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Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Bullish Potential Identified Amid Spike in Network Growth


發布: 2023/12/24 19:02 閱讀: 619



In a recent analysis, renowned crypto market analyst Ali Martinez highlighted a compelling outlook for Dogecoin (DOGE), indicating a notable surge in network expansion. The surge in the creation of new DOGE addresses has been consistent, reaching unprecedented highs and laying the groundwork for a potential upward price action.

在最近的分析中,著名的加密貨幣市場分析師 Ali Martinez 強調了狗狗幣(DOGE)令人信服的前景,顯示網路擴張顯著激增。新 DOGE 地址的創建量持續激增,達到前所未有的高點,並為潛在的價格上漲奠定了基礎。

Data presented by Martinez, utilizing information from IntoTheBlock, reveals a striking 31.35% increase in new DOGE addresses over the past seven days. The surge became particularly evident less than two weeks ago, when the daily count of new addresses on the Dogecoin network skyrocketed from 50,000 to an impressive 193,000 on Dec. 13.

Martinez 利用 IntoTheBlock 提供的資訊提供的數據顯示,過去 7 天內新 DOGE 地址增長了 31.35%。不到兩週前,這一激增變得尤為明顯,當時狗狗幣網路上的每日新地址數量從 50,000 個激增至 12 月 13 日令人印象深刻的 193,000 個。

Since that remarkable spike, the daily figure has consistently maintained levels above 86,700 new addresses.

自那次顯著的飆升以來,每日新增地址數量一直保持在 86,700 個以上的水平。

Source: Ali Martinez


Active addresses in the last 24 hours have reached a substantial 166,820, reflecting the growing engagement within the Dogecoin community. Furthermore, the number of addresses holding a non-zero DOGE balance has surged to 97,140 in the same period, marking a staggering 246% increase from just three days earlier.

過去 24 小時內的活躍地址已達到 166,820 個,反映出狗狗幣社群的參與度不斷增長。此外,持有非零 DOGE 餘額的地址數量在同一時期激增至 97,140 個,較三天前增加了 246%。

Will history repeat itself?


This surge in network activity mirrors patterns observed at the end of November, preceding a 35% price increase for DOGE at the time. Despite an 11% subsequent dip, the current price of DOGE stands at $0.0947.

網路活動的激增反映了 11 月底觀察到的模式,當時 DOGE 的價格上漲了 35%。儘管隨後下跌 11%,DOGE 目前的價格仍為 0.0947 美元。

DOGE to USD by CoinMarketCap

透過 CoinMarketCap 將 DOGE 兌換為 USD

The question now lingers: Will history repeat itself, and will the optimistic vision of the analyst be justified?


As the crypto market eagerly watches these developments, the surge in network growth has ignited speculation about the potential for a bullish trend in Dogecoin's price. Traders await the coming days to see if the patterns observed in network dynamics will once again translate into a positive trajectory for DOGE.

隨著加密貨幣市場熱切關注這些發展,網路成長的激增引發了人們對狗狗幣價格可能出現看漲趨勢的猜測。交易者等待未來幾天,看看網路動態中觀察到的模式是否會再次轉化為 DOGE 的積極軌跡。


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