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Dogecoin Co-Founder defends crypto against Ripple CEO

狗狗幣聯合創始人針對 Ripple 執行長捍衛加密貨幣

發布: 2024/01/23 18:35 閱讀: 307



Dogecoin co-founder Billy Markus, also known as Shibetoshi Nakamoto, has responded to criticisms leveled by Ripple Labs CEO Brad Garlinghouse. This comes after Garlinghouse expressed skepticism about the utility of Dogecoin at the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos. The ongoing debate highlights the contrasting views within the cryptocurrency community.

狗狗幣聯合創始人比利馬庫斯(Billy Markus,又名 Shibetoshi Nakamoto)回應了 Ripple Labs 執行長布拉德加林豪斯(Brad Garlinghouse)的批評。此前,加林豪斯在達沃斯世界經濟論壇年會上對狗狗幣的實用性表示懷疑。持續不斷的爭論凸顯了加密貨幣社群內部的不同觀點。

Ripple CEO criticizes Dogecoin at Davos Forum

During a panel discussion titled “Clear-Eyed About Crypto” at the Davos Forum, Ripple Labs CEO Brad Garlinghouse raised concerns about the utility and regulation of unregulated cryptocurrencies, specifically targeting Dogecoin.

Ripple執行長在達沃斯論壇上批評狗狗幣在達沃斯論壇上題為「對加密貨幣的清醒認識」的小組討論中,Ripple Labs執行長布拉德·加林豪斯(Brad Garlinghouse)對不受監管的加密貨​​幣的效用和監管提出了擔憂,特別是針對狗狗幣。

Garlinghouse, known for his straightforward approach, questioned the purpose of Dogecoin, stating, “I don’t get it.” He referred to Elon Musk as a “central actor” in Dogecoin’s market dynamics, underlining the meme coin’s dependency on celebrity influence. His remarks echoed the broader sentiment of the panel, which advocated for more precise regulation in the cryptocurrency industry.


In a swift response to Garlinghouse’s comments, Dogecoin co-founder Billy Markus took to X (formerly Twitter) to defend the cryptocurrency. Markus compared Dogecoin to Bitcoin, highlighting the fundamental similarities between the two, albeit with minor variations.

狗狗幣聯合創始人比利馬庫斯(Billy Markus)對加林豪斯的言論做出了迅速回應,並在 X(前身為 Twitter)上捍衛了這種加密貨幣。馬庫斯將狗狗幣與比特幣進行了比較,強調了兩者之間的基本相似之處,儘管存在細微的差異。

Using a humorous analogy, Markus likened the comparison of Dogecoin to Bitcoin to understanding the euro but dismissing the yen as nonsensical. His response underscores the ongoing debate regarding the legitimacy and utility of various cryptocurrencies, including meme coins like Dogecoin.


Recent surge in Dogecoin’s value amidst payment platform developments

Coinciding with these developments, Dogecoin witnessed a significant surge in its value, registering a 14% increase on Sunday. This spike in Dogecoin’s price followed the announcement of a specialized payment account, @Xpayments, on X. The platform’s owner, Elon Musk, has shown a strong commitment to this venture, demonstrated by acquiring licenses for money operations in several U.S. states.

最近狗狗幣的價值隨著支付平台的發展而飆升與這些發展一致,狗狗幣的價值也出現了大幅飆升,週日上漲了 14%。狗狗幣價格的飆升是在X 上宣布推出專門支付帳戶@Xpaids 後發生的。該平台的所有者 Elon Musk 對這一合資企業表現出了堅定的承諾,在美國幾個州獲得了貨幣運營許可證就證明了這一點。

With reports indicating that X is preparing to launch peer-to-peer payments and Musk hinting at its potential public availability by mid-2024, Dogecoin’s recent price surge seems intertwined with these advancements. This adds a new dimension to the debate over the cryptocurrency’s utility and the influence of market dynamics driven by high-profile figures like Musk.

有報稱 X 正準備推出點對點支付,馬斯克也暗示其可能在 2024 年中期公開推出,狗狗幣最近的價格飆升似乎與這些進步交織在一起。這為加密貨幣的實用性以及由馬斯克等知名人物推動的市場動態影響的爭論增加了一個新的維度。


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