首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 由於 KangaMoon (KANG) 在 Uniswap 上推出且即將在兩個 CEX 上市,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和柴犬 (SHIB) 失去動力

Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) Lose Steam as KangaMoon (KANG) Launches On Uniswap With Two CEX Listing Upcoming

由於 KangaMoon (KANG) 在 Uniswap 上推出且即將在兩個 CEX 上市,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和柴犬 (SHIB) 失去動力

發布: 2024/07/01 16:48 閱讀: 432



由於 KangaMoon (KANG) 在 Uniswap 上推出且即將在兩個 CEX 上市,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和柴犬 (SHIB) 失去動力

Some memecoins constantly demand more attention and market share in the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies. Meanwhile, prominent meme coins like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu have recently faltered, struggling to maintain their previous excitement and value. Amidst this, a newcomer called KangaMoon has garnered significant interest and traction among investors after concluding its presale. Let's delve into why.

在動態的加密貨幣世界中,一些迷因幣不斷需要更多的關注和市場份額。與此同時,像狗狗幣和柴犬這樣的著名迷因幣最近卻步履蹣跚,難以保持先前的興奮度和價值。其中,一家名為 KangaMoon 的新公司在完成預售後引起了投資者的極大興趣和關注。讓我們深入探究一下原因。

KangaMoon (KANG): A Promising Meme Coin

KangaMoon (KANG):一種有前途的迷因幣

During its recently concluded presale, KangaMoon's price surged to a peak of $0.025 due to high demand for the limited token supply and a successful presale. It further extended its gains in 2024, reaching an impressive 400% increase. Despite its exceptional performance, making it one of the most promising meme coins for investment, market analysts predict that KANG will continue to rise in the coming weeks. This anticipation stems from the meme coin's upcoming listings on BitMart and MEXC, following its recent launch on Uniswap.

在最近結束的預售期間,由於對有限代幣供應的高需求和成功的預售,KangaMoon 的價格飆升至 0.025 美元的峰值。 2024 年,其漲幅進一步擴大,增幅達到令人印象深刻的 400%。儘管其卓越的表現使其成為最有前途的投資模因幣之一,但市場分析師預測 KANG 將在未來幾週內繼續上漲。這種預期源自於 Meme 幣最近在 Uniswap 上推出後即將在 BitMart 和 MEXC 上上市。

Individuals who participated in the presale early have already witnessed substantial gains of 400%, while those who missed out still have an opportunity to join after its listing. KangaMoon is projected to reach $1 in the upcoming months, offering potential for further profitability.

早期參與預售的個人已獲得400%的大幅收益,而錯過預售的人仍有機會在上市後加入。 KangaMoon 預計在未來幾個月內達到 1 美元,提供進一步盈利的潛力。

In addition, KangaMoon presents a unique offering with its groundbreaking Social-Fi protocol, which has captured investor interest. As a community-focused platform, KangaMoon members can earn KANG tokens by engaging in competitions, challenges, and various events. The more involved a community member is, the higher their earnings potential. Furthermore, exciting developments are in the pipeline for the KangaMoon platform.

此外,KangaMoon 憑藉其突破性的 Social-Fi 協議推出了獨特的產品,吸引了投資者的興趣。作為一個以社區為中心的平台,KangaMoon 會員可以透過參加競賽、挑戰和各種活動來賺取 KANG 代幣。社區成員參與越多,他們的收入潛力就越高。此外,KangaMoon 平台正在進行令人興奮的開發。

With over $8 million raised during the presale, KangaMoon ranks among the top meme coins for exponential gains. This value demonstrates investor interest in the project. If you missed the initial 400% surge, there's still an opportunity to acquire tokens after its debut, as it is positioned for further growth towards the $1 mark.

KangaMoon 在預售期間籌集了超過 800 萬美元,躋身指數收益最高的迷因代幣之列。該值表明投資者對該項目的興趣。如果您錯過了最初 400% 的飆升,那麼在其首次亮相後仍有機會購買代幣,因為它的定位是進一步增長至 1 美元大關。

Dogecoin Price Chart Analysis


The Dogecoin price is exhibiting signs of potential bullish momentum as it stabilizes around a crucial support level at the 200EMA or roughly $0.118. Notably, Dogecoin's open interest has increased significantly, now valued at $544.9 million. Such a rise suggests significant opportunities for a further upward surge in the Dogecoin price.

狗狗幣價格顯示出潛在看漲勢頭的跡象,因為它穩定在 200EMA 的關鍵支撐位(約 0.118 美元)附近。值得注意的是,狗狗幣的未平倉合約大幅增加,目前價值 5.449 億美元。這種上漲表明狗狗幣價格有進一步上漲的重大機會。

This development would bolster confidence in Dogecoin's positive trajectory, potentially leading to long-term growth. Additionally, if the memecoin maintains its hold above the $0.114 support level, it may trigger a 10%+ rally, pushing the price towards the $0.140 region. This target price range represents a 50% price retracement level from the $0.055 to $0.228 range observed between August 2023 and March 2024.

這一發展將增強人們對狗狗幣積極發展軌蹟的信心,並有可能帶來長期成長。此外,如果 memecoin 維持在 0.114 美元支撐位上方,可能會引發 10% 以上的反彈,將價格推向 0.140 美元區域。此目標價格範圍代表 2023 年 8 月至 2024 年 3 月期間觀察到的 0.055 美元至 0.228 美元範圍的 50% 價格回撤水準。

Shiba Inu Price Chart Analysis


Recent market developments indicate that Shiba Inu exhibits promising signs of a potential bullish rally. The Shiba Inu price has found support at its 200EMA, indicating a potential 18% recovery after a three-month bear market. This support level and the Shiba Inu price action on the D1 timeframe further bolster the case for a bullish rally.

最近的市場發展表明,柴犬展現出潛在看漲反彈的良好跡象。柴犬價格已在 200EMA 處找到支撐,表明在經歷了三個月的熊市後可能會回升 18%。這一支撐位和柴犬價格在 D1 時間範圍內的走勢進一步支撐了看漲反彈的理由。

Over the past week, the Shiba Inu price chart reveals consolidation between the $0.0000164 and $0.0000184 levels, indicating the memecoin's readiness for a bullish breakout. On-chain data reveals a capitulation event on June 24, when the supply on exchanges dropped significantly. This decline suggests that investors are moving their tokens to wallets, reducing selling pressure and demonstrating confidence in Shiba Inu's future success.

過去一周,柴犬價格圖表顯示在 0.0000164 美元和 0.0000184 美元水平之間盤整,表明 memecoin 已做好看漲突破的準備。鏈上數據顯示 6 月 24 日發生了投降事件,當時交易所的供應量大幅下降。這種下降表明投資者正在將代幣轉移到錢包中,從而減輕拋售壓力並表明對 Shiba Inu 未來成功的信心。

KangaMoon: Multiplying Earnings for Meme Coin Holders

KangaMoon:Meme 幣持有者的收入倍增

Prominent players like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu face challenges in maintaining their previous growth trajectory as the meme coin landscape evolves. While Dogecoin stabilizes around crucial support levels, and Shiba Inu prepares for a breakout after a consolidation phase, both memecoins show potential for bullish rallies. However, a rising star called KangaMoon is taking center stage.

隨著迷因幣格局的演變,狗狗幣和柴犬等知名玩家在維持先前的成長軌跡方面面臨挑戰。雖然狗狗幣穩定在關鍵支撐位附近,而柴犬也準備在盤整階段後突破,但這兩種迷因幣都顯示出看漲反彈的潛力。然而,一位名叫 KangaMoon 的後起之秀正在佔據舞台中心。

It has quickly garnered investor attention and raised over $8 million during its presale. Given its rapid growth, innovative Social-Fi protocol, and community engagement strategies, KangaMoon stands as one of the most promising meme coins for exponential gains. With plans for major exchange listings and more features in development, the future holds even more potential for growth. The recent presale success and anticipated exchange debut paint a bright picture, with the possibility of further price increases, reaching $1 in the coming months.

它迅速引起了投資者的關注,並在預售期間籌集了超過 800 萬美元。鑑於其快速成長、創新的社交網路協議和社區參與策略,KangaMoon 成為最有希望實現指數級增長的模因幣之一。隨著主要交易所上市的計劃和更多功能的開發,未來將擁有更大的成長潛力。最近預售的成功和預期的交易所首次亮相描繪了一幅光明的圖景,價格有可能進一步上漲,在未來幾個月內達到 1 美元。

Explore the Exciting Opportunities with KangaMoon (KANG) Today!

今天就與 KangaMoon (KANG) 一起探索令人興奮的機會!

Website: https://Kangamoon.com/


Telegram Community: https://t.me/Kangamoonofficial


Source: https://thebittimes.com/dogecoin-doge-and-shiba-inu-shib-lose-steam-as-kangamoon-kang-launches-on-uniswap-with-two-cex-listing-upcoming-tbt95124.html

來源:https://thebittimes.com/dogecoin-doge-and-shiba-inu-shib-lose-steam-as-kangamoon-kang-launches-on-uniswap-with-two-cex-listing-upcoming-tbt95124。 html


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