首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣 (DOGE) 刪除零,柴犬 (SHIB) 看起來不健康,XRP 災難避免,方法如下

Dogecoin (DOGE) to Remove Zero, Shiba Inu (SHIB) Not Looking Healthy, XRP Catastrophe Avoided, Here's How

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 刪除零,柴犬 (SHIB) 看起來不健康,XRP 災難避免,方法如下

發布: 2024/09/10 19:30 閱讀: 224



Dogecoin Shows Signs of Recovery


Following weeks of uncertainty, Dogecoin (DOGE) exhibits signs of revival as its price steadily rises. Currently trading at $0.10, DOGE approaches the second zero after the decimal point—a psychological threshold potentially signaling renewed vitality for the meme-based cryptocurrency.

經過數週的不確定性,狗狗幣(DOGE)隨著其價格穩定上漲而顯示出復甦的跡象。 DOGE 目前的交易價格為 0.10 美元,接近小數點後的第二個零,這是一個心理閾值,可能預示著基於模因的加密貨幣的新活力。

Recent price movements indicate a nearly 2% gain for DOGE, rising from support levels around $0.09. This increase aligns with a pattern of higher lows, suggesting the possible formation of an uptrend. DOGEUSDT

最近的價格走勢表明 DOGE 上漲了近 2%,從 0.09 美元左右的支撐位上漲。這種上漲與低點走高的模式一致,顯示可能形成上升趨勢。

Market dynamics have shifted slightly in Dogecoin's favor. If Bitcoin and other major cryptocurrencies maintain their relative stability, increased social media activity and revived interest from retail traders may contribute to a price increase.


Dogecoin's relative strength index (RSI) stands at approximately 45, indicating neither overbought nor oversold conditions. This position allows for potential growth without immediate significant selling pressure.

狗狗幣的相對強弱指數(RSI)約為 45,顯示既沒有超買也沒有超賣。這一立場允許潛在的成長,而不會立即產生巨大的拋售壓力。

Continued price gains above resistance levels, particularly those around $0.12 to $0.13, could trigger a rally.

價格持續上漲至阻力位以上,尤其是 0.12 至 0.13 美元附近的阻力位,可能會引發反彈。

Shiba Inu Stagnates


Shiba Inu (SHIB) continues to exhibit weakness as it struggles to break through the stagnation that has persisted since early August. Low price movement and trading volume raise concerns about the asset's short-term prospects.

柴犬 (SHIB) 繼續表現疲軟,難以突破自 8 月初以來持續的停滯狀態。較低的價格走勢和交易量引發了對該資產短期前景的擔憂。

Despite the asset's previous volatility, multiple attempts to rally have proven unsuccessful. SHIB currently trades at around $0.00001317. Market sentiment suggests an unlikely breakout while the price remains below crucial moving averages such as the 50-, 100-, and 200-day EMAs.

儘管該資產先前曾出現波動,但多次嘗試反彈均未成功。 SHIB 目前的交易價格約為 0.00001317 美元。市場情緒顯示不太可能突破,而價格仍低於 50、100 和 200 日均線等關鍵移動平均線。

Extended inactivity has significantly reduced SHIB's volatility, making it challenging for traders and investors to anticipate substantial price movements without significant market shifts.

長期不活躍已顯著降低了 SHIB 的波動性,這使得交易者和投資者很難在市場不發生重大變化的情況下預測大幅價格變動。

The lack of broader market momentum contributes to SHIB's stagnation. A notable increase in the value of leading cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, seems necessary for SHIB to recover independently. SHIB's position is further complicated by whale activity and limited liquidity, making it more susceptible to potential declines.

缺乏更廣泛的市場動力導致 SHIB 停滯不前。比特幣和以太幣等領先加密貨幣的價值顯著增長,對於 SHIB 的獨立復甦來說似乎是必要的。由於鯨魚活動和有限的流動性,SHIB 的狀況變得更加複雜,使其更容易受到潛在下跌的影響。

In the absence of a broader market upswing, SHIB's future remains uncertain. Investors express skepticism about its long-term viability as the token fails to regain the momentum it experienced during previous bull runs. Currently, SHIB's instability persists, and may continue unless the market experiences a surge in risk appetite.

在市場沒有出現更廣泛的上漲的情況下,SHIB 的未來仍然充滿不確定性。投資者對其長期生存能力表示懷疑,因為該代幣未能恢復先前牛市期間的勢頭。目前,SHIB 的不穩定性依然存在,除非市場風險偏好大幅上升,否則這種不穩定可能會持續下去。

XRP Avoids Major Decline

XRP 避免大幅下跌

XRP narrowly avoided a substantial decline in recent trading sessions, briefly dipping below the critical $0.50 support level. This development raised concerns among traders and investors, particularly the possibility of a break below the ascending trendline that has supported XRP's market structure in recent weeks.

XRP 在最近的交易日中勉強避免了大幅下跌,短暫跌破了 0.50 美元的關鍵支撐位。這一事態發展引起了交易員和投資者的擔憂,特別是跌破最近幾週支撐 XRP 市場結構的上升趨勢線的可能性。

A breakdown below the trendline could have triggered a more significant sell-off, potentially pushing XRP toward the $0.45 range or lower. However, a swift bounce off the ascending trendline, which has served as a support level during the majority of the ongoing recovery phase, prevented a steeper decline.

跌破趨勢線可能會引發更嚴重的拋售,可能會將 XRP 推向 0.45 美元或更低的區間。然而,在當前復甦階段的大部分時間裡,上升趨勢線一直充當支撐位,但該趨勢線迅速反彈,阻止了更大幅度的下跌。

Currently trading below the 50-, 100-, and 200-day EMAs, these moving averages present resistance levels that the price must overcome to sustain an upward trajectory. XRP hovers around $0.53 at present.

目前交易價格低於 50 天、100 天和 200 天均線,這些移動平均線呈現出價格必須克服的阻力位以維持上漲軌跡。 XRP 目前徘徊在 0.53 美元左右。

Despite the near-miss, XRP's ability to hold above the ascending trendline suggests potential for recovery. While market conditions remain volatile, XRP appears to have averted a significant decline for now.

儘管差點失手,XRP 仍能保持在上升趨勢線之上,這表明它有復甦的潛力。儘管市場狀況仍然波動,但 XRP 目前似乎已經避免了大幅下跌。


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