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Dogecoin (DOGE) Reaches All-Time High in New Addresses


發布: 2024/01/31 06:45 閱讀: 971



In what is certainly a positive development for the meme coin, Dogecoin (DOGE) has reached a brand new all-time high in new addresses. Indeed, the Dogecoin network has seen a rapid surge in newly created addresses that many hope could precede a similar action in the meme coin value.


Crypto analyst Ali Martinez shared data from IntoTheBlock that highlighted the new record that was hit on January 29th. Moreover, Martinez highlighted that the increase in new addresses jumped by more than 1,100% over the last week alone. That figure currently sits at more than 247,240 addresses.

加密貨幣分析師 Ali Martinez 分享了 IntoTheBlock 的數據,其中強調了 1 月 29 日創下的新紀錄。此外,馬丁內斯強調,光是上週新地址的成長就躍升了 1,100% 以上。目前數字超過 247,240 個地址。

Also Read: Dogecoin: Elon Musk’s X Payments Raise Cryptocurrency Questions

另請閱讀:狗狗幣:埃隆馬斯克的 X 支付引發了加密貨幣問題

Dogecoin New Addresses Hit All-Time High; Could the Price Follow the Same Path?


Within the digital asset market, meme coins have become a viable subsection of the industry as a whole. Although they have certainly struggled with questions of utility, they have undoubtedly surged in popularity over the last several years. Subsequently, despite a slow start to 2024 along with the overarching crypto market, the most prominent meme coin has experienced a new record.

在數位資產市場中,模因幣已經成為整個行業的一個可行的細分領域。儘管它們確實在實用性問題上遇到了困難,但毫無疑問,它們在過去幾年中越來越受歡迎。隨後,儘管 2024 年開局緩慢,加密貨幣市場整體發展緩慢,但最著名的迷因幣卻創下了新紀錄。

In what is certainly a surprise to the market as a whole, Dogecoin (DOGE) reached a new all-time high in new addresses. Specifically, the data shows that created addresses spiked more than 1,100%. That increase was the largest ever for the asset, surpassing a similar development in 2014. Then, 163,040 wallets were created.

狗狗幣(DOGE)的新地址數量創下了歷史新高,這對整個市場來說無疑是個驚喜。具體來說,數據顯示創建的地址激增超過 1,100%。這一增長是該資產有史以來最大的,超過了 2014 年的類似增長。隨後創建了 163,040 個錢包。

Also Read: Dogecoin Mystery: 103.2 Million DOGE Sent to Robinhood

另請閱讀:狗狗幣之謎:1.032 億狗狗幣被發送給 Robinhood

The rapid upswing in created addresses is likely connected to the integration of Ordinals technology. Specifically, this allows users on the Dogecoin network to trade non-fungible tokens. These networks tap into the DRC-20 tokens standard and allow the trade of NFTs that are denominated in Dogecoin (DOGE).

創建地址的快速增長可能與 Ordinals 技術的整合有關。具體來說,這允許狗狗幣網路上的用戶交易不可替代的代幣。這些網路利用 DRC-20 代幣標準,並允許以狗狗幣 (DOGE) 計價的 NFT 交易。

Alternatively, the creation of new addresses has filled many with optimism. Specifically, there is the hope that the surge could be the starting point for a new bull market. Ultimately, having a positive influence on the price of DOGE as a whole, and triggering a tend upward.


Currently, Dogecoin (DOGE) is trading at $0.081, and down around 0.85% over the last 24 hours according to CoinMarketCap. However, the influx of new addresses should still have some impact on the overall value of the token, even if that impact is not yet realized in current data.

根據 CoinMarketCap 的數據,目前狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的交易價格為 0.081 美元,在過去 24 小時內下跌了約 0.85%。然而,新地址的湧入仍然會對代幣的整體價值產生一些影響,即使這種影響在當前數據中尚未實現。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/dogecoin-doge-reaches-all-time-high-in-new-addresses-tbt78299.html



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