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Dogecoin Founder Cites Historical DOGE Statement as Price Soars 18%

狗狗幣創辦人引用狗狗幣歷史聲明,價格飆漲 18%

發布: 2024/03/02 16:32 閱讀: 807



狗狗幣創辦人引用狗狗幣歷史聲明,價格飆漲 18%

Billy Markus, who founded the original meme cryptocurrency DOGE in collaboration with Jackson Palmer and launched it in December 2013, has published a tweet about his brainchild, citing his “historical” message from the Bitcoin Forum.

比利馬庫斯 (Billy Markus) 與傑克遜帕爾默 (Jackson Palmer) 合作創立了最初的模因加密貨幣 DOGE,並於 2013 年 12 月推出。

Markus is know on the X platform (formerly known as Twitter) and other social media networks as “Shibetoshi Nakamoto.”

馬庫斯在 X 平台(以前稱為 Twitter)和其他社交媒體網絡上被稱為“Shibetoshi Nakamoto”。

In the meantime, within the past 24 hours, the Dogecoin price has staged a major increase, rising by 22.76% today.


Dogecoin message from 2013

2013 年狗狗幣消息

Billy Markus posted a fresh tweet about Dogecoin about it being a great indicator of “how retarded people are getting.”

比利馬庫斯(Billy Markus)發布了一條關於狗狗幣的新推文,稱它是「人們智障程度的一個很好的指標」。

dogecoin is a really good indicator for how retarded people are getting


— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) March 1, 2024

— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) 2024 年 3 月 1 日

“If you take offense to this you're not retarded enough to be in crypto,” Markus jokingly concluded, adding a “ROFL” emoji to his tweet. Explaining where this thought came from initially, he published a screenshot with a message dated December 8, 2013, from the Bitcoin Forum, where to a question about DOGE if it is supposed to be retarded on purpose, responded, “Yes, it is.”

馬庫斯開玩笑地總結道:「如果你對此感到生氣,那麼你的智商還不足以進入加密領域。」他在推文中添加了一個「ROFL」表情符號。在解釋這個想法最初的來源時,他發布了一張屏幕截圖,其中包含一條來自比特幣論壇的日期為2013 年12 月8 日的消息,當有人問到DOGE 是否應該被故意延遲時,他回答說:“是的,確實如此。 ”



— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) March 1, 2024

— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) 2024 年 3 月 1 日

Dogecoin soars 18% overnight


Over the last 24 hours, the largest meme cryptocurrency by market capitalization value has printed a staggering increase of 22.76%, reaching the $0.1501 level. By now, DOGE has rolled back a little, dropping to $.1456 – a 3.21% decline.

在過去 24 小時內,市值最大的 meme 加密貨幣上漲了 22.76%,達到 0.1501 美元的水平。截至目前,DOGE 已小幅回落,跌至 0.1456 美元,跌幅為 3.21%。

Overall, since the start of the week, DOGE has staged a staggering rise of 73.28%.


The massive increase in the Dogecoin price was largely due to the recent upsurge of the “crypto market locomotive” – Bitcoin. Since the week began, BTC has soared by 21.74%, reaching the monstrous high of $64,000 briefly at some point. By now, Bitcoin has rolled back below $62,000 and is exchanging hands at $61,990 at the time of this writing.

狗狗幣價格的大幅上漲很大程度上得益於近期「加密貨幣市場火車頭」——比特幣的熱潮。自本週開始以來,BTC 已飆升 21.74%,曾短暫觸及 64,000 美元的驚人高點。到目前為止,比特幣已回落至 62,000 美元以下,在撰寫本文時,其交易價格為 61,990 美元。

The Bitcoin rise was fueled by the recent clamor and institutional excitement about spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds. The Security and Exchange Commission finally issued a green light on them on January 11 after various hedge funds, mainly Grayscale, spent nearly a decade lobbying their approval and launch. The largest spot-based Bitcoin ETF is currently BlackRock that is holding a whopping $10 billion worth of Bitcoin – this epic milestone was reached over the past week as BlackRock left the rest of the ETFs far behind.

最近對現貨比特幣交易所交易基金的喧囂和機構興奮推動了比特幣的上漲。在各種對沖基金(主要是灰階)花了近十年的時間遊說它們的批准和推出之後,美國證券交易委員會最終在 1 月 11 日為它們開了綠燈。目前最大的現貨比特幣ETF 是貝萊德(BlackRock),該公司持有價值高達100 億美元的比特幣——這一史詩般的里程碑是在過去一周實現的,貝萊德將其他ETF 遠遠拋在了後面。

The other ETF providers include Fidelity, Bitwise, VanEck.

其他 ETF 提供者包括 Fidelity、Bitwise、VanEck。




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