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Will Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Rebound after Elon Musk’s Starship Launch?


發布: 2023/11/20 10:04 閱讀: 381

原文作者:Ibrahim Ajibade


Dogecoin on-chain data analysis examines how DOGE price could rebound following an ill-fated test starship launch by Elon Musk’s SpaceX.

狗狗幣鏈上數據分析研究了 Elon Musk 的 SpaceX 進行了一次不幸的測試星際飛船發射後,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 價格如何反彈。

Dogecoin Price Analysis:

  • Dogecoin (DOGE) price crashed 8% on Saturday, November 18, after Elon Musk’s SpaceX announced the loss of its Starship spacecraft.

    狗狗幣價格分析:11 月 18 日星期六,馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 的 SpaceX 宣布其星艦飛船失事後,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 價格暴跌 8%。

  • DOGE price crash following the spacecraft failure brings Dogecoin’s long-running entanglement with Elon Musk to the fore. 


  • Dogecoin Miners took advantage of last week’s price rally to offload 220 Million coins from their reserves. 

    狗狗幣礦工利用上週價格上漲的機會,從儲備中拋售了 2.2 億枚狗狗幣。

Dogecoin price experienced a rapid 8% drop on Saturday, tumbling from $0.085 to $0.078, following an ill-fated test flight by Elon Musk, SpaceX’s space exploration team. On-chain data analysis examines how DOGE coin price could respond in the week ahead. 

在 SpaceX 太空探索團隊 Elon Musk 進行了一次不幸的試飛後,狗狗幣的價格在周六迅速下跌 8%,從 0.085 美元跌至 0.078 美元。鏈上數據分析研究了 DOGE 幣價格在未來一周的反應。

Dogecoin Price Tumbled After SpaceX’s Starship Crashed 

Dogecoin’s long-running “affiliation” with Elon Musk was again brought to the fore this weekend. The billionaire’s Tesla CEO’s, aerospace company reported the loss of its Starship spacecraft during a crucial test flight on Saturday, marking a significant setback for SpaceX’s deep-space launch system. 

SpaceX 星艦墜毀後,狗狗幣價格暴跌狗狗幣與馬斯克長期存在的「聯繫」在本週末再次成為人們關注的焦點。這位億萬富翁的特斯拉執行長、航空航太公司報告稱,其「星艦」飛船在周六的一次關鍵試飛中失事,這標誌著 SpaceX 的深空發射系統遭受重大挫折。

Over the last few years Elon Musk has tacitly expressed his preference for Dogecoin multiple times in a series of cryptic tweets, including a Saturday Night Live cameo. In effect Dogecoin prices have often moved in correlation with Elon’s public statements and notable events involving his companies. 


This phenomenon reared its head once again this weekend. After SpaceX announced the Starship crash, within hours of the news Dogecoin price began to wobble. 

這種現像在本週末再次出現。在 SpaceX 宣布星艦墜毀事件後,狗狗幣價格在消息傳出後的幾個小時內就開始波動。

Dogecoin Price Performance after SpaceX Spacecraft Crash | November 2023 | Source: TradingView

SpaceX 太空船墜毀後狗狗幣的價格表現 | 2023 年 11 月 |來源:TradingView

The price chart above Dogecoin market value crashed  by 7.5% before the close of November 18. And the panic sell that has ensued in the subsequent 24 hours barely further exacerbated the price decline to 10% as it tumbled from $0.085 to a weekly low of $0.078. 

狗狗幣市值上方的價格圖表在 11 月 18 日收盤前暴跌 7.5%。隨後 24 小時內發生的恐慌性拋售幾乎沒有進一步加劇價格跌幅,從 0.085 美元跌至 0.078 美元的周低點。 。

Miners Had Been Selling Way Before the Spacecraft Crashed

Media headlines have majorly attributed the negative DOGE price action at the weekend to the SpaceX spacecraft crash due to the historical significance of Elon Musk’s previous Dogecoin statements.

由於馬斯克先前發表的狗狗幣聲明具有歷史意義,媒體頭條主要將週末狗狗幣的負面價格走勢歸因於 SpaceX 飛船墜毀事件。

However, a deeper inquest into recent on-chain transactions shows that Dogecoin miners may have played a more central role in the price correction. According to the data pulled from IntoTheBlock, a blockchain analytics platform, the miners began selling around November 12, when prices first broke above $0.08. 

然而,對最近鏈上交易的更深入調查表明,狗狗幣礦工可能在價格調整中發揮了更核心的作用。根據區塊鏈分析平台 IntoTheBlock 提取的數據,礦商在 11 月 12 日左右開始拋售,當時價格首次突破 0.08 美元。

The chart below shows that the miners held a total reserve balance of 4.46 billion DOGE on November 12. But after a week-long sell off, their balance now stands at 4.24 billion DOGE as of November 19. 

下圖顯示,截至 11 月 12 日,礦商持有的總儲備餘額為 44.6 億 DOGE。但經過一週的拋售,截至 11 月 19 日,他們的儲備餘額目前為 42.4 億 DOGE。

Dogecoin (DOGE) Miners’ Reserves – Source: IntoTheBlock

The Miners Reserves chart pictures the recent trading activity of Dogecoin node validators. It essentially tracks the real-time changes in the total coins deposited in wallets controlled by recognized mining companies and mining pools. 

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 礦工儲備 – 來源:IntoTheBlock 礦工儲備圖表描繪了狗狗幣節點驗證器的近期交易活動。它本質上是追蹤儲存在受認可的礦業公司和礦池控制的錢包中的硬幣總量的即時變化。

The Dogecoin chart clearly shows the miners have sold off 220 million DOGE between November 12 and November 19. When valued at the 7-day SMA DOGE price $0.083, the coins sold over the past week are worth approximately $18.2 million. 

狗狗幣圖表清楚顯示,11 月 12 日至 19 日期間,礦工已售出 2.2 億枚 DOGE。以 7 天 SMA DOGE 價格 0.083 美元估值,過去一周出售的代幣價值約為 1820 萬美元。

Hence it appears the bearish trading activity among the miners was also a major driver behind the Dogecoin price correction at the weekend. 


As the negative sentiment surrounding the spacecraft crash wanes, Dogecoin price rebound prospects next week, may be significantly impacted by the miners’ next move. 


Dogecoin Price Forecast: More Consolidation Before Rebound

Despite rejecting at the $0.000085 territory, the bulls have shown some resilience to maintain a strong buying momentum. 

狗狗幣價格預測:反彈前將進一步盤整儘管在 0.000085 美元區域遭到拒絕,但多頭仍表現出一定的韌性,以維持強勁的購買勢頭。

The Parabolic SAR identifies vital reversal points in an ongoing price trend. Currently, the DOGE Parabolic SAR indicator dots point toward $0.07, which is well below the current price of $0.000009. This alignment is a strong indication of an imminent Dogecoin price rebound.

拋物線轉向指標確定了持續價格趨勢中的重要反轉點。目前,DOGE 拋物線 SAR 指標點指向 0.07 美元,遠低於目前價格 0.000009 美元。這種一致性強烈表明狗狗幣價格即將反彈。

If the bulls seize control as predicted, DOGE price will face initial resistance at the previous local high of $0.086. However, a decisive breakout from that resistance could see Dogecoin reclaim $0.1.

如果多頭如預期那樣奪取控制權,DOGE 價格將在先前的局部高點 0.086 美元處面臨初步阻力。然而,如果狗狗幣徹底突破該阻力位,可能會收復 0.1 美元。

Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Prediction  | Source: TradingView

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 價格預測 |來源:TradingView

On the flip side, the Dogecoin bears could invalidate that prediction if they successfully force a downswing below $0.07. However, the bulls will likely mount a major buy wall around the Parabolic SAR point at $0.071 price range.  If that support territory holds firm, Elon Musk’s “favorite” memecoin by will likely avoid a major bearish reversal.

另一方面,如果狗狗幣空頭成功迫使價格跌破 0.07 美元,他們的預測可能會失效。然而,多頭可能會在 0.071 美元的價格範圍拋物線 SAR 點附近建立主要買入牆。如果這一支撐區域保持堅挺,伊隆馬斯克「最喜歡的」迷因幣可能會避免出現重大的看跌逆轉。


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