首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣下跌 5%;新的狗狗主題 Meme 預售籌集超過 500 萬美元

Dogecoin Down By 5%; The New Doge-Themed Meme Raises Over $5 Million In Presale

狗狗幣下跌 5%;新的狗狗主題 Meme 預售籌集超過 500 萬美元

發布: 2024/04/18 02:28 閱讀: 785



Meme coins continue to capture the imagination and investment of the public. While Dogecoin has seen a recent dip of 5% in its value, a new contender has emerged with significant momentum. The same Shiba Inu meme has inspired this project, gaining fame as the Dogeverse ($DOGEVERSE). This new meme coin has raised an impressive $5 million in its initial presale phase.

模因幣繼續吸引大眾的想像和投資。雖然狗狗幣的價值最近下跌了 5%,但一個新的競爭者已經出現,勢頭強勁。同樣的柴犬模因激發了這個項目,並因 Dogeverse ($DOGEVERSE) 而聞名。這款新的迷因幣在最初的預售階段就籌集了令人印象深刻的 500 萬美元。

The Current State of Dogecoin and Its Investment Opportunity


There has been a lot of discussion lately on Doge Day, which is coming up on April 20. The rise of several meme coins might be possible after that date. For many cryptocurrency fans, Dogecoin is the first cryptocurrency that comes to mind when discussing Doge Day. $DOGE, though, doesn’t seem like the most promising choice at this moment.

最近,關於 4 月 20 日即將到來的總督日引發了很多討論。對於許多加密貨幣愛好者來說,在討論狗狗日時,狗狗幣是第一個想到的加密貨幣。不過,目前 $DOGE 似乎不是最有前景的選擇。

For a while now, $DOGE has been struggling with notable price swings. Not even the excitement surrounding Doge Day could save $DOGE from this predicament. Over the last week, the situation has gotten considerably worse. The price of $DOGE has dropped by more than 20%!

一段時間以來,$DOGE 一直在與顯著的價格波動作鬥爭。即使圍繞狗狗日的興奮也無法讓 $DOGE 擺脫困境。上週,情況變得更加糟糕。 $DOGE價格跌幅超過20%!

$DOGE has a maximum expected value of roughly $0.1896 in 2024 and a current value of $0.1557. It isn’t the ideal choice for investors. Fortunately, supporters of meme coins with dog themes have discovered an amazing substitute. They got a new meme coin that has the potential to eclipse $DOGE and numerous other meme coins!

$DOGE 到 2024 年的最大預期值約為 0.1896 美元,目前值為 0.1557 美元。對投資人來說這不是理想的選擇。幸運的是,以狗為主題的迷因硬幣的支持者發現了一個驚人的替代品。他們獲得了一種新的模因幣,有可能超越 $DOGE 和許多其他模因幣!

>>>Buy Dogeverse now<<<


Dogeverse: The Next Big Meme Coin


Among fans of meme coins, dog-themed coins are quite popular. However, it seems like you’ve seen them all when you come across one dog-themed meme currency. That’s not the case though. The cryptocurrency community is now richer for a unique dog-themed meme coin. Thanks to the launch of Dogeverse ($DOGEVERSE), a new meme coin sensation, they got one.

在米姆硬幣的粉絲中,以狗為主題的硬幣非常受歡迎。然而,當您遇到以狗為主題的模因貨幣時,您似乎已經見過它們了。但事實並非如此。現在,加密貨幣社群因獨特的以狗為主題的迷因硬幣而變得更加豐富。由於 Dogeverse ($DOGEVERSE) 的推出,一種引起轟動的新模因硬幣,他們得到了一個。

The first multi-chain dog-themed meme coin, called Dogeverse, may soon take off! This meme currency raised over 4.6 million dollars in a week and over a million dollars in a matter of seconds. Dogeverse is emerging as the next potential viral sensation in the meme coin sector, paralleling Dogecoin’s early days. 

第一個多鏈以狗為主題的迷因幣,名為 Dogeverse,可能很快就會起飛!這種 meme 貨幣在一周內籌集了超過 460 萬美元,在幾秒鐘內籌集了超過 100 萬美元。 Dogeverse 正在成為迷因幣領域下一個潛在的病毒式轟動,與狗狗幣的早期時期類似。

Multi-Chain Functionality as a Versatile Approach to Meme Coins

多鏈功能作為 Meme 幣的多功能方法

What sets Dogeverse apart is its multi-chain functionality. This meme coin is not restricted to a single blockchain but is designed to operate across various platforms. Those blockchains include Ethereum, Solana, and Avalanche. 

Dogeverse 的與眾不同之處在於它的多鏈功能。這種迷因幣並不局限於單一區塊鏈,而是設計用於跨不同平台運行。這些區塊鏈包括以太坊、Solana 和 Avalanche。

This approach broadens its potential user base and enhances its utility and potential for integration into diverse digital ecosystems. With recent surges in the popularity of base meme coins such as DEGEN and BRETT, Dogeverse is strategically positioned to capitalize on this growing trend.

這種方法擴大了其潛在用戶群,並增強了其實用性和融入不同數位生態系統的潛力。隨著 DEGEN 和 BRETT 等基礎迷因幣最近的流行,Dogeverse 處於戰略地位,可以利用這一成長趨勢。

Distribution of Resources and Dogeverse’s Reach

資源分配和 Dogverse 的影響範圍

One of Dogeverse ($DOGEVERSE)’s most remarkable features is its well crafted tokenomics. Resources are allocated here very carefully and almost precisely, making growth and expansion the top priorities.

Dogeverse ($DOGEVERSE) 最顯著的特點之一是其精心設計的代幣經濟學。這裡的資源分配非常仔細且幾乎精確,將成長和擴張作為首要任務。

There are only 200 billion tokens in the whole supply of $DOGEVERSE. They have all been properly dispersed to encourage ecosystem growth.

$DOGEVERSE 的總供應量只有 2000 億枚代幣。它們都得到了適當的分散,以促進生態系統的發展。

Of the 200 billion, thirty billion, or fifteen percent, have been designated for Early Supporter Allocation. This basically indicates that 30 billion tokens have been reserved by $DOGEVERSE for those who have supported them since the beginning in recognition of their noteworthy work.

在 2000 億美元中,有 300 億美元,即百分之十五,已指定用於早期支持者分配。這基本上表明 $DOGEVERSE 已為那些從一開始就支持他們的人保留了 300 億枚代幣,以表彰他們值得注意的工作。

Explosive Start and Viral Potential


It’s obvious that a new coin has the potential to be the next big thing in cryptocurrency when it generates more than a million dollars in a single day. Not only did Dogeverse raise that much in a single day, but it also achieved a remarkable $6 million over the course of the following few days. Dogeverse can now proudly claim to have raised over $5 million!

很明顯,當一種新硬幣在一天內產生超過一百萬美元時,它就有潛力成為加密貨幣中的下一個大事件。 Dogeverse 不僅在一天之內籌集了這麼多資金,而且在接下來的幾天裡還籌集了 600 萬美元的資金。 Dogeverse 現在可以自豪地宣稱已經籌集了超過 500 萬美元!

Within hours of its launch, Dogeverse had already garnered over $250,000 in investments, signaling strong market interest and the potential for rapid growth. This robust start is a testament to the coin’s compelling concept and the community’s eagerness for new meme-driven investment opportunities. 

在推出後數小時內,Dogeverse 已獲得超過 25 萬美元的投資,顯示了市場的強烈興趣和快速成長的潛力。這一強勁的開端證明了該代幣引人注目的概念以及社區對新的模因驅動的投資機會的渴望。

The expectation is that Dogeverse will not only follow in the footsteps of its predecessors but also carve out a unique niche in the crypto space.


>>>Buy Dogeverse now<<<


The Anticipated Meme Coin Frenzy in April

四月預期的 Meme 幣狂潮

April is shaping up to be a pivotal month for the cryptocurrency market, particularly with the upcoming Bitcoin halving event. This event traditionally creates market volatility and increased interest in alternative coins. Dogeverse is poised to benefit from this heightened attention.

四月將成為加密貨幣市場的關鍵月份,尤其是即將到來的比特幣減半事件。傳統上,這一事件會造成市場波動並增加對替代硬幣的興趣。 Dogeverse 有望從這種高度關注中受益。

 Combined with the celebration of Doge Day, the conditions are ripe for a meme coin frenzy, with Dogeverse leading the charge.

結合總督日的慶祝活動,模因硬幣狂熱的條件已經成熟,其中 Dogeverse 處於領先地位。

Don’t Miss The Opportunity to Get Dogeverse Before Doge Day

不要錯過在總督日之前獲得 Dogeverse 的機會

The demand for meme coins with dog themes is rising as Doge Day draws near. Coins having the most potential for rapid value growth are the most well-liked. Dogeverse is a meme coin with the potential to grow up to 100 times in value in this regard! 

隨著總督日的臨近,對以狗為主題的迷因硬幣的需求正在上升。最具快速價值成長潛力的硬幣最受歡迎。 Dogeverse 是一種迷因幣,在這方面其價值有可能增長 100 倍!

The yearly “Doge Day” on April 20 is quickly approaching, which is one of the reasons why people are starting to become excited again about meme coins. It appears that Dogeverse is in a good position to capitalize on this buzz and draw in “crypto enthusiasts” worldwide.

一年一度的4月20日「總督日」即將到來,這也是人們開始再次對米姆幣感到興奮的原因之一。看來,Dogeverse 處於有利位置,可以利用這一熱潮並吸引全世界的「加密貨幣愛好者」。

>>>Buy Dogeverse now<<<


The Rise of Dogeverse Amidst Dogecoin’s Decline


As Dogecoin struggles with a temporary setback, losing 5% of its value, Dogeverse is rapidly ascending as the new star in the meme coin universe. With its innovative multi-chain approach and strong community backing, 

當狗狗幣遭遇暫時的挫折,損失了 5% 的價值時,狗狗幣正迅速崛起,成為迷因幣宇宙中的新星。憑藉其創新的多鏈方法和強大的社區支持,

Dogeverse is not just a fleeting trend but a burgeoning force in the cryptocurrency world. As we move closer to Doge Day and witness the unfolding impact of the Bitcoin halving, all eyes will be on Dogeverse to see if it can truly become the next meme coin to capture the crypto community’s heart and investment.

Dogverse 不僅是一種轉瞬即逝的趨勢,也是加密貨幣世界中一股新興的力量。隨著狗狗日的臨近,見證比特幣減半的影響逐漸顯現,所有人的目光都將集中在狗狗宇宙上,看看它是否能真正成為下一個贏得加密社區關注和投資的模因幣。

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