首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣 (DOGE) 不會達到 1 美元,而這種新的替代品預計在 2024 年第一季達到 1 美元

Dogecoin (DOGE) Won’t Hit $1, While This New Alternative Is Poised to Do So in Q1 of 2024

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 不會達到 1 美元,而這種新的替代品預計在 2024 年第一季達到 1 美元

發布: 2024/02/17 21:32 閱讀: 703



As Dogecoin (DOGE) struggles to reach the highly anticipated $1 milestone, a new contender is swiftly rising in the cryptocurrency realm, capturing the attention of investors with its promising potential. This emerging alternative, characterized by innovative technology and a strong underlying ecosystem, is not just turning heads but is also on track to achieve what Dogecoin has yet to accomplish. With a trajectory that’s both impressive and solidly backed by fundamental developments, this novel crypto asset is poised to hit the $1 mark in the first quarter of 2024, setting the stage for a significant shift in investor focus and market dynamics.

在狗狗幣(DOGE)努力達到備受期待的 1 美元里程碑之際,加密貨幣領域的一個新競爭者正在迅速崛起,以其廣闊的潛力吸引了投資者的注意力。這種新興的替代方案以創新技術和強大的基礎生態系統為特徵,不僅引人注目,而且有望實現狗狗幣尚未實現的目標。這種新穎的加密資產的發展軌跡令人印象深刻,並得到基本面發展的堅實支持,預計在 2024 年第一季度達到 1 美元大關,為投資者焦點和市場動態的重大轉變奠定基礎。

Pandoshi (PAMBO)

Pandoshi is revolutionizing the DeFi world with a comprehensive array of blockchain-driven functionalities, transcending basic financial transactions to cultivate a community-driven ecosystem. Its emphasis on decentralization, user privacy, and empowerment differentiates it in the market.

Pandoshi (PAMBO)Pandoshi 正在透過一系列全面的區塊鏈驅動功能徹底改變 DeFi 世界,超越基本金融交易,培育社群驅動的生態系統。它對去中心化、用戶隱私和賦權的強調使其在市場中脫穎而出。

Currently, Pandoshi is in the critical final stage of its presale, entering the conclusive phase of its debut strategy. This pivotal stage offers investors the last chance to secure PAMBO tokens at a presale rate of $0.01 each, on the verge of its trading platform debut. The heightened excitement around this phase marks the strategic culmination of the presale, underscoring Pandoshi’s evolution and drawing significant investor interest.

目前,Pandoshi正處於預售的關鍵最後階段,進入首發策略的收尾階段。這一關鍵階段為投資者提供了在 PAMBO 交易平台首次亮相前以每枚 0.01 美元預售價格獲得 PAMBO 代幣的最後機會。這一階段的高度興奮標誌著預售的策略性高潮,凸顯了 Pandoshi 的發展並吸引了投資者的極大興趣。

At the core of Pandoshi is a Layer-2 Network that utilizes a Proof of Stake protocol, presenting an eco-friendlier alternative to the traditional Proof of Work models. The platform’s ecosystem is comprehensive, featuring a decentralized exchange, the secure Pandoshi Wallet for non-custodial transactions, engaging Metaverse gaming, educational initiatives, and KYC-free cryptocurrency-compatible prepaid cards, with the PAMBO token as its cornerstone, initially launched on the Ethereum blockchain.

Pandoshi 的核心是採用權益證明協議的第 2 層網絡,為傳統的工作量證明模型提供了更環保的替代方案。該平台的生態系統是全面的,具有去中心化交易所、用於非託管交易的安全Pandoshi 錢包、參與Metaverse 遊戲、教育計劃以及無需KYC 的加密貨幣兼容預付卡,以PAMBO 代幣為基石,最初在以太坊區塊鏈。

Additionally, the team has announced the impending launch of the Pandachain testnet during this final presale phase, showcasing their expertise and commitment to the project’s long-term vision.

此外,團隊還宣布即將在最後的預售階段啟動 Pandachain 測試網,展示他們的專業知識和對該專案長期願景的承諾。

PAMBO is designed to be deflationary, with a buy-and-burn strategy in place to reduce its circulation and enhance scarcity, thereby potentially increasing its value. This strategy is supported by the platform’s decentralized exchange, which uses transaction fees to buy back and retire PAMBO tokens from the market, further limiting their supply and boosting their value.

PAMBO 被設計為通貨緊縮,並採取買入並銷毀策略來減少其流通量並增強稀缺性,從而有可能增加其價值。這項策略得到了平台去中心化交易所的支持,該交易所利用交易費用從市場上回購和退出 PAMBO 代幣,進一步限制其供應並提高其價值。

A significant development for Pandoshi was the beta release of the Pandoshi Wallet on the Google Play Store, with plans for an iOS version soon. Achieved during the presale, this milestone has bolstered investor trust, demonstrating the project’s capability to exceed its roadmap promises.

Pandoshi 的一項重大發展是在 Google Play 商店上發布了 Pandoshi 錢包的測試版,並計劃很快推出 iOS 版本。在預售期間實現的這一里程碑增強了投資者的信任,證明了該項目有能力超越其路線圖承諾。

This crucial advancement during a key phase reflects the team’s dedication to reaching significant milestones, thereby reinforcing trust in Pandoshi’s strategic direction. The wallet’s compatibility with both EVM and non-EVM chains indicates Pandoshi’s ambition and readiness to emerge as a leader in the rapidly evolving crypto space.

這一關鍵階段的重大進展反映了團隊致力於實現重要里程碑的決心,從而增強了對 Pandoshi 策略方向的信任。該錢包與 EVM 和非 EVM 鏈的兼容性表明 Pandoshi 的雄心和準備成為快速發展的加密貨幣領域的領導者。

Click Here To Take Part In Pandoshi Presale

點擊此處參加 Pandoshi 預售

Visit the links below for more information about Pandoshi (PAMBO):
Website: https://pandoshi.com/
Whitepaper: https://docs.pandoshi.com/

請訪問以下鏈接,以了解有關 Pandoshi (PAMBO) 的更多信息:網站:https://pandoshi.com/Whitepaper:https://docs.pandoshi.com/


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