首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 隨著馬斯克的 X payment 即將推出,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 價格上漲

Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Goes Green as Elon Musk's Xpayments Nears Launch

隨著馬斯克的 X payment 即將推出,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 價格上漲

發布: 2024/01/21 17:34 閱讀: 931



The price of Dogecoin (DOGE) has experienced an unexpected surge, soaring by more than 14% within a mere 12 hours. The cryptocurrency, known for its meme-inspired roots, witnessed a rapid increase from $0.079 to $0.091, leaving the crypto community buzzing with speculation.

狗狗幣(DOGE)的價格出現了意想不到的飆升,在短短 12 小時內飆升了 14% 以上。這種以其受模因啟發而聞名的加密貨幣的價格從 0.079 美元迅速上漲至 0.091 美元,讓加密貨幣社群充滿了猜測。

The driving force behind this explosive growth appears to be linked to the enigmatic figure of Elon Musk and his ambitious project, Xpayments. The renowned entrepreneur, recognized for his penchant for cryptocurrencies, particularly DOGE and Bitcoin (BTC), has been making waves with his plans to transform X into a super application, encompassing various services, including financial offerings.

這種爆炸式增長背後的驅動力似乎與埃隆馬斯克的神秘人物和他雄心勃勃的項目 X payment 有關。這位著名企業家因對加密貨幣(尤其是DOGE 和比特幣(BTC))的偏好而聞名,他的計劃將X 轉變為超級應用程序,涵蓋包括金融產品在內的各種服務,這一計劃引起了轟動。

DOGE to USD by CoinMarketCap

透過 CoinMarketCap 將 DOGE 兌換為 USD

Notably, X, formerly associated with Twitter, officially launched its Xpayments account, signaling a pivotal move into the financial sector. Musk's commitment to this venture is underscored by the acquisition of licenses for money operations in multiple U.S. states. Reports suggest that X is gearing up to introduce peer-to-peer payments, with Musk hinting at potential public availability by mid-2024.

值得注意的是,先前與 Twitter 相關的 X 正式推出了 Xpaids 帳戶,標誌著進軍金融領域的關鍵舉措。馬斯克在美國多個州獲得貨幣營運許可證,凸顯了他對這項合資企業的承諾。有報導稱,X 正準備推出點對點支付,馬斯克暗示可能會在 2024 年中期推出。

Dogecoin to X?


While Musk has categorically stated that his companies have no intention of issuing their own tokens, the surge in DOGE's price coincides with the unveiling of updates to Xpayments' social media page. This has ignited speculation among the crypto community about a potential integration or collaboration between Dogecoin and X, further fueled by Musk's well-known affinity for both DOGE and BTC.

儘管馬斯克明確表示他的公司無意發行自己的代幣,但 DOGE 價格的飆升恰逢 Xpaids 社群媒體頁面更新的發布。這引發了加密社群對狗狗幣和 X 之間潛在整合或合作的猜測,馬斯克對 DOGE 和 BTC 眾所周知的親和力進一步加劇了這種猜測。

However, as of now, whether Dogecoin is on the brink of a significant partnership with X or if this is merely a market reaction to Musk's influence remains to be seen.

然而,截至目前,狗狗幣是否即將與 X 建立重要合作關係,或者這只是市場對馬斯克影響力的反應,還有待觀察。


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