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Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Analysis: Will the Rally Continue?


發布: 2023/12/08 06:17 閱讀: 515



Meme coin king has surpassed the $0.1 mark after a long hiatus, but this did not last long due to the fluctuation in BTC price. While discussing the important developments of the week, we previously mentioned that the king cryptocurrency would continue on a positive trajectory until Friday, but it could stabilize due to the impact of the future data on Friday. It happened, so what’s next?


Dogecoin (DOGE)

狗狗幣 (DOGE)

Readings on the weekly chart indicate that the DOGE price has surpassed the 900-day trend line. Previously, the price had made three unsuccessful attempts to break through the tough resistance. Now, we have seen a new local peak at $0.106. The summit seen in the 10th year of Dogecoin needs to be taken further; otherwise, this will be an unsuccessful fourth attempt.

週線圖上的讀數顯示 DOGE 價格已突破 900 日趨勢線。此前,價格曾三度嘗試突破強阻力,但均未成功。現在,我們看到了新的局部峰值 0.106 美元。狗狗幣第十年的巔峰還需要進一步推進;否則,這將是第四次失敗的嘗試。

The RSI indicates that the rise may continue. The BTC price has returned to $43,780 after the recent drop. Whether altcoins will continue to rise depends on at which level BTC will consolidate. If the price lingers in this range for a while, it will provide an opportunity for impressive rallies for altcoins, even if only for a few weeks.

RSI表明上漲可能會持續。 BTC價格在近期下跌後已回到43,780美元。山寨幣是否會繼續上漲取決於比特幣將在哪個水平進行整合。如果價格在這個範圍內徘徊一段時間,它將為山寨幣提供令人印象深刻的反彈機會,即使只有幾週。

DOGE Price Prediction


The outlook on the weekly chart is still positive, but the setups are reflected late here. Investors watch the daily chart to predict shorter-term movements. Despite reaching the highest level of the new year, the length of the last upper wick on the daily time frame chart is concerning.


Long upper wicks reflect dominant sales, and DOGE has been unable to overcome resistance due to intense supply from large investors for months. If the selling wave gains momentum again, the rally target may have been met. This is particularly noteworthy while there is a correction risk in the BTC price.

長上影線反映了銷售的主導地位,而由於大型投資者幾個月來的大量供應,DOGE 一直無法克服阻力。如果拋售浪潮再次獲得動力,則反彈目標可能已經達到。在比特幣價格存在回調風險的情況下,這一點尤其值得注意。

The $0.095 resistance area that has been stationary since the beginning of the year is crucial for the future of the price. Popular Turkish crypto analyst floud said he exited his position since the price reached the resistance.

自今年年初以來一直穩定的 0.095 美元阻力區域對於價格的未來至關重要。受歡迎的土耳其加密貨幣分析師弗洛德表示,自從價格達到阻力位後,他就平倉了。

“I sold 95% of the spot (with a 50% profit) and all of my margin position (with an average profit of 20%) in the red box. Losing the $0.085 level can create a squeeze. If it falls into the green box, I would consider buying again, close to the price. Enjoy.”

「我在紅色方框中賣出了 95% 的現貨(利潤為 50%)和所有保證金頭寸(平均利潤為 20%)。失去 0.085 美元的水平可能會造成擠壓。如果落入綠框,我會考慮再次購買,接近價格。享受。”

Despite the price movement being in the downward direction, the daily RSI is in the upward direction. The route that the Bitcoin price will follow and whether the DOGE price can remain above the resistance will be decisive for the future. If we see a successful breakout, there could be a 50% increase to $0.145. On the contrary, we could see a drop to $0.07.

儘管價格走勢向下,但每日 RSI 卻向上。比特幣價格將遵循的路線以及DOGE價格能否保持在阻力位上方將對未來產生決定性影響。如果我們看到成功突破,可能會上漲 50% 至 0.145 美元。相反,我們可能會看到跌至 0.07 美元。

Disclaimer: The information contained in this article does not constitute investment advice under any circumstances. Investors should be aware of the high volatility of cryptocurrencies and therefore conduct their transactions in line with their own research.


Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/dogecoin-doge-price-analysis-will-the-rally-continue/



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