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Dogecoin Co-Founder Exposes Startling Island Acquisition Plan by SBF

狗狗幣聯合創始人曝光 SBF 收購 Startling Island 計劃

發布: 2023/12/06 06:06 閱讀: 690



  • SBF had an ambitious plan to acquire Nauru Island before the downfall of FTX.
  • 在 FTX 垮台之前,SBF 制定了一項雄心勃勃的計劃,要收購諾魯島。

  • The plan was outlined in court filings, aiming to establish a bunker on Nauru Island to protect FTX.
  • 法庭文件中概述了該計劃,旨在在諾魯島建立一個掩體來保護 FTX。

  • Billy Markus made this surprising revelation about Sam Bankman-Fried’s island acquisition plan on X.
  • 比利馬庫斯 (Billy Markus) 在 X 上揭露了山姆班克曼弗里德 (Sam Bankman-Fried) 的島嶼收購計劃,令人驚訝。

In a surprising revelation on X, Billy Markus, co-founder of Dogecoin, sheds light on the ambitious island acquisition plan of Sam Bankman-Fried, the now-bankrupt creator of the FTX cryptocurrency exchange. The plan, aimed at securing a future amidst apocalyptic scenarios, has sparked both curiosity and ethical concerns within the crypto community.

在 X 上令人驚訝的爆料中,Dogecoin 聯合創始人 Billy Markus 揭示了 FTX 加密貨幣交易所現已破產的 Sam Bankman-Fried 雄心勃勃的島嶼收購計劃。該計劃旨在確保世界末日場景中的未來,引發了加密社區的好奇心和道德擔憂。

Billy Markus, one of the minds behind the creation of the meme cryptocurrency Dogecoin, recently took to Twitter to disclose an intriguing detail about Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder of the collapsed FTX cryptocurrency exchange.

比利·馬庫斯(Billy Markus) 是模因加密貨幣狗狗幣(Dogecoin) 的創造者之一,他最近在Twitter 上披露了有關倒閉的FTX 加密貨幣交易所創始人薩姆·班克曼·弗里德(Sam Bankman-Fried) 的有趣細節。

Unlike Jackson Palmer, Markus remains active on social media, and his recent revelation adds a new layer to the already eccentric world of cryptocurrency pioneers.


SBF had an ambitious plan before the fall of FTX

SBF 在 FTX 垮台之前有一個雄心勃勃的計劃

Before the downfall of the FTX exchange, Sam Bankman-Fried had an ambitious plan – to acquire Nauru Island. The motivation behind this move was rooted in security concerns, with Bankman-Fried anticipating a collapse of human civilization in the near future.

在 FTX 交易所垮台之前,Sam Bankman-Fried 有一個雄心勃勃的計劃——收購諾魯島。此舉背後的動機植根於安全考慮,班克曼-弗里德預計人類文明將在不久的將來崩潰。

Court filings from a federal bankruptcy court in Delaware, dated late July, revealed that the island acquisition was intended as a survival strategy for both FTX and Alameda Research, Bankman-Fried’s trading firm, along with their respective staff.

特拉華州聯邦破產法院 7 月下旬提交的法庭文件顯示,此次收購島嶼的目的是作為 FTX 和 Bankman-Fried 的貿易公司 Alameda Research 及其各自員工的生存策略。

The detailed memo, authored by SBF’s brother, Gabriel Bankman-Fried, outlined a comprehensive plan. The goal was to establish a bunker or shelter on Nauru Island to protect against potential catastrophic events such as massive fires or floods.

這份詳細的備忘錄由 SBF 的兄弟加布里埃爾·班克曼-弗里德 (Gabriel Bankman-Fried) 撰寫,概述了一項全面的計劃。目標是在諾魯島上建立一個掩體或避難所,以防止潛在的災難性事件,例如大規模火災或洪水。

This bunker, conceived with members of the effective altruism movement in mind, was not just a mere refuge but a potential hub for scientific endeavors. Bankman-Fried envisioned creating a lab and implementing “sensible regulation around human genetic enhancement” in the aftermath of a major disaster.


However, ethical concerns emerge as the founder of FTX faces accusations of defrauding customers of approximately $8 billion in cryptocurrencies held on the platform. 

然而,隨著 FTX 創始人面臨欺詐客戶平台上持有的約 80 億美元加密貨幣的指控,道德問題出現了。


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