eclipse Dogecoin’s market capitalization this year. Its balance of crypto innovation and everyday personal finance applicability establishes PAMBO as a formidable challenger to Dogecoin.

隨著 Pandoshi 在 2024 年繼續受到關注,分析師一致認為今年有可能超越狗狗幣的市值。其加密貨幣創新和日常個人理財適用性的平衡使 PAMBO 成為狗狗幣的強大挑戰者。

For investors, Pandoshi’s presale offers the optimal window to participate before the post-listing price surges. With token prices near launch levels, now could be the prime opportunity to buy into this burgeoning ecosystem. 

對於投資者來說,Pandoshi 的預售提供了在上市後價格飆升之前參與的最佳窗口。隨著代幣價格接近發行水平,現在可能是購買這個新興生態系統的絕佳機會。

Click Here To Take Part In Pandoshi Presale

點擊此處參加 Pandoshi 預售

Visit the links below for more information about Pandoshi (PAMBO):

有關 Pandoshi (PAMBO) 的更多信息,請訪問以下連結:


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