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Dogecoin (DOGE) price leads holders to switch to Solana (SOL) and Everlodge (ELDG) ahead of bull market

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 價格導致持有者在牛市之前轉向 Solana (SOL) 和 Everlodge (ELDG)

發布: 2023/12/30 06:39 閱讀: 718

原文作者:Crypto Daily™


狗狗幣 (DOGE) 價格導致持有者在牛市之前轉向 Solana (SOL) 和 Everlodge (ELDG)

Despite crypto market growth slowing down, Dogecoin’s value has remained relatively strong. The project’s value has increased by 17.70% in the last 30 days, and now Dogecoin could rise to $0.1. However, further analysis shows that the project could be in trouble. Dogecoin miners are selling their reserves, and whales are turning their Dogecoin into fiat. As a result, holders are now switching to Solana and Everlodge, which are expected to offer better returns.

儘管加密貨幣市場成長放緩,但狗狗幣的價值仍然相對強勁。該項目的價值在過去 30 天內增長了 17.70%,現在狗狗幣可能漲至 0.1 美元。然而,進一步分析表明該項目可能遇到麻煩。狗狗幣礦工正在出售他們的儲備,鯨魚正在將他們的狗狗幣變成法定貨幣。因此,持有者現在轉向 Solana 和 Everlodge,預計它們將提供更好的回報。

Could Miner Action Be Bad News For Dogecoin?


At the time of writing, Dogecoin was trading at $0.09238. Its daily trading volume was half a billion, and most indicators look strong. However, miner activity suggests that Dogecoin growth may have peaked for 2023.

截至撰寫本文時,狗狗幣的交易價格為 0.09238 美元。它的每日交易量為 5 億,大多數指標看起來都很強勁。然而,礦工活動表明狗狗幣的成長可能在 2023 年達到頂峰。

Recent data from IntoTheBlock indicates that Dogecoin miners have been offloading their reserves. In total, over 240 million DOGE (around $25 million) has been sold. According to analysts, this suggests that miners could be selling to cash out at Dogecoin’s peak. Further data on crypto whales shows that $41.5 million worth of DOGE was sold for fiat, implying that Dogecoin’s recent bull run could be ending.

IntoTheBlock 的最新數據表明,狗狗幣礦工已經在拋售他們的儲備。總計已售出超過 2.4 億枚 DOGE(約 2,500 萬美元)。分析師表示,這顯示礦商可能會在狗狗幣高峰時拋售套現。有關加密鯨魚的進一步數據顯示,價值 4,150 萬美元的 DOGE 被出售為法定貨幣,這意味著狗狗幣最近的牛市可能會結束。

Solana Bull Run Continues To Shock The Market

Solana 牛市持續衝擊市場

Solana was one of the best-performing cryptocurrencies in Q4. Its value increased by over 270%, and Solana’s daily trading volume has consistently passed over 2 billion. With its current trajectory remaining bullish, experts believe that Solana could continue to rise throughout December.

Solana 是第四季表現最好的加密貨幣之一。其價值成長超過 270%,Solana 日交易量持續超過 20 億。由於目前的走勢仍然看漲,專家認為 Solana 可能會在整個 12 月繼續上漲。

Solana recently hit a yearly high of $79.6, though has since declined slightly to $74.90. Despite this decrease, Solana is still up by 25% over the last month, and as a result, the altcoin remains extremely popular.

Solana 最近觸及 79.6 美元的年度高點,但此後略有下跌至 74.90 美元。儘管有所下降,Solana 仍較上個月上漲 25%,因此,這種山寨幣仍然非常受歡迎。

However, further chart analysis suggests that Solana could soon face a correction. Daily price movement shows that Solana is stuck between two converging trendlines. This rising wedge pattern often triggers a price rally before a correction. As a result, investors who buy soon may still be able to profit before Solana’s value declines.

然而,進一步的圖表分析表明 Solana 可能很快就會面臨調整。每日價格走勢顯示 Solana 陷入兩條聚合趨勢線之間。這種上升楔形形態通常會在修正前引發價格上漲。因此,盡快購買的投資者仍可能能夠在 Solana 價值下跌之前獲利。

Everlodge Could Challenge Top Altcoins In 2024

Everlodge 可能會在 2024 年挑戰頂級山寨幣

As confidence in Dogecoin falls, investors are looking for new ways to grow their portfolios. One new project that offers a number of opportunities is Everlodge. This exciting new altcoin is on track to offer returns of 280% during its presale, and experts believe its value could rise up to 35x upon release.

隨著對狗狗幣的信心下降,投資者正在尋找新的方法來擴大其投資組合。 Everlodge 是提供大量機會的新項目。這種令人興奮的新山寨幣預計在預售期間提供 280% 的回報,專家相信其價值在發行後可能會上漲至 35 倍。

Everlodge is a unique project that lets investors buy equity in travel properties. This market is currently difficult to penetrate, being surrounded by red tape, high start-up costs, and location limitations. Everlodge removes all of these barriers.

Everlodge 是一個獨特的項目,讓投資者購買旅遊房地產的股權。該市場目前很難滲透,被繁文縟節、高昂的啟動成本和位置限制所包圍。 Everlodge 消除了所有這些障礙。

Instead of using traditional routes, investors can sign up to Everlodge, search for properties they like, and start investing. For each investment they make, users will buy an NFT representing equity in a property. They will generate an income based on how much they own, in addition to how much the property makes. For example, if they own 20% of a luxury villa that makes $10,000 a month, the investor will generate $2,000 monthly.

投資者無需使用傳統途徑,而是可以註冊 Everlodge,搜尋他們喜歡的房產,然後開始投資。對於他們進行的每筆投資,用戶都會購買代表房產股權的 NFT。除了房產的收入之外,他們還將根據自己擁有的資產產生收入。例如,如果投資者擁有一棟每月收入 10,000 美元的豪華別墅 20%,那麼投資者每月將獲得 2,000 美元的收入。

Though not yet released, Everlodge has received significant attention from investors, and experts believe it could revolutionize one of the world's largest industries. In addition to its marketplace, Everlodge will also offer a launchpad for property developments, as well as a private members club and free stays at properties for ELDG token holders.

儘管尚未發布,Everlodge 已受到投資者的極大關注,專家認為它可能會徹底改變世界上最大的行業之一。除了市場之外,Everlodge 還將提供房地產開發啟動板,以及私人會員俱樂部,並為 ELDG 代幣持有者提供免費住宿服務。

This diverse world of opportunity is on track to become a big hit in 2024. Currently, ELDG tokens can be purchased for just $0.027, though will soon increase to $0.029 as stage eight of the Everlodge presale sells out.

這個充滿機會的多元化世界預計將在 2024 年大受歡迎。目前,ELDG 代幣的購買價格僅為 0.027 美元,但隨著 Everlodge 預售第八階段的售完,很快就會漲至 0.029 美元。

Visit Everlodge


Disclaimer: This is a sponsored press release and is for informational purposes only. It does not reflect the views of Crypto Daily, nor is it intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, or financial advice.

免責聲明:這是贊助新聞稿,僅供參考。它不反映 Crypto Daily 的觀點,也不打算用作法律、稅務、投資或財務建議。




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