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Dogecoin Founder Discloses Why He Joined Twitter as New Year Gift

狗狗幣創辦人透露為何加入 Twitter 作為新年禮物

發布: 2024/01/01 17:00 閱讀: 753

原文作者:Coin Edition


狗狗幣創辦人透露為何加入 Twitter 作為新年禮物

  • Dogecoin founder discloses whimsical reason for joining Twitter in 2020.
  • 狗狗幣創辦人透露了 2020 年加入 Twitter 的異想天開的原因。

  • The revelation came amid a crypto crime reporter sharing a personal journey from depression as a reason for joining Twitter.
  • 這項消息曝光之際,一位加密貨幣犯罪記者分享了擺脫憂鬱症的經歷,以此作為加入 Twitter 的原因。

  • Crypto enthusiasts reacted to the conversation, exchanging New Year wishes.
  • 加密貨幣愛好者對談話做出了反應,交換了新年願望。

The new year has begun with prominent figures in the crypto community like Dogecoin founder sharing reflections on their X (Twitter) odyssey.

新的一年已經開始,加密貨幣社群的知名人士(例如狗狗幣創始人)分享了他們對 X(Twitter)冒險之旅的感想。

Crypto crime reporter Tiffany Fong initiated the conversation by sharing her journey on X, which sparked the attention of the Dogecoin founder. In particular, Fong revealed that she became active on the platform last year during a challenging period marked by severe depression. Per the disclosure, the foundation of her unhappiness stemmed from significant crypto losses due to the bankruptcy of crypto lender Celsius Network.

加密犯罪記者 Tiffany Fong 透過分享她在 X 上的經歷發起了對話,這引起了狗狗幣創始人的關注。 Fong特別透露,她去年在一個以嚴重憂鬱症為標誌的充滿挑戰的時期開始活躍在該平台上。據披露,她不快樂的根源在於加密貨幣貸款機構攝氏網路破產導致的重大加密貨幣損失。

However, things improved for Fong as she became active in the crypto community on X. As a result, Fong expressed gratitude for the unexpected twists and turns that the crypto X community brought into her life. 

然而,隨著 Fong 在 X 上的加密社區變得活躍,情況有所改善。Fong 對加密 X 社區給她的生活帶來的意想不到的曲折表示感謝。

Despite the initial hardships, she highlighted the platform’s positive impact on her life, emphasizing the bonds s…


The post Dogecoin Founder Discloses Why He Joined Twitter as New Year Gift appeared first on Coin Edition.

狗狗幣創始人透露為何加入 Twitter 作為新年禮物的貼文首先出現在 Coin Edition 上。


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