首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的價格低於 0.08 美元,預計到 2025 年將進入加密貨幣前 10 名

This Dogecoin (DOGE) Rival Under $0.08 Is Expected to Enter Crypto’s Top 10 by 2025

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的價格低於 0.08 美元,預計到 2025 年將進入加密貨幣前 10 名

發布: 2024/09/21 19:40 閱讀: 987

原文作者:Crypto Daily™


狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的價格低於 0.08 美元,預計到 2025 年將進入加密貨幣前 10 名

Of all the meme coins that exist up until today, Dogecoin (DOGE) is perhaps the most enduring in the cryptocurrency market. However, according to some market analysts, there is an approaching coin that could, in fact, even replace DOGE and become one of the top 10 in line within the year 2025. At present, dominant utility and live ecotrace administration pricing Rexas Finance (RXS) is going for less than $0.08 and is attracting investors to take advantage of its development at its presale levels. Every now and then, a window will open up where people will be able to invest in some very promising projects.

在迄今為止存在的所有迷因硬幣中,狗狗幣(DOGE)可能是加密貨幣市場上最持久的。然而,根據一些市場分析師的說法,實際上有一種代幣即將取代 DOGE,並在 2025 年成為前 10 名之一。 )的售價不到0.08 美元,並吸引投資者利用其預售水準的開發優勢。時不時地,會打開一個窗口,人們可以投資一些非常有前景的項目。

The Threat to Dominance by Rexas Finance

Rexas Finance 對主導地位的威脅

Rexas Finance is a tokenization of real-world asset (RWA)-oriented blockchain project, which is swiftly becoming the new mainstream in DeFi. Like in the case of Dogecoin, which is the epitome of meme coins, it is driven by hype created by the community. This approach will include the creation of an asset of a new type in world markets, where liquid real estate, artworks, bonds, and other commodities are tokenized and stored in a decentralized digital space. By doing this, it aspires to make it possible for people to pool their purchases of these assets by making them more accessible, buying only a fraction of the asset with better liquidity through these tokens.

Rexas Finance是一個面向現實世界資產(RWA)的代幣化區塊鏈項目,正迅速成為DeFi的新主流。就像狗狗幣一樣,它是迷因幣的縮影,它是由社群創造的炒作推動的。這種方法將包括在世界市場上創建一種新型資產,其中流動房地產、藝術品、債券和其他商品被標記化並儲存在去中心化的數位空間中。透過這樣做,它希望透過讓人們更容易獲得這些資產,使人們能夠集中購買這些資產,透過這些代幣只購買流動性更好的資產的一小部分。

This novel tactic has gained interest from investors, particularly with the fact that the tokenization market is about to move into the realm of traditional finance markets. Long-term, as the great market takes place, coins like Rexas Finance, which provide solutions to problems, are more likely to gain retention scale, which is causing some operators to predict that this will enter the top 10 ranks by the year 2025. This particularity of Rexas Finance is also directed towards the derived value of projects like it, unlike coins like DOGE.

這種新穎的策略引起了投資者的興趣,特別是考慮到代幣化市場即將進入傳統金融市場領域。從長遠來看,隨著大市場的形成,像Rexas Finance這樣提供問題解決方案的幣更有可能獲得保留規模,這使得一些運營商預測到2025年它將進入前10名行列。代幣不同,Rexas Finance 的這種特殊性也針對此類項目的衍生價值。

Presale Success and Future Potential


One of the fundamental aspects that demonstrate what might be the future potential of Rexas Finance is its astounding presale performance. The token is currently in its second presale stage, retailing at $0.04, after almost all of the first presale stage, which had less than 72 hours. of the enrollment period. This rapid sellout has caused enthusiasm on the part of the investors, as early presale launches are also associated with strong post-launches. To date, Rexas Finance has raised $875,967 during the presale itself, with the price continuing to grow in every successive stage due to increased demand. The presale is anticipated to sell out fast as more investors rush to get RXS tokens at cheaper prices, which will put Rexas Finance in a good position for listing once it gets on the bigger exchanges. The earlier investors will gain the most; some experts even expect such stellar growth with yields of 45x by the year 2025.

展示 Rexas Finance 未來潛力的基本面向之一是其令人震驚的預售表現。該代幣目前正處於第二預售階段,零售價為 0.04 美元,第一預售階段歷時不到 72 小時,幾乎完成了所有預售階段。的報名期限。這種快速銷售引起了投資者的熱情,因為早期的預售啟動也與強勁的啟動後銷售有關。迄今為止,Rexas Finance 在預售期間已籌集 875,967 美元,由於需求增加,價格在每個後續階段持續上漲。隨著越來越多的投資者爭相以更便宜的價格購買 RXS 代幣,預售預計很快就會售罄,這將使 Rexas Finance 在進入更大的交易所後處於上市的有利位置。越早的投資者獲益最多;一些專家甚至預計到 2025 年,收益率將實現 45 倍的驚人成長。

Rexas Finance Giveaway: An Opportunity Not to Be Missed

Rexas 金融贈品:不容錯過的機會

In a bid to lure potential investors, Rexas Finance is at the moment running a superb giveaway. The project has an offer of giving 20 winners, and each will receive 50k USDT out of the total 1,000,000 giveaway. This promotion not only emphasizes the dedication of the project to its community but also appeals to new investors to take part in the presale. In order to participate, individuals have to register using their ERC20 wallet address and perform various tasks, along with earning extra entries through the referral system.

為了吸引潛在投資者,Rexas Finance 目前正在舉辦一場精彩的贈品活動。該項目共贈送20名得獎者,每人將獲得1,000,000份贈品中的50k USDT。此次促銷活動不僅強調了專案對社區的奉獻,也吸引了新投資者參與預售。為了參與,個人必須使用他們的 ERC20 錢包地址註冊並執行各種任務,並透過推薦系統賺取額外的條目。

Most importantly, this giveaway is also a great chance for new and existing investors to dive into Rexas Finance and reap the potential value in the future. Rexas Finance is a project ripe for investment where the winning project, the smart presale strategy, and the appealing community promotion come together to entice investors to reap the next great opportunity in the cryptocurrency space.

最重要的是,這次贈品也是新舊投資者深入研究 Rexas Finance 並獲得未來潛在價值的絕佳機會。 Rexas Finance 是一個成熟的投資項目,獲勝項目、明智的預售策略和有吸引力的社區推廣相結合,吸引投資者在加密貨幣領域收穫下一個巨大機會。

Rexas Finance vs. Dogecoin, Which One Among the Top 10?

Rexas Finance vs. Dogecoin,前 10 名中的哪一個?

Even though Dogecoin has never run out of admirers, especially when it initially sounded like charms from people like Elon Musk, it is seeing a lot of competition from projects that have quit the ‘joke’ status. Dogecoin strengthens its case thanks to its active user base, but some industry experts stress that Dogecoin’s nature and absence of real value may not provide sufficient growth to the currency in the future. On the other hand, Rexas Finance seems to have the right market strategy aimed at asset tokenization that makes sure that they remain relevant. Also, the tokenomics of Rexas Finance presents certain opportunities for growth within a boundary. While Dogecoin employs an inflationary supply rate whereby there can be coins put in circulation, Rexas Finance has a fixed supply cap so that the value over time is perceived to have longevity. This, together with the rise of its colonization rate, further increases the need for RXS tokens, making them more competitive over the long term.

儘管狗狗幣從來沒有缺乏崇拜者,尤其是當它最初聽起來像埃隆·馬斯克這樣的人的魅力時,但它也看到了來自那些已經退出“笑話”狀態的項目的大量競爭。狗狗幣因其活躍的用戶基礎而增強了其說服力,但一些行業專家強調,狗狗幣的性質和缺乏實際價值可能無法在未來為該貨幣提供足夠的增長。另一方面,Rexas Finance 似乎擁有資產代幣化的正確市場策略,以確保它們保持相關性。此外,Rexas Finance 的代幣經濟學在一定範圍內提供了一定的成長機會。雖然狗狗幣採用通膨供應率,因此可以有硬幣投入流通,但雷克薩斯金融有固定的供應上限,因此隨著時間的推移,其價值被認為具有長期性。這加上其殖民率的上升,進一步增加了對 RXS 代幣的需求,使它們從長遠來看更具競爭力。

The cosmic tides in which the stock market works also change, and over time investors get savvier by betting on projects that have true use cases and potential. Thanks to the unique and unorthodox model of investment offered by Rexas Finance coupled with its robust presale, it is poised to attract both retail and institutional investors, position it ready to dethrone DOGE as the leader of meme coins and gain entry into the top ten cryptocurrencies rank by the year 2025.

股市運行的宇宙潮流也在發生變化,隨著時間的推移,投資者透過押注具有真實用例和潛力的項目而變得更加精明。由於 Rexas Finance 提供的獨特且非正統的投資模式,加上其強勁的預售,它有望吸引散戶和機構投資者,準備好推翻 DOGE 作為 meme 幣的領導者,並進入十大加密貨幣到2025年排名。

Is It a Good Time to Buy Rexas Finance?

現在是購買 Rexas Finance 的好時機嗎?

Considering the development of the crypto market with regards to seeking the next game changer, Rexas Finance provides a very good reason. The selling potential as presented in the presale, the unique strategy of asset tokenization, and the prospects of the company’s rapid development convince us to take the risk of buying cost-effective hours of this company below $0.08. Just like in any other business, early joiners are most of the time rewarded in the crypto business, and given that Rexas Finance has great prospects, those who buy now will sell high in the future as the project picks up.

考慮到加密貨幣市場的發展,尋求下一個遊戲規則改變者,Rexas Finance 提供了一個很好的理由。預售中呈現的銷售潛力、獨特的資產代幣化策略以及公司快速發展的前景說服我們冒險購買該公司低於 0.08 美元的性價比小時。就像其他行業一樣,早期加入者大多數時候都會在加密貨幣行業中獲得回報,並且鑑於 Rexas Finance 前景廣闊,隨著項目的回暖,現在購買的人將在未來高價出售。

For more information about Rexas Finance (RXS) visit the links below:

有關 Rexas Finance (RXS) 的更多信息,請訪問以下連結:

Website: https://rexas.com
Whitepaper: https://rexas.com/rexas-whitepaper.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rexasfinance
Telegram: https://t.me/rexasfinance


Disclaimer: This is a sponsored article and is for informational purposes only. It does not reflect the views of Crypto Daily, nor is it intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, or financial advice.

免責聲明:這是一篇贊助文章,僅供參考。它不反映 Crypto Daily 的觀點,也不打算用作法律、稅務、投資或財務建議。


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