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Dogecoin (DOGE) Surpasses SHIB, PEPE, FLOKI by These Major Metrics

狗狗幣(DOGE)在這些主要指標上超越了 SHIB、PEPE、FLOKI

發布: 2024/02/06 06:00 閱讀: 398



狗狗幣(DOGE)在這些主要指標上超越了 SHIB、PEPE、FLOKI

In a recently published tweet, on-chain data aggregator IntoTheBlock spread the word about a new table with meme coins’ key metrics added to their meme coin dashboard.

在最近發布的一條推文中,鏈上數據聚合器 IntoTheBlock 傳播了一個新表的消息,其中模因幣的關鍵指標已添加到其模因幣儀表板中。

According to this source, the meme cryptocurrency Dogecoin (DOGE) has surpassed all the other meme-inspired cryptocurrencies by several metrics. This includes outperforming such major meme-themed cryptos as Shiba Inu (SHIB), Floki (FLOKI) and Pepe (PEPE).

據該消息來源稱,迷因加密貨幣狗狗幣(DOGE)在多個指標上都超過了所有其他受迷因啟發的加密貨幣。這包括超越 Shiba Inu (SHIB)、Floki (FLOKI) 和 Pepe (PEPE) 等主要的 meme 主題加密貨幣。

Looking for a quick way to compare memecoins? We've added a key metrics table to our Memecoin dashboard. Check it out here: 🔗https://t.co/n29ohjsRRM pic.twitter.com/45Q1MIMaD8

正在尋找比較模因幣的快速方法?我們在 Memecoin 儀表板中新增了一個關鍵指標表。在這裡查看:🔗https://t.co/n29ohjsRRM pic.twitter.com/45Q1MIMaD8

— IntoTheBlock (@intotheblock) February 5, 2024

- IntoTheBlock (@intotheblock) 2024 年 2 月 5 日



Dogecoin launched by Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer in 2013 has outperformed all the other meme cryptocurrencies mentioned in the table by the number of holders in profit. For Dogecoin this is 46.94%, while for SHIB it is 27.11%, for PEPE 24.81%, and for FLOKI 16.11%.

比利·馬庫斯(Billy Markus) 和傑克遜·帕爾默(Jackson Palmer) 於2013 年推出的狗狗幣(Dogecoin) 在利潤持有者數量方面優於表中提到的所有其他模因加密貨幣。對狗狗幣來說,這個比例是 46.94%,對 SHIB 來說,這個比例是 27.11%,對 PEPE 來說,這個比例是 24.81%,對 FLOKI 來說,這個比例是 16.11%。

DOGE also surpasses the rest of the meme coins by the number of holders — 5,853,959 against 1,291,903 for SHIB; 152,195 for PEPE and 73,038 for FLOKI.

DOGE 的持有者數量也超過了其他 meme 幣——持有者數量為 5,853,959,而 SHIB 持有者數量為 1,291,903; PEPE 為 152,195,FLOKI 為 73,038。

Still, Dogecoin is losing by the percentage of whales – 43.75% versus 62.42% for SHIB, 48.01% for PEPE and 69.00% for FLOKI. The two leaders by this metric are Wojak (WOJAK), with 69.27%, and Akita Inu (AKITA) with 68.01%.

儘管如此,狗狗幣的鯨魚比例仍在下降——為 43.75%,而 SHIB 為 62.42%,PEPE 為 48.01%,FLOKI 為 69.00%。以此指標衡量,排名前兩位的是 Wojak (WOJAK)(支持率 69.27%)和秋田犬 (AKITA)(支持率 68.01%)。

The number of traders is also the highest for Dogecoin — 387,000 as of Jan. 29 — and it was 576,000 as of the end of December, surpassing the rest of the meme cryptocurrencies staggeringly.

狗狗幣的交易者數量也是最高的——截至 1 月 29 日為 387,000 人——截至 12 月底為 576,000 人,驚人地超過了其他 meme 加密貨幣。

Elon Musk reignites speculations about DOGE and X

馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 再次引發人們對 DOGE 和 X 的猜測

As reported by U.Today earlier, Elon Musk surprised Crypto Twitter by liking his own tweet dedicated to Dogecoin from 2021. That was a tweet published by Musk as he was considering launching his own university — Texas Institute of Technology & Science.

根據《今日美國》早些時候報道,埃隆馬斯克對自己的2021 年狗狗幣推文點贊,令Crypto Twitter 感到驚訝。這是馬斯克在考慮創辦自己的大學——德克薩斯理工學院時發布的推文。

The tweet stated: “Tuition is in Dogecoin & u get a discount if u have a dog.” Curiously, on Sunday, Musk again tweeted about this, asking his army of followers whether he should actually launch this university.


This tweet was supported by Dogecoin cofounder Billy Markus, who seconded Musk’s idea, along with several other crypto-themed accounts. 


Musk has recently made all the legal preparations with regulators for launching a peer-to-peer payment system on X within a year in order to expand the utility of the X platform and add commerce opportunities to it. The DOGE army still hopes Musk will add Dogecoin to X payments.

馬斯克最近與監管機構做好了所有法律準備,計劃在一年內在 X 上推出點對點支付系統,以擴大 X 平台的實用性並為其增加商業機會。 DOGE大軍仍然希望馬斯克將狗狗幣加入X支付中。


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