首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣(DOGE)和柴犬(SHIB)最終會爆炸嗎?找出裡面!

Are Dogecoin (DOGE) And Shiba Inu (SHIB) Finally Set For Explosive Growth? Find Out Inside!


發布: 2023/12/26 06:11 閱讀: 307

原文作者:Crypto Daily™


On this chilly December 25th, the overall market vibe is somewhat muted, with investors apparently stepping back for some holiday cheer. Even with the market taking a breather right now, it's been an impressive year, and there's buzz about a Bitcoin Spot ETF possibly getting the green light come January. The current market scenario, with a hefty $1.68 trillion market cap and a $63.6 billion trading volume, intriguingly leans towards 'greed' on the fear and greed index at a score of 72. As the year draws to a close, whispers of a Santa Claus rally have traders eyeing their screens with anticipation.

在這個寒冷的 12 月 25 日,整體市場氣氛有些沉悶,投資者顯然在為假期歡呼而退場。儘管市場現在稍作喘息,但這仍然是令人印象深刻的一年,有傳言稱比特幣現貨 ETF 可能會在一月份獲得批准。目前的市場格局高達 1.68 兆美元,交易量高達 636 億美元,但有趣的是,恐懼和貪婪指數卻偏向“貪婪”,得分為 72。隨著年末的臨近,聖誕老人的低語聲不斷響起。反彈讓交易員滿懷期待地盯著螢幕。

In the quirky world of meme coins, both Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) are reflecting the market's current subdued state, with each experiencing a minor drop of less than 1%. Amidst this, there's a rising star on the horizon – ScapesMania (MANIA) creating ripples with its promise of giving investors a say in a venture that could tap into the lucrative gaming industry. Lured by the early-bird specials and escalating rewards, everyone's eyes are on MANIA as it carves a niche in the crypto world, sparking curiosity about what twist comes next in this dynamic tale.

在迷因幣的奇異世界中,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和柴犬幣 (SHIB) 都反映了市場當前的低迷狀態,兩者均經歷了不到 1% 的小幅下跌。其中,一顆冉冉升起的新星——ScapesMania (MANIA) 承諾讓投資者在一家可以進入利潤豐厚的遊戲行業的企業中擁有發言權,從而引起了軒然大波。受到早鳥特惠和不斷升級的獎勵的吸引,每個人的目光都集中在MANIA 上,因為它在加密貨幣世界中開闢了一個利基市場,激發了人們對這個充滿活力的故事接下來會發生什麼轉折的好奇心。

ScapesMania: Presale Access To The Next Big Name In Crypto


On this chilly December 25th, the overall market vibe is somewhat muted, with investors apparently stepping back for some holiday cheer. Even with the market taking a breather right now, it's been an impressive year, and there's buzz about a Bitcoin Spot ETF possibly getting the green light come January. The current market scenario, with a hefty $1.68 trillion market cap and a $63.6 billion trading volume, intriguingly leans towards 'greed' on the fear and greed index at a score of 72. As the year draws to a close, whispers of a Santa Claus rally have traders eyeing their screens with anticipation.

在這個寒冷的 12 月 25 日,整體市場氣氛有些沉悶,投資者顯然在為假期歡呼而退場。儘管市場現在稍作喘息,但這仍然是令人印象深刻的一年,有傳言稱比特幣現貨 ETF 可能會在一月份獲得批准。目前的市場格局高達 1.68 兆美元,交易量高達 636 億美元,但有趣的是,恐懼和貪婪指數卻偏向“貪婪”,得分為 72。隨著年末的臨近,聖誕老人的低語聲不斷響起。反彈讓交易員滿懷期待地盯著螢幕。

In the quirky world of meme coins, both Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) are reflecting the market's current subdued state, with each experiencing a minor drop of less than 1%. Amidst this, there's a rising star on the horizon – ScapesMania (MANIA) creating ripples with its promise of giving investors a say in a venture that could tap into the lucrative gaming industry. Lured by the early-bird specials and escalating rewards, everyone's eyes are on MANIA as it carves a niche in the crypto world, sparking curiosity about what twist comes next in this dynamic tale.

在迷因幣的奇異世界中,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和柴犬幣 (SHIB) 都反映了市場當前的低迷狀態,兩者均經歷了不到 1% 的小幅下跌。其中,一顆冉冉升起的新星——ScapesMania (MANIA) 承諾讓投資者在一家可以進入利潤豐厚的遊戲行業的企業中擁有發言權,從而引起了軒然大波。受到早鳥特惠和不斷升級的獎勵的吸引,每個人的目光都集中在MANIA 上,因為它在加密貨幣世界中開闢了一個利基市場,激發了人們對這個充滿活力的故事接下來會發生什麼轉折的好奇心。

ScapesMania: Presale Access To The Next Big Name In Crypto


While some are facing an uncertain future, the trajectory of a presale project is far easier to predict. ScapesMania (MANIA) is a well-balanced, meticulously designed project that acts as a gaming ecosystem. Through DAO governance, backers will be able to influence and benefit from a multi-billion-dollar industry. A wide range of features paired with the best technology, a professional team, and a long-term, highly ambitious vision can make ScapesMania the next big thing in crypto. Presale discounts and stage bonuses only add to the project's appeal.

雖然有些項目面臨不確定的未來,但預售項目的軌跡更容易預測。 ScapesMania (MANIA) 是一個平衡良好、精心設計的項目,可作為遊戲生態系統。透過 DAO 治理,支持者將能夠影響價值數十億美元的產業並從中受益。廣泛的功能與最好的技術、專業的團隊以及長期、雄心勃勃的願景相結合,可以使 ScapesMania 成為加密領域的下一個重大事件。預售折扣和階段獎金只會增加項目的吸引力。

Presale is Live Now - Join Now for a Chance to Benefit with MANIA

預售現已開始 - 立即加入,即有機會受益於 MANIA

Backed by an award-winning developer crew, ScapesMania stands for transparency: every member’s social media profile is public. The project can achieve this not just by bringing big innovation to the game, but by putting its community front and center. Driving customer engagement and making sure that everyone benefits through great tokenomics and generous rewards is what makes ScapesMania the project with a bright future ahead.

在屢獲殊榮的開發團隊的支持下,ScapesMania 代表著透明度:每個成員的社群媒體資料都是公開的。該項目不僅可以透過為遊戲帶來重大創新來實現這一目標,還可以透過將社區放在首位和中心來實現。推動客戶參與並確保每個人都透過出色的代幣經濟和豐厚的獎勵受益,這使得 ScapesMania 成為一個擁有光明未來的計畫。

Presale is Live, Learn More About Major Benefits


Dogecoin (DOGE) Technical Analysis

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 技術分析

Source: TradingView


Dogecoin (DOGE) is currently trading between its first support at $0.0861 and first resistance at $0.098. The meme coin's Relative Strength Index (RSI) at 53.49 signifies a neutral market momentum, neither overbought, nor oversold. This is complemented by the Stochastic %K at 61.03, which suggests a slight bullish bias, but not enough to confirm a strong uptrend. The Average Directional Index (ADI) at a low 17.64 indicates a lack of strong trend and the Commodity Channel Index (CCI) at 37.92 aligns with this, showing a market that’s not yet decided on a clear direction. The MACD level at a minimal 0.0001 and Momentum at 0.0008 reinforce this scenario of indecision. Interestingly, the Simple Moving Averages (SMA), both 10-day and 100-day, hover around the last price, further reflecting the market's hesitation.

狗狗幣(DOGE)目前在其第一支撐位 0.0861 美元和第一個阻力位 0.098 美元之間交易。 Meme 幣的相對強弱指數 (RSI) 為 53.49,顯示市場勢頭中性,既沒有超買,也沒有超賣。隨機指標 %K 位於 61.03,這表示有輕微看漲傾向,但不足以確認強勁的上升趨勢。平均方向指數 (ADI) 處於 17.64 的低點,表明缺乏強勁趨勢,商品通道指數 (CCI) 處於 37.92 與此相符,表明市場尚未確定明確的方向。 MACD 水準最低為 0.0001,動量為 0.0008,強化了這種猶豫不決的情況。有趣的是,10日和100日簡單移動平均線(SMA)都徘徊在最後價格附近,進一步反映了市場的猶豫。

Dogecoin (DOGE) Bullish Outlook

On the bullish front, Dogecoin's (DOGE) underlying market data provides a more optimistic outlook: the significant increase in new DOGE addresses and the high level of active addresses signal growing engagement and interest in the Dogecoin community. This influx of new and active addresses, especially with a substantial 31.35% increase in new addresses in the past week, can potentially drive demand and push Dogecoin (DOGE) towards its next resistance levels. If the momentum continues and the market sentiment strengthens, DOGE could break past $0.098, aiming for the second barrier at $0.104 and possibly even testing the highest target at $0.1159. Such a movement would be supported by the strong backing from the large and dedicated Dogecoin (DOGE) community, along with the robust whale support that has historically played a pivotal role in DOGE’s price movements.

狗狗幣(DOGE)看漲前景在看漲方面,狗狗幣(DOGE)的基礎市場數據提供了更樂觀的前景:新狗狗幣地址的顯著增加和活躍地址的高水平表明狗狗幣社區的參與度和興趣不斷增長。新地址和活躍地址的湧入,特別是過去一周新地址大幅增加 31.35%,可能會推動需求並推動狗狗幣 (DOGE) 向下一個阻力位。如果這種勢頭持續下去並且市場情緒走強,DOGE可能會突破0.098美元,目標是0.104美元的第二個障礙,甚至可能測試0.1159美元的最高目標。這樣的走勢將得到大型專業狗狗幣 (DOGE) 社群的大力支持,以及歷史上在 DOGE 價格走勢中發揮關鍵作用的鯨魚的強勁支持。

Dogecoin (DOGE) Bearish Outlook

Conversely, in a bearish scenario, if the market loses its current momentum, Dogecoin (DOGE) could see a retraction towards its first support at $0.0861. A break below this level might lead to testing lower grounds at $0.0802 and $0.0683. Despite the optimistic on-chain metrics, DOGE's limited utility and the intense competition in the meme coin space, particularly from newer entrants like BONK could weigh on its market performance. Moreover, the broader market conditions and the evolving landscape of cryptocurrencies also play a crucial role in determining the direction of meme coins like Dogecoin (DOGe) – while it remains a major player due to its first-mover advantage and significant market capitalization, its stability and growth in the face of emerging rivals and market volatility will be key factors to watch in the coming days.

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 看跌前景相反,在看跌情況下,如果市場失去當前動力,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 可能會回落至其第一個支撐位 0.0861 美元。跌破該水準可能會導致測試較低的 0.0802 美元和 0.0683 美元。儘管鏈上指標樂觀,但 DOGE 的實用性有限,而且模因幣領域的激烈競爭,尤其是來自 BONK 等新進者的競爭,可能會影響其市場表現。此外,更廣泛的市場狀況和不斷變化的加密貨幣格局也在決定像狗狗幣(DOGe)這樣的迷因幣的方向方面發揮著至關重要的作用——同時由於其先發優勢和巨大的市值、穩定性,它仍然是主要參與者。面對新興競爭對手的成長和市場波動將是未來幾天值得關注的關鍵因素。

Shiba Inu (SHIB) Technical Analysis

柴犬 (SHIB) 技術分析

Source: TradingView


At the moment, Shiba Inu (SHIB) is navigating between its first support level at $0.00000972 and the first resistance level at $0.00001144. The RSI at 53.49 implies a balanced market, neither strongly overbought, nor oversold. The Stochastic %K at 58.638 reinforces this neutral sentiment. However, the ADX at a low 17.965 indicates a weak trend strength, suggesting that SHIB may be consolidating. The CCI at 61.745 points to a stable trading zone, while the MACD at 0.00000011 and Momentum at -0.00000009 offer subtle cues on the market’s direction. The SMAs stand at $0.00001088 for the 10-day and $0.00001023 for the 100-day.

目前,柴犬 (SHIB) 正在其第一個支撐位 0.00000972 美元和第一個阻力位 0.00001144 美元之間運行。 RSI 為 53.49 表示市場平衡,既沒有強烈超買,也沒有超賣。隨機指標 %K 位於 58.638 強化了這種中性情緒。然而,ADX 處於 17.965 的低位,表明趨勢強度較弱,表明 SHIB 可能正在盤整中。 CCI 位於 61.745,指向穩定交易區域,而 MACD 位於 0.00000011,動量位於 -0.00000009,為市場方向提供了微妙的線索。 10 日移動平均線為 0.00001088 美元,100 日移動平均線為 0.00001023 美元。

Shiba Inu (SHIB) Bullish Outlook

From a bullish standpoint, several factors could propel Shiba Inu’s (SHIB) price higher. The recent burning of over 17 billion SHIB tokens reduces supply, potentially increasing its value, while the shift to an automated burn process in the upcoming upgrade could boost investor confidence. Additionally, increased whale activities and a 266% rise in such transactions signal growing interest from major investors. If these factors align with the general market sentiment, Shiba Inu (SHIB) could break its immediate resistance at $0.00001144 and aim for higher levels at $0.00001221 and $0.00001393.

柴犬(SHIB)看漲前景從看漲的角度來看,有幾個因素可能會推動柴犬(SHIB)的價格走高。最近超過 170 億個 SHIB 代幣的銷毀減少了供應,可能會增加其價值,而在即將到來的升級中轉向自動銷毀流程可能會增強投資者的信心。此外,鯨魚活動的增加以及此類交易增加 266% 表明主要投資者的興趣日益濃厚。如果這些因素與整體市場情緒一致,柴犬 (SHIB) 可能會突破 0.00001144 美元的直接阻力位,並瞄準 0.00001221 美元和 0.00001393 美元的更高水平。

Shiba Inu (SHIB) Bearish Outlook

However, it's also important to consider a bearish scenario for SHIB: despite the positive developments, Shiba Inu’s (SHIB) moderate increase of about 30% since January, compared to other digital assets, indicates a cautious investor approach. The fact that SHIB has not lost a decimal place in nearly 180 days could be seen as a period of stagnation. If the broader market turns bearish, or if the anticipated upgrades and efficiencies fail to impress investors, Shiba Inu (SHIB) could face downward pressure. The low ADX value also implies a lack of strong directional momentum, which might hinder SHIB's ability to break past its immediate resistance and slide towards its lower support levels at $0.00000877 and potentially even $0.00000705, testing investor resilience and interest.

Shiba Inu (SHIB) 看跌前景然而,考慮SHIB 的看跌情景也很重要:儘管取得了積極的進展,但Shiba Inu (SHIB) 自1 月份以來與其他數位資產相比溫和增長了約30%,這表明投資者持謹慎態度。 SHIB 在近 180 天的時間裡沒有丟失一位小數,這可以被視為一段停滯期。如果大盤轉為看跌,或者預期的升級和效率未能給投資者留下深刻印象,柴犬(SHIB)可能面臨下行壓力。較低的 ADX 值也意味著缺乏強勁的方向動力,這可能會阻礙 SHIB 突破其直接阻力並滑向較低支撐位 0.00000877 美元,甚至可能為 0.00000705 美元的能力,考驗投資者的彈性和興趣。

Final Words


As the year nears its end, the crypto market, encompassing both major players and meme coins like Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB), reflects a mix of cautious optimism and watchful waiting. Despite a somewhat muted current market scenario, there's an undercurrent of excitement, particularly around the potential approval of a Bitcoin Spot ETF in January – this anticipation, coupled with the 'greed' sentiment, suggests that traders and investors are still hopeful for a year-end rally.

隨著年末臨近,包括主要參與者和狗狗幣(DOGE)和柴犬(SHIB)等模因幣在內的加密市場反映出謹慎樂觀和警惕等待的混合。儘管當前的市場情況有些平靜,但還是存在一股興奮的暗流,特別是圍繞1 月份比特幣現貨ETF 的潛在批准——這種預期,加上“貪婪”情緒,表明交易者和投資者仍然對一年充滿希望-結束集會。

Both DOGE and SHIB are experiencing minor fluctuations, with potential bullish scenarios driven by factors like token burns and increased investor interest, and bearish possibilities hinging on broader market trends and investor reactions to their respective developments. As the market heads into the new year, the direction these meme coins take will be closely watched, offering insights into the evolving dynamics of the broader crypto landscape.

DOGE 和 SHIB 都經歷了小幅波動,代幣銷毀和投資者興趣增加等因素推動了潛在的看漲情景,而看跌的可能性則取決於更廣泛的市場趨勢和投資者對各自發展的反應。隨著市場進入新的一年,這些迷因幣的發展方向將受到密切關注,從而為更廣泛的加密貨幣領域的動態變化提供見解。

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored article and is for informational purposes only. It does not reflect the views of Crypto Daily, nor is it intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, or financial advice.

免責聲明:這是一篇贊助文章,僅供參考。它不反映 Crypto Daily 的觀點,也不打算用作法律、稅務、投資或財務建議。




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