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Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Trends and Predictions

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 價格趨勢與預測

發布: 2024/01/07 20:03 閱讀: 756



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Bitcoin has once again risen above $44,000, while negativity persists in the altcoin market. DOGE has fallen below $0.08. Despite being the largest meme coin by market value, the DOGE price has taken its share from the recent altcoin sell-offs. So, what is the expectation for DOGE in the coming period? What do current predictions indicate in terms of price?

比特幣再次升至 44,000 美元以上,而山寨幣市場的負面情緒依然存在。 DOGE 已跌破 0.08 美元。儘管 DOGE 是市值最大的迷因幣,但 DOGE 的價格已從最近的山寨幣拋售中奪取了份額。那麼,對於未來一段時期的DOGE有何期待呢?目前的預測在價格方面顯示了什麼?

Dogecoin (DOGE)

狗狗幣 (DOGE)

On December 31, the DOGE price overcame resistance from the last peak and rose to $0.094. While investors were expecting the price to drop a zero, they saw gains quickly reverse with the Matrixport report. Dogecoin (DOGE), losing the $0.087 support, is now finding support at $0.078. If the sell-offs continue, we might see a further decline to the $0.0715 area.

12月31日,DOGE價格克服了上一個高峰的阻力,上漲至0.094美元。儘管投資者預計價格會跌至零,但 Matrixport 的報告顯示漲勢迅速逆轉。狗狗幣 (DOGE) 失去了 0.087 美元的支撐位,目前在 0.078 美元處找到支撐位。如果拋售繼續,我們可能會看到進一步下跌至 0.0715 美元區域。

In the coming days, as SEC approval is anticipated, increased interest in BTC and a rise in BTCD are expected to continue the weakness in altcoins. This situation triggered altcoin sell-offs days in advance.

未來幾天,隨著 SEC 的批准,人們對 BTC 的興趣增加,BTCD 的上漲預計將繼續導致山寨幣的疲軟。這種情況提前幾天引發了山寨幣的拋售。

For a rebound, it is necessary to surpass and convert the $0.088 threshold into support with closures above $0.0825. Above this, crossing the $0.09788 barrier could lead to a visit to the $0.106 peak. In the short term, the lack of interest and Elon Musk’s unexpected lack of support may result in Dogecoin investors being less bold, so less resistance on the downside would not be surprising.

要反彈,就必須突破 0.088 美元的門檻並將其轉化為收盤價高於 0.0825 美元的支撐位。在此之上,突破 0.09788 美元的關卡可能會觸及 0.106 美元的峰值。短期內,缺乏興趣以及伊隆馬斯克意外缺乏支持可能會導致狗狗幣投資者不那麼大膽,因此下行阻力較小也就不足為奇了。

Dogecoin Predictions


In a potential 2024 bull run, Dogecoin could be among the assets of interest as in previous seasons. However, the growth of meme coins with lower market values and the formation of their own communities could lead to a decline in demand for Dogecoin at its peak. Remembering how Elon Musk constantly mentioned it during the period when it saw a daily trading volume of $40 billion, we can better understand the loss of a major price catalyst.

在 2024 年潛在的多頭市場中,狗狗幣可能會像前幾季一樣成為人們感興趣的資產之一。然而,市場價值較低的迷因幣的增長以及它們自己社區的形成可能會導致狗狗幣在高峰期的需求下降。記住馬斯克在每日交易量達到 400 億美元期間不斷提及的情況,我們可以更好地理解主要價格催化劑的損失。

However, in a possible comeback, after overcoming the barriers of $0.158 to $0.213, there is a chance for the price to return to the $0.3 threshold this year. Above this, we should see a development that will trigger a much larger demand wave for peaks.

然而,在克服 0.158 美元至 0.213 美元的障礙後,價格可能會捲土重來,今年有機會回到 0.3 美元的門檻。在此之上,我們應該會看到一種發展,將引發更大的高峰需求浪潮。

On the other hand, ongoing sales by miners have been pressuring the price for a long time. The continuation of this negative trend indicates that the $0.3 peak target is a weaker possibility when compared to the downside risks. The number of new favorite meme coins like FLOKI, PEPE, BONK is likely to increase, and this situation is now shaping up against Dogecoin.

另一方面,礦商的持續拋售長期以來一直對價格構成壓力。這種負面趨勢的持續性表明,與下行風險相比,0.3 美元高峰目標的可能性較小。像 FLOKI、PEPE、BONK 這樣的新流行模因幣的數量可能會增加,而這種情況現在正在與狗狗幣形成對抗。

The post first appeared on COINTURK NEWS: Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Trends and Predictions

該貼文首次出現在 COINTURK 新聞:狗狗幣 (DOGE) 價格趨勢和預測


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