首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣 (DOGE)、Kaspa (KAS)、Mollars 或比特幣 (BTC)——哪種加密貨幣可以從 250 美元的投資中獲得 55,000 美元的收益?

Dogecoin (DOGE), Kaspa (KAS), Mollars, or Bitcoin (BTC) — Which Crypto Can Yield $55,000 From A $250 Investment?

狗狗幣 (DOGE)、Kaspa (KAS)、Mollars 或比特幣 (BTC)——哪種加密貨幣可以從 250 美元的投資中獲得 55,000 美元的收益?

發布: 2024/01/22 06:06 閱讀: 540



A project designed to function as a Bitcoin alternative is rapidly gaining popularity among Ethereum Blockchain users. Mollars, a decentralized currency with an extremely limited supply has just started its 3rd round of the token presale today.

一個旨在作為比特幣替代品的項目正在以太坊區塊鏈用戶中迅速流行。 Mollars是一種供應極其有限的去中心化貨幣,今天剛開始第三輪代幣預售。

In around two weeks, the funding rounds have sold nearly a tenth of the overall supply, averaging 100,000 tokens sold daily. Buyers anticipate significant returns over the year, potentially making $55,000 off every $250.00 invested.

在大約兩週的時間裡,融資輪售出了總供應量的近十分之一,平均每天售出 10 萬個代幣。買家預計今年會獲得豐厚回報,每投資 250.00 美元可能會節省 55,000 美元。

The reason for the rapidly growing popularity is the fact that Mollars is designed to solve an important issue for crypto investors: Bitcoin’s record-high fees. In essence, $MOLLARS was created to function as a store of value in the ERC-20,

之所以如此受歡迎,是因為 Mollars 旨在解決加密貨幣投資者的一個重要問題:比特幣創紀錄的高額費用。本質上,$MOLLARS 的創建是為了作為 ERC-20 中的價值儲存手段,

How will Mollars Return $55,000 From $250 Invested?

Mollars 將如何從 250 美元投資中收回 55,000 美元?

Given the growing demand experienced over the past weeks, imagining a scenario where a token similar to Bitcoin could mimic its growth trajectory is not unfeasible. Mollars has a supply more limited than BTC itself at 10 million tokens. This aspect, when paired with growing interest in the project could lead to a substantial increase.

鑑於過去幾週不斷增長的需求,想像一種類似比特幣的代幣可以模仿其成長軌跡的場景並非不可行。 Mollars 的供應量比 BTC 本身更有限,為 1000 萬個代幣。當這一方面與對該項目日益增長的興趣相結合時,可能會導致大幅增長。

The capped supply contributes to its scarcity, a factor that has historically driven the value of cryptocurrencies. Also, functioning as a Store-of-Value in the most active blockchain in the world is also poised to enhance its value proposition over time.


In terms of potential valuation, there is a conceivable scenario where Mollars could reach a value of $100, mirroring the historic ascent of Bitcoin. This could translate into a remarkable return of $55,000 for every $250 invested today

就潛在估值而言,可以想像 Mollar 的價值可能會達到 100 美元,這反映了比特幣的歷史性上漲。這意味著今天每投資 250 美元即可獲得 55,000 美元的驚人回報。

The ongoing momentum in the cryptocurrency market serves as a driving force for tokens like Mollars, propelling them to higher valuations. Drawing parallels with BTC’s historic trajectory, the new currency may experience significant appreciation if demand trends persist, providing investors with a potential avenue for substantial returns.

加密貨幣市場的持續成長勢頭成為 Mollars 等代幣的驅動力,推動它們估值更高。與比特幣的歷史軌跡相似,如果需求趨勢持續下去,這種新貨幣可能會大幅升值,為投資者提供獲得豐厚回報的潛在途徑。

Back in 2011, $BTC was valued at less than a cent. Today, the asset trades above the $40,000 zone, with predictions of reaching $1.5 million by 2030 after the recent spot ETF approval. 

早在 2011 年,BTC 的價值還不到 1 美分。如今,該資產交易價格高於 4 萬美元區域,預計在最近現貨 ETF 獲得批准後,到 2030 年將達到 150 萬美元。

When comparing its ability to grow to an already renowned currency, the risk/reward ratio for $MOLLARS investors is another incentive for buying the token. Currencies tend to make the most profits in the years following its ICO, and given the success of this project’s funding rounds, expectations are booming about the future of the token.

當將其成長能力與已經知名的貨幣進行比較時,$MOLLARS 投資者的風險/回報比是購買該代幣的另一個動機。貨幣往往在 ICO 之後的幾年裡獲得最多的利潤,並且鑑於該項目幾輪融資的成功,人們對代幣的未來抱有很高的期望。

Overall, investors who are active in the market but like to keep their assets in the more ‘stable’ Bitcoin are dealing with harsh fees, as well as undesirable market fluctuations. 


A recent example of a single swap on the Bitcoin blockchain incurring a substantial transaction fee raises over $123,000 questions about the sustainability of such costs, creating an opening for alternatives like Mollars.

最近,比特幣區塊鏈上的單次互換會產生大量交易費用,引發了有關此類成本可持續性的超過 123,000 美元的問題,為 Mollar 等替代品創造了機會。

Mollars is positioned as a potential contender for investors seeking alternatives with store-of-value benefits. Its significant returns without the burden of exorbitant transaction costs make it an appealing option for those looking to diversify their cryptocurrency portfolio.

Mollars 被定位為尋求具有價值儲存效益的替代品的投資者的潛在競爭者。其可觀的回報且無需承擔過高的交易成本,使其成為那些希望實現加密貨幣投資組合多元化的人的有吸引力的選擇。

「Mollars 節省美元」—世界上最受歡迎的區塊鏈上的智慧解決方案

The Alternative Option, currently in the works, is exemplified by the Mollars.com Initial Coin Offering (ICO). This marks the launch of a Bitcoin alternative, developed on the Ethereum blockchain for optimal efficiency. 

目前正在實施的替代方案以 Mollars.com 首次代幣發行 (ICO) 為例。這標誌著在以太坊區塊鏈上開發的比特幣替代品的推出,以實現最佳效率。

Positioned as the leading crypto blockchain, the Mollars Store-of-Value (SOV) token is expected to provide a cost-effective and speedy transaction process for buying and selling cryptocurrencies. Astute investors are eagerly taking part in this development, with significant investments from well-known players seeking favorable rates during the presale stage of the new SOV token. 

Mollars 價值儲存(SOV)代幣定位為領先的加密區塊鏈,預計將為買賣加密貨幣提供經濟高效且快速的交易流程。精明的投資者正熱切地參與這一發展,知名企業在新 SOV 代幣的預售階段尋求優惠利率,進行了大量投資。

Currently valued at US$0.45 each, the $MOLLARS token is projected to launch priced at $0.62 upon its ICO in the cryptocurrency market.

$MOLLARS 代幣目前的價格為每枚 0.45 美元,預計在加密貨幣市場上進行 ICO 後將以 0.62 美元的價格發行。

What would ROI Yields Be On a $250 Investment in Dogecoin (DOGE) or KASPA (KAS) If Token Value Reached $100?

如果代幣價值達到 100 美元,投資 250 美元的狗狗幣 (DOGE) 或 KASPA (KAS) 的投資報酬率會是多少?

Other tokens on the market who are not so likely to make the $100 milestone but would make goliath yields if they did, are Dogecoin (DOGE) and Kaspa (KAS). 

市場上其他不太可能達到 100 美元里程碑的代幣是狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和卡斯帕 (KAS)。

These are memecoins and not store-of-value tokens like Bitcoin & Mollars.  They are not scarce at all.

這些是迷因幣,而不是像比特幣和 Mollars 這樣的價值儲存代幣。它們一點也不稀缺。

Bitcoin & Mollars Total Token Supplies

比特幣和 Mollar 代幣供應總量

Bitcoin has a total token supply of 21,000,000 coins being minted. Mollars has a TTS of 10-million tokens being minted.  Kaspa (KAS) and Dogecoin (DOGE) are far different. They are not scarce.  

比特幣的總發行量為 21,000,000 枚。 Mollars 的 TTS 已鑄造 1000 萬枚代幣。 Kaspa(KAS)和狗狗幣(DOGE)有很大不同。它們並不稀缺。

What is the Kaspa (KAS) coin’s total supply?

Kaspa (KAS) 幣的總供應量是多少?

Kaspa has a total supply of 28,700,000,000 (billions) coins.   Its current price is US$0.1024 and unfortunately on a downtrend.

Kaspa 的總供應量為 28,700,000,000(十億)枚代幣。目前的價格為 0.1024 美元,不幸的是處於下降趨勢。

This supply is too many tokens for a typical cryptocurrency and would require massive adoption to become ‘in demand.’   All of China’s 1.4-billion citizens would need to own 20 of these $KAS tokens to create a fractional division level of demand for crypto.

對於典型的加密貨幣來說,這種供應量太多了,需要大量採用才能成為「需求」。所有中國14 億公民都需要擁有20 個這樣的$KAS 代幣,才能創造對加密貨幣的部分需求水平。

If the Kaspa coin were somehow able to find a demand to sell out the supply and push prices to US$100, then a $250 investment today would become worth a plump US$243,891.   Not a bad number at all, as it’s enough to pay off 50% of a nice home in America today.

如果 Kaspa 幣能夠以某種方式找到需求來出售供應並將價格推至 100 美元,那麼今天 250 美元的投資將價值 243,891 美元。這個數字一點也不差,因為它足以還清當今美國一套好房子 50% 的貸款。

That stellar amount would be an ROI yield of +97,556.25%.  Not a record breaking profit yield for cryptos but it’s definitely an investor’s dream to see such growth in the portfolio in less than 10 years.

這筆巨額資金的投資報酬率為 +97,556.25%。雖然加密貨幣的利潤率還沒有破紀錄,但在不到 10 年的時間內看到投資組合實現如此成長絕對是投資者的夢想。

Kapsa (KAS) token saw its peak last year on December 4th.  It rose to a high of $0.1452 and has since fallen back down to 10-cents per coin.

Kapsa (KAS) 代幣於去年 12 月 4 日達到頂峰。它升至 0.1452 美元的高位,此後又回落至每枚 10 美分。

What is Dogecoin ($DOGE) token’s total supply?

狗狗幣 ($DOGE) 代幣的總供應量是多少?

The original memecoin, Dogecoin, has a total supply of 142,720,000,000  [billion] tokens.   That’s a dog-gone massive amount of cryptocoins to have to get rid of to create ‘fractional demand.’ 

最初的 memecoin(狗狗幣)的總供應量為 142,720,000,000 [十億] 代幣。為了創造“部分需求”,必須擺脫大量的加密貨幣。

Like Kaspa, Shiba Inu, and countless others, this is an amount that will likely never find a buyer demand sufficient enough to make the token high value.  However, having billionaire Elon Musk’s support helps massively.  The only problem is that for now, the Tesla Motors and X [formerly Twitter] head honcho seems to be ignoring the token turned coin.

與 Kaspa、Shiba Inu 和無數其他代幣一樣,這個金額可能永遠無法滿足買家的需求,足以使代幣具有高價值。然而,億萬富翁伊隆馬斯克的支持有很大幫助。唯一的問題是,目前特斯拉汽車公司和 X [前 Twitter] 的負責人似乎忽略了代幣轉型的硬幣。

Nonetheless, if the $DOGE token finds  ultimate success and becomes a payment tool for X and Tesla, perhaps it could move upwards significantly.  If the memecoin were to become worth $100 from today’s price of $0.078, a $250 investment today would become worth $320,262.    

儘管如此,如果 $DOGE 代幣最終取得成功並成為 X 和 Tesla 的支付工具,也許它可能會大幅上漲。如果 memecoin 從今天的 0.078 美元價格上漲到 100 美元,那麼今天 250 美元的投資將價值 320,262 美元。

The ROI yields exactly would be +128,105.13% and leave traders with a total profit of US$320,512.  For this to happen however, Dogecoin’s commercial adoption would have to match brand value.   Restaurants, retail stores, and more would need to accept the coin and possibly a spot ETF acception.

投資報酬率為 +128,105.13%,交易者總利潤為 320,512 美元。然而,要做到這一點,狗狗幣的商業採用必須與品牌價值相符。餐廳、零售店等需要接受代幣,可能還需要接受現貨 ETF。

The importance of total token supply is important when buying a store-of-value token that has long-term utility against global inflation.  This is why tokens like Mollars (MOLLARS) and Bitcoin (BTC) are so valuable in comparison to memecoins.  The infrastructure is far different.

在購買具有對抗全球通膨的長期效用的價值儲存代幣時,代幣總供應量的重要性非常重要。這就是為什麼像 Mollars (MOLLARS) 和比特幣 (BTC) 這樣的代幣與迷因幣相比如此有價值。基礎設施有很大不同。

3 Reasons Mollars Is Better Than Bitcoin

Molars 優於比特幣的 3 個理由

Between Mollars ($MOLLARS) and Bitcoin ($BTC) there are also differences that could create a major shift in the rankings of store of value cryptos.

Mollars ($MOLLARS) 和比特幣 ($BTC) 之間也存在差異,可能會導致價值存儲加密貨幣排名發生重大轉變。

Mollars has 3 things going in its favor above Bitcoin.  

與比特幣相比,Mollars 有 3 個優勢。

One, it’s based on a better blockchain.  Smart money and wise crypt investors will not repeat the insane practice of giving away their money to the Bitcoin-Blockchain when there is a new, better, and cheaper to use store-of-value token.  Not unless giving away money freely and losses is their aim in trading.


Second, Mollars has major demand currently.   Over 80,000 tokens have been sold in the Mollars.com ICO for at least 10 days, according to the presale’s Ethereum transaction address.  One day over 150,000 tokens were sold.  This demand meeting a low supply of 10-million total tokens available, means the price will go parabolic.    It will ‘rip’ upwards and become the undisputed best cryptocurrency investment of 2024.

其次,Mollars目前需求量較大。根據預售的以太坊交易地址,超過 80,000 枚代幣在 Mollars.com ICO 中已售出至少 10 天。一天,超過 15 萬個代幣被售出。這種需求滿足了 1,000 萬個可用代幣的低供應量,這意味著價格將呈現拋物線成長。它將「上漲」並成為 2024 年無可爭議的最佳加密貨幣投資。

Bitcoin has a total coin supply of 21-million tokens.  And truly, only 20-million tokens in reality as 1M tokens were kept by the $BTC Founder, Satoshi Nakamoto. He’s now worth US$40,000,000 [billions] if he still has that full supply today.

比特幣的總供應量為 2,100 萬枚。事實上,$BTC 創辦人中本聰實際上只保留了 2,000 萬枚代幣,相當於 100 萬枚代幣。如果他今天仍然擁有充足的供應,他現在的身價為 40,000,000 美元(十億美元)。

To put this into perspective, not even the United States government, who holds the biggest $BTC supply of all global governments, does not have as much as Nakamoto.  According to a recent visual-graphic, the US gov’t has only 215,000 BitcoinsChina has 190,000 coins, following in close second.

從這個角度來看,即使是擁有全球各國政府中最大的美元比特幣供應量的美國政府,也沒有中本聰那麼多。根據最近的可視化圖表,美國政府只有 215,000 個比特幣。中國擁有 19 萬枚硬幣,緊隨其後。

Third, that ownership flaw is the last major keypoint.   Mollars is better than Bitcoin, Dogecoin, and Kaspa for this reason. All of those cryptocurrencies’ founders kept a hidden supply of tokens in their digital wallets from their ICO’s inception.  They never ‘bought’ the tokens, they simply gifted themselves millions of dollars worth of their creation, during the creation.   

第三,所有權缺陷是最後一個主要關鍵點。因此,Mollars 比比特幣、狗狗幣和 Kaspa 更好。所有這些加密貨幣的創始人從 ICO 一開始就在其數位錢包中保留了隱藏的代幣供應。他們從未「購買」這些代幣,他們只是在創作過程中將價值數百萬美元的作品送給了自己。

Mollars creator(s) are giving no one free tokens. The full total supply of 10-million tokens will be up for sale. Everyone will have equal opportunity for owning a whole token.  Any trader that holds a $MOLLARS token will have to buy it

Mollars 的創建者不會向任何人提供免費代幣。 1000 萬枚代幣的全部供應量將進行出售。每個人都有平等的機會擁有整個代幣。任何持有 $MOLLARS 代幣的交易者都必須購買它

The founder(s) of the new store-of-value token calls their idealism ‘selfless crypto’ and true decentralization. In a recent reddit post, Mollars forefather(s) explained the entire team behind the Bitcoin-alternative simply wanted to know they solved a major problem in the process of finding true financial freedom for the world. 

新的價值儲存代幣的創始人稱他們的理想主義為「無私的加密貨幣」和真正的去中心化。在最近的 Reddit 貼文中,莫拉斯的祖先解釋說,比特幣替代品背後的整個團隊只是想知道他們在為世界尋找真正的金融自由的過程中解決了一個主要問題。

And the ‘talk’ is not just talk. A recent audit by Cyperscope verifies the Mollars smart contract is compliant with advertised tokenomics and is secure.

而且「談話」不只是談話。 Cyperscope 最近的審計驗證了 Mollar 智能合約符合宣傳的代幣經濟學並且是安全的。

As the Mollars token presale nears 800,000 tokens sold, it looks to be the one true token that could yield a $55,000 per $250 invested today.   It is expected to be 2024’s prime cryptocurrency and next to see a parabolic uptrend since Shiba Inu (SHIB) in 2021.  

隨著 Mollars 代幣預售接近 800,000 個,它看起來是一個真正的代幣,今天每投資 250 美元可以產生 55,000 美元的收益。預計它將成為 2024 年的主要加密貨幣,並且自 2021 年 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 以來將出現拋物線上升趨勢。

View the latest stats of the ‘Unicorn’ cryptocurrency at its official website – Mollars.com.

在其官方網站 Mollars.com 上查看“獨角獸”加密貨幣的最新統計數據。

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狗狗幣 (DOGE)、Kaspa (KAS)、Mollars 或比特幣 (BTC) 後 — 哪種加密貨幣可以從 250 美元的投資中獲得 55,000 美元的收益?首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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