首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣 (DOGE) 兌 2 美元? Meme 幣的歷史模式預示著大規模飆升

Dogecoin (DOGE) to $2? Meme Coin’s Historical Patterns Point to Massive Surge

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 兌 2 美元? Meme 幣的歷史模式預示著大規模飆升

發布: 2024/06/27 19:48 閱讀: 434



狗狗幣 (DOGE) 兌 2 美元? Meme 幣的歷史模式預示著大規模飆升

Dogecoin (DOGE) Could Reach $2 This Cycle, Study Suggests

研究表明,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 本週期可能達到 2 美元

FieryTrading's analysis on TradingView predicts that Dogecoin (DOGE) could potentially reach $2 during the current market cycle. This forecast is based on historical price trends and market behavior in previous cycles.

FieryTrading 對 TradingView 的分析預測,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 在當前市場週期內可能會達到 2 美元。該預測基於歷史價格趨勢和之前週期的市場行為。

Historical Price Action Analysis


FieryTrading's analysis focuses on DOGE's performance in past bull cycles, highlighting significant price increases:

FieryTrading 的分析重點在於 DOGE 在過去牛市週期中的表現,強調了價格的大幅上漲:

  • A 9,000% growth 38 months after the previous market peak
  • A 30,000% surge 34 months after the preceding cycle peak

The expert notes that February 2024 falls approximately 33 months after the last major DOGE price rise, aligning with the timeframes observed in previous bull markets.

上一市場高峰後38 個月增長9,000% 上一周期高峰後34 個月飆升30,000% 專家指出,2024 年2 月是DOGE 價格上次大幅上漲後約33 個月,這與之前牛市中觀察到的時間框架一致。

Potential for Significant Growth


While past performance may not directly translate into future outcomes, the expert suggests that even a fraction of the growth seen in earlier cycles could propel Dogecoin to new highs. The analysis indicates that a price target of $1 or even $2 is plausible based on historical precedents.

雖然過去的表現可能不會直接轉化為未來的結果,但專家表示,即使是早期週期中的一小部分增長也可能推動狗狗幣創下新高。分析表明,根據歷史先例,1 美元甚至 2 美元的目標價是合理的。

FieryTrading emphasizes that the analysis is based on only two previous occurrences under significantly different market conditions. The prediction relies primarily on timing, and the analyst cautions that the scenario may not unfold precisely as presented.

FieryTrading 強調,該分析僅基於先前在截然不同的市場條件下發生的兩次事件。該預測主要取決於時間,分析師警告說,情況可能不會完全按照所呈現的那樣展開。

Community Discussion and Speculation


The analysis has sparked discussion within the cryptocurrency community, with investors re-evaluating DOGE's potential in the current market cycle. FieryTrading encourages readers to share their insights on Dogecoin's prospects, underscoring the speculative nature of meme coins and the influence of community sentiment on price action.

該分析引發了加密貨幣社群內的討論,投資者重新評估了 DOGE 在當前市場週期中的潛力。 FieryTrading 鼓勵讀者分享他們對狗狗幣前景的見解,強調迷因幣的投機性質以及社群情緒對價格行為的影響。


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