首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣 (DOGE) 對其他 Meme 幣的突然成長指標感到驚訝嗎?找到大收益的新選擇?

Dogecoin (DOGE) Surprised by other Meme Coin Sudden Growth Metric? New Choice for Big Gains Found?

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 對其他 Meme 幣的突然成長指標感到驚訝嗎?找到大收益的新選擇?

發布: 2023/09/26 22:11 閱讀: 656

原文作者:CoinPedia News


The post Dogecoin (DOGE) Surprised by other Meme Coin Sudden Growth Metric? New Choice for Big Gains Found? appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 對其他 Meme 幣的突然成長指標感到驚訝嗎?找到大收益的新選擇?首先出現在 Coinpedia 金融科技新聞上

In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrencies, fortunes shift as quickly as sands in the desert. The thrilling rallies and occasional nosedives have made this digital realm a hotbed of activity, speculation, and potential. While the bigger players often dictate market sentiment, it’s the newcomers that can, sometimes, steal the show. One such coin is Grimace ($GRIMACE) – its potential x20 leap generated a lot of excitement in the crypto world.

在不斷發展的加密貨幣世界中,財富的變化就像沙漠中的沙子一樣快。令人興奮的上漲和偶爾的暴跌使這個數位領域成為活動、投機和潛力的溫床。雖然較大的參與者通常決定市場情緒,但有時新來者可以搶盡風頭。 Grimace ($GRIMACE) 就是這樣的一種代幣——它潛在的 20 倍的飛躍在加密世界中引起了極大的興奮。

Dogecoin (DOGE): Navigating Choppy Waters


Although once a meme coin, Dogecoin has solidified its presence in the crypto world. However, recent market conditions reveal a coin that’s walking a tightrope. Dogecoin is ambivalent between levels of $0.0605 and $0.0611, suggesting that traders are waiting for the right momentum to drive their decisions.

儘管狗狗幣曾經是一種迷因幣,但它已經鞏固了在加密世界中的地位。然而,最近的市場狀況表明,一枚代幣正在走鋼索。狗狗幣在 0.0605 美元和 0.0611 美元之間處於矛盾狀態,這表明交易者正在等待合適的動力來推動他們的決策。

Key turning points reveal that Dogecoin recently crossed the 9-40 day moving average at $0.1075 but has since then seen a pullback. A 13-week high was recorded at $0.0821. Meanwhile, the 1-month high rests just slightly beneath this at $0.0675. The ongoing price oscillations suggest that while Dogecoin has its moments of brilliance, the coin is grappling with finding a steady direction.

關鍵轉折點顯示,狗狗幣最近突破了 9-40 天移動平均線 0.1075 美元,但此後出現回檔。創 13 週新高至 0.0821 美元。同時,1 個月高點略低於此水準 0.0675 美元。持續的價格波動表明,雖然狗狗幣有過輝煌時刻,但它正在努力尋找穩定的方向。

The trajectory of Dogecoin is, at best, unpredictable. While the coin has previously demonstrated resilience and the ability to rally, the current market conditions and increasing competition may present some hurdles. Past performance has shown that Dogecoin can turn around its fortunes. 


But with factors like global market sentiment and newer coins entering the fray, the road ahead is anyone’s guess. On the horizon, Grimace is gearing up for a major advertising push and making other highly promising moves. While DOGE is uncertain, Grimace has a clear road to potential profits.

但隨著全球市場情緒和新代幣等因素的加入,未來的道路誰也說不準。在即將到來的時候,Grimace 正準備進行大規模的廣告宣傳,並採取其他極具前景的舉措。雖然 DOGE 還不確定,但 Grimace 卻有一條明確的潛在利潤之路。

Grimace ($GRIMACE): Meme Masterplan

鬼臉 ($GRIMACE):迷因總體規劃

Started as a memecoin, GRIMACE has proven its ability to grow and thrive. This crypto debuted on Dogechain (DOG-20) in April 2023, sparked by a brief social media exchange. McDonald’s promised to accept Elon Musk’s crypto payment when his company would embrace the then-fictional GRIMACECOIN. The community rallied behind this meme-driven concept, and the project skyrocketed by a staggering x17 in no time.

GRIMACE 最初是一種迷因幣,已經證明了其成長和繁榮的能力。該加密貨幣於 2023 年 4 月在狗狗鏈 (DOG-20) 上首次亮相,由一次簡短的社交媒體交流引發。麥當勞承諾,當 Elon Musk 接受當時虛構的 GRIMACECOIN 時,他的公司將接受加密貨幣支付。社區團結起來支持這個 meme 驅動的概念,該項目很快就以驚人的 17 倍飆升。

Surpassing Expectations


The initial success foreshadowed the overall trajectory. By May 2023, a remarkable 90% of all DOG-20 transactions were $GRIMACE transactions. The following month, it secured a listing on a prominent crypto exchange, achieving a daily trading peak of $60,000,000. A week after its much-anticipated listing on another top exchange, the project occupied the top spots on the platform’s charts, leaving ChainGPT, Arbitrum, and even BTC in the dust.

最初的成功預示了整體軌跡。到 2023 年 5 月,所有 DOG-20 交易中有 90% 都是 $GRIMACE 交易。隔月,它在一家著名的加密貨幣交易所上市,每日交易額達到了 6,000 萬美元的高峰。在備受期待的另一家頂級交易所上市一周後,該項目佔據了該平台排行榜的榜首,將 ChainGPT、Arbitrum 甚至 BTC 拋在了後面。

The Future Beacons


At this point, the prospect of reaching an x21 milestone seems highly likely. Industry experts expect it to reach $1,000 per coin by the end of 2023, based on a multitude of growth factors. Providing backers with returns of 2,100% no longer appears far-fetched; it’s a real possibility on the horizon. One billboard just outside of the SpaceX office was only just the beginning.

目前看來,達到 x21 里程碑的可能性似乎很高。基於多種成長因素,產業專家預計到 2023 年底,每枚代幣的價格將達到 1,000 美元。為支持者提供 2,100% 的回報不再顯得遙不可及;這是即將到來的真正可能性。 SpaceX 辦公室外的一塊廣告看板只是一個開始。

In Conclusion: The Game of Predictions


Crypto trading isn’t for the faint-hearted. While Dogecoin remains a favourite among many and continues to waver in the market, awaiting a clear direction, Grimace emerges as a force to be reckoned with. 


Everyone understands that the clock is ticking! Grab Grimace RIGHT NOW for $50-$55 and witness your fortunes EXPLODE. With the potential to skyrocket to $1,000 by year-end, this is a ride you can’t afford to miss. JOIN the Telegram community TODAY and be part of something bigger.

每個人都明白,時鐘正在滴答作響!立即購買 Grimace,價格為 50-55 美元,見證您的財富爆炸。到年底有可能飆升至 1,000 美元,這是您不容錯過的旅程。立即加入 Telegram 社區,成為更大事業的一部分。


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