首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 分析師:狗狗幣(DOGE)價格突破這一障礙後可能會翻倍

Dogecoin (DOGE) Price May Double After Breaking Through This Hurdle: Analyst


發布: 2023/11/29 19:19 閱讀: 718




Cryptocurrency analyst and trader known on X social media platform as Ali (@ali_charts) has shared a Dogecoin chart and his professional opinion as to what the original meme cryptocurrency needs in order to reach a new major high at $0.14 per coin.

在X 社群媒體平台上被稱為Ali (@ali_charts) 的加密貨幣分析師和交易員分享了狗狗幣圖表,以及他對原始迷因加密貨幣需要什麼才能達到每枚代幣0.14 美元的新高的專業意見。

In the meantime, Dogecoin has reached a new milestone related to a major metric of its utility — transaction count — and a top DOGE developer has offered his vision of what is happening.


Dogecoin may double its price, analyst says


Ali stated that, currently, the original meme coin has faced a major barrier on the weekly chart as DOGE is stuck at $0.087. This crucial level on the chart is the spot where the 0.786 Fibonacci level and both the 100-week and 200-week EMAs have met and formed a hurdle for DOGE that is hard to get through.

Ali 表示,目前,原始 Meme 代幣在周線圖上面臨重大障礙,DOGE 停留在 0.087 美元。圖表上的這個關鍵水平是 0.786 斐波那契水平以及 100 週和 200 週 EMA 相遇的位置,並形成 DOGE 難以跨越的障礙。

Ali believes that once the popular meme cryptocurrency breaks beyond this barrier, it may have a chance to "nearly double its price" and target a high at the $0.14 level.

阿里認為,一旦流行的 meme 加密貨幣突破這一障礙,它可能有機會“價格幾乎翻倍”,並瞄準 0.14 美元的高點。

#Dogecoin | On the weekly chart, $DOGE faces a major hurdle at $0.087. This crucial level is marked by the convergence of the 0.786 Fibonacci level and both the 100-week and 200-week EMAs.Breaking past this barrier could open the gates for #DOGE to nearly double its price,… pic.twitter.com/ALOUDuwKAy

#狗狗幣 |在周線圖上,DOGE 面臨 0.087 美元的主要障礙。這個關鍵水平的標誌是 0.786 斐波那契水平以及 100 週和 200 週 EMA 的收斂。突破這一障礙可能會為 #DOGE 的價格幾乎翻倍打開大門,… pic.twitter.com/ALOUDuwKAy

— Ali (@ali_charts) November 28, 2023

— 阿里 (@ali_charts) 2023 年 11 月 28 日

DOGE transaction count hits new high


Prominent Dogecoin developer and community influencer @mishaboar has taken to the X platform to share the news about a new high that the DOGE transfer count has just set — and not for the first time since the weekend.

著名的狗狗幣開發者和社群影響者 @mishaboar 已在 X 平台上分享了狗狗幣轉帳數量剛剛創下新高的消息,這並不是自周末以來的第一次。

On Friday, the overall DOGE transaction count surged roughly above the one million level, and it surpassed both the Bitcoin and Ethereum chains on this metric. Now, Mishaboar has reported that this crucial metric has reached a major new high of almost 1.5 million transactions within the span of the past 24 hours.

週五,DOGE 總交易量飆升至 100 萬以上,在這一指標上超過了比特幣和以太坊鏈。現在,Mishaboar 報告稱,這一關鍵指標在過去 24 小時內已達到近 150 萬筆交易的新高。

The developer, however, believes that the greatest part of this huge traffic was due to very small transfers; a lot of users are taking advantage of the Dogecoin network as it generously offers low fees and dust limits.


Nearly 1.5M transaction on the #Dogecoin network over the past 24 hours. Most of the traffic is connected to dust (very small transaction taking advantage of Dogecoin's low fees and dust limits). Please note that the Dogecoin network is chugging along just fine and you can… pic.twitter.com/ArDsOLEgcm

在過去 24 小時內,#Dogecoin 網路上發生了近 150 萬筆交易。大部分的流量都與灰塵有關(利用狗狗幣的低費用和灰塵限制的非常小交易)。請注意,狗狗幣網路運作良好,您可以… pic.twitter.com/ArDsOLEgcm

— Mishaboar (@mishaboar) November 28, 2023

- Mishaboar (@mishaboar) 2023 年 11 月 28 日

Mishaboar reminded the community of Dogecoin users that the network is functioning perfectly, without any congestion, and users can add extra fees for faster transactions. These fees will still be low compared to the ones on the Bitcoin and Ethereum chains.


The only negative thing about this massive transaction surge is that the blockchain increases over a short period of time and this, in return, forces operators to put more resources into their nodes. This may be expensive to those operators who run their nodes with respectable host providers.


As for the first transaction surge for DOGE, Ali believes that this was caused by the growing interest of whales and financial institutions in Dogecoin. DOGE cofounder Billy Markus tweeted that the inflow of traffic was caused by people transferring Dogecoin Ordinals (Dogedinals) and DRC-20-based coins at low fees.

至於DOGE的首次交易激增,阿里認為這是鯨魚和金融機構對狗狗幣興趣日益濃厚造成的。 DOGE聯合創始人Billy Markus在推特上表示,流量流入是由於人們以低廉的費用轉移狗狗幣序數(Dogedinals)和基於DRC-20的代幣造成的。

DOGE surpasses BTC and ADA by important metric

DOGE 在重要指標上超越了 BTC 和 ADA

Earlier this week, U.Today reported that the amount of new Dogecoin wallets had started to increase, while the same metric for Bitcoin started to flatten, and it has been dropping for ADA wallets.

本週早些時候,《今日美國》報道稱,新狗狗幣錢包的數量已開始增加,而比特幣的同一指標開始趨於平緩,並且 ADA 錢包的數量一直在下降。

This data was shared by prominent on-chain data aggregator Santiment. In particular, the staggering 51.9 million Bitcoin wallets have seen merely 0.25% growth in the past four days, according to the Santiment report.

該數據由著名的鏈上數據聚合商 Santiment 共享。特別是,根據 Santiment 報告,在過去四天裡,令人震驚的 5,190 萬個比特幣錢包僅增長了 0.25%。

The number of 4.46 ADA wallets has decreased by 0.59% within the last 10 days. Only the number of Dogecoin wallets has grown from 5.39 million by 2.52% in the last few days.

4.46 ADA 錢包的數量在過去 10 天內減少了 0.59%。光是狗狗幣錢包的數量在過去幾天就從 539 萬個增加了 2.52%。

Over the past 24 hours, the original meme coin, DOGE, has staged 5.41% growth, reaching the $0.0811 level.

在過去的 24 小時內,最初的 meme 幣 DOGE 上漲了 5.41%,達到 0.0811 美元的水平。


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