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Dogecoin Founder Says DAOs Are ‘Universally Stupid And Doomed’, Here’s Why

狗狗幣創始人稱 DAO 是“普遍愚蠢且注定失敗的”,原因如下

發布: 2023/12/01 06:39 閱讀: 965



Dogecoin founder, Billy Marcus has condemned DAOs, criticizing flaws in their fundamental design as a shared governance and expressing doubts about their viability over time within the crypto space. 

狗狗幣創始人比利馬庫斯 (Billy Marcus) 譴責了 DAO,批評其作為共享治理的基本設計存在缺陷,並對它們在加密貨幣領域的長期生存能力表示懷疑。

DOGE Founder Slams DAOs

DOGE 創辦人猛烈抨擊 DAO

In a recent post on X (formerly Twitter), Dogecoin creator, Billy Marcus aka Shibetoshi Nakamoto openly criticized Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs), expressing a general dislike for the organization and the idea behind it. 

在X(以前的Twitter)上最近發表的一篇文章中,狗狗幣的創建者Birly Marcus 又名Shibetoshi Nakamoto 公開批評去中心化自治組織(DAO),表達了對該組織及其背後的想法的普遍厭惡。

“DAOs are almost universally stupid and doomed because ‘crypto communities’ are often exclusively interested in short-term profits, the hype is worth more than actual deliveries, and nobody has any incentive to build anything,” Marcus stated.

馬庫斯表示:「DAO 幾乎普遍都是愚蠢且注定要失敗的,因為『加密貨幣社群』往往只對短期利潤感興趣,炒作比實際交付更有價值,而且沒有人有任何動力去建造任何東西。”

The Dogecoin founder’s assertive declarations were in response to a comment published by a popular X community member, Jason who had expressed his appreciation for DAOs and Non-fungible Tokens (NFTs). 

狗狗幣創始人的自信聲明是對一位受歡迎的 X 社群成員 Jason 發表的評論的回應,Jason 表達了他對 DAO 和不可替代代幣(NFT)的讚賞。

“NFTs were always fascinating to me. Along with DAOs, I thought they had the most potential and I still do. Highly recommend founders who believe in these keep grinding on making them easier to use,” Jason stated.

「NFT 一直讓我著迷。與 DAO 一樣,我認為它們最有潛力,現在仍然如此。強烈建議那些相信這些的創始人繼續努力讓它們更容易使用,」傑森說。

The X community member’s admiration of DAOs and NFTs comes at a time when the value of NFTs is slowly declining and DAOs are lacking proper managerial structures and governance. 

X 社群成員對 DAO 和 NFT 的欽佩之際,NFT 的價值正在緩慢下降,而 DAO 缺乏適當的管理結構和治理。

Many X users have supported Marcus’s view of DAOs, highlighting shortcomings in DAO’s unique governance structure and its tendency to produce unproductive results. 

許多 X 使用者支持 Marcus 對 DAO 的看法,強調了 DAO 獨特治理結構的缺陷及其產生無效結果的傾向。

“I used to be more optimistic about DAO but I’ve now seen many of them in DeFi devolve into squabbling chaos. Without a strong hand on the governance in some fashion, whether via a founder or investor, a beneficent dictator gridlock emerges,” one X user stated. 

「我曾經對 DAO 比較樂觀,但現在我看到 DeFi 中的許多都陷入了爭吵混亂。如果沒有以某種方式加強治理,無論是透過創辦人還是投資者,就會出現仁慈的獨裁者僵局,」一位 X 用戶表示。

Dogecoin Founder Reveals Net Worth


In a recent post on X, Billy Marcus disclosed details of his net worth after a report claimed the Dogecoin creator had an estimated net worth of $5 million. Marcus deemed the evaluation as ‘hilarious,’ stating that his net worth was well below $1 million despite the fact that he actively desired to make more money. 

在一份報告稱這位狗狗幣創造者的淨資產估計為 500 萬美元後,比利·馬庫斯 (Billy Marcus) 在 X 最近的一篇文章中披露了他的淨資產詳細信息。馬庫斯認為這一評估“很有趣”,他表示,儘管他非常渴望賺更多錢,但他的淨資產遠低於 100 萬美元。

Amidst these revelations, the price of Dogecoin is doing fairly well. At the time of writing, DOGE is trading at $0.081 and its daily market capitalization presently is up by 5.06% according to CoinMarketCap. Adding to the excitement, the cryptocurrency’s space mission, the DOGE-1 moon mission, is also scheduled to launch soon.

在這些披露中,狗狗幣的價格表現相當不錯。截至撰寫本文時,DOGE 的交易價格為 0.081 美元,根據 CoinMarketCap 的數據,其每日市值目前上漲了 5.06%。更令人興奮的是,加密貨幣的太空任務 DOGE-1 月球任務也計劃很快啟動。

Considering Dogecoin’s recent positive performance over the past week, numerous price predictions have emerged for the token, with some suggesting a potential surge to $0.14 if it breaks certain key resistance.

考慮到狗狗幣在過去一周的積極表現,對該代幣的價格做出了許多預測,其中一些人認為,如果狗狗幣突破某些關鍵阻力位,則可能會飆升至 0.14 美元。


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