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Dogecoin Founder Issues Notable Bitcoin (BTC) Statement


發布: 2024/01/02 20:31 閱讀: 383




One of the software engineers who created and launched the iconic meme cryptocurrency Dogecoin, Billy Markus, has published an ironic X/Twitter post, talking about future millionaires that 2024 is likely to see, including those who make passive income on Bitcoin.

創建並推出標誌性模因加密貨幣狗狗幣的軟體工程師比利·馬庫斯(Billy Markus) 發表了一篇具有諷刺意味的X/Twitter 帖子,談論2024 年可能出現的未來百萬富翁,包括那些透過比特幣賺取被動收入的人。

In the meantime, the world’s flagship digital currency Bitcoin has demonstrated an astounding rise, jumping above the $45,000 level.

與此同時,世界旗艦數位貨幣比特幣出現了驚人的上漲,突破了 45,000 美元的水平。

DOGE founder's "Bitcoin message"


Billy Markus issued an ironic statement about pieces of advice on how to make a large amount of passive income while doing nothing – advice that is frequently shared on social media by financial expert coaches.


For this, Markus stated, first of all, one needs to acquire 24 million U.S. dollars somehow, and then this money should be taken to the bank and put in a “high yield savings account at 5% APY.” The only question that remains is how to earn 24 million dollars.


When one of the commentators asked Markus about that, he stated “buy a ton of bitcoin in 2011.” The leading global cryptocurrency started trading at less than $1 back then, after it was launched in 2009 and saw a historic peak of $69,000 in late October 2021.

當一位評論員向馬庫斯詢問此事時,他表示「在 2011 年購買了大量比特幣」。這種全球領先的加密貨幣在 2009 年推出後,當時的交易價格不到 1 美元,並在 2021 年 10 月下旬達到 69,000 美元的歷史高峰。

buy a ton of bitcoin in 2011


— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) January 1, 2024

— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) 2024 年 1 月 1 日

Today, on Jan. 2, 2024, the Bitcoin price has recovered the $45,000 level, and after a 7.53% jump overnight, BTC is exchanging hands at $45,647 after a tiny, 0.41%, decline.

今天,也就是 2024 年 1 月 2 日,比特幣價格已恢復到 45,000 美元的水平,在隔夜上漲 7.53% 後,比特幣在小幅下跌 0.41% 後,目前價格為 45,647 美元。

Bitcoin ETF fever pushing price up


As 2024 has kicked off, the fever of the approaching spot Bitcoin ETF approval is getting stronger. Many expect the U.S. regulator, the SEC, to greenlight ETFs in the second week of January; hence, the massive 7.53% price jump of Bitcoin.

隨著2024年的到來,現貨比特幣ETF批准的熱度越來越高。許多人預計美國監管機構 SEC 將在 1 月第二週批准 ETF;因此,比特幣價格大幅上漲 7.53%。

Still, this Bitcoin surge has triggered an enormous amount of liquidations on the market, amounting to approximately $145 million in total. The majority of these liquidations were short positions as those traders bet on a massive BTC price reversal at the start of the year. They were beaten by the unexpected Bitcoin price increase, however.

儘管如此,比特幣的飆升還是引發了市場上大量的清算,總計約 1.45 億美元。這些清算大部分是空頭頭寸,因為這些交易員押注年初比特幣價格會大幅逆轉。然而,他們卻被比特幣價格意外上漲所擊敗。

About a dozen major Wall Street firms, including Grayscale, BlackRock, Fidelity, VanEck and Ark Invest, filed for a spot Bitcoin ETF at different times last year. They had to update their filings to add cash redemptions to them.

去年不同時間,大約十幾家華爾街主要公司,包括 Grayscale、BlackRock、Fidelity、VanEck 和 Ark Invest 申請了現貨比特幣 ETF。他們必須更新他們的文件以添加現金贖回。

Once Bitcoin ETFs are approved, hundreds of billions of USD are expected to flow into Bitcoin.



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