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Dogecoin Founder Says He Will Never Make Any (Meme) Crypto Again


發布: 2024/09/25 18:30 閱讀: 944




Billy Markus Declares Retirement from Cryptocurrency Development

比利馬庫斯 (Billy Markus) 宣布從加密貨幣開發領域退休

Billy Markus, known as Shibetoshi Nakamoto on social media, has announced his retirement from cryptocurrency development. The creator of Dogecoin took to the X platform to emphasize that he has no plans to participate in any future crypto projects, particularly meme coins.

比利·馬庫斯(Billy Markus)(在社群媒體上被稱為 Shibetoshi Nakamoto)宣布從加密貨幣開發領域退休。狗狗幣的創建者在 X 平台上強調,他沒有計劃參與任何未來的加密項目,特別是 meme 幣。

Initial Coin Creation and Departure


Markus clarified that he has only created two cryptocurrencies throughout his career: Dogecoin and Bells (prior to DOGE). He left the Dogecoin project in 2014 and has not been involved in any cryptocurrency development since then.

馬庫斯澄清說,他在整個職業生涯中只創建了兩種加密貨幣:狗狗幣和貝爾斯(DOGE 之前)。他於 2014 年離開狗狗幣項目,此後就沒有參與任何加密貨幣開發。

Rejection of Ethereum-Based Claims


Markus denounced Ethereum-based coins that claim to have been established in 2013. He stated that Ethereum was not created until 2015, making such claims "an obvious lie."

馬庫斯譴責了那些聲稱於 2013 年建立的基於以太坊的代幣。

Bells Token Details

Bells 代幣詳情

Regarding Bells, Markus confirmed that he developed it as a Scrypt coin in 2013 before collaborating with Jackson Palmer on Dogecoin. However, the current Bells token on Ethereum is distinct from his original code. Markus emphasized that he was not involved in its resurrection and it is not his project.

關於 Bells,Markus 證實他在 2013 年將其開發為 Scrypt 貨幣,然後與 Jackson Palmer 合作開發了 Dogecoin。然而,目前以太坊上的 Bells 代幣與他的原始程式碼不同。馬庫斯強調,他沒有參與其復活,這也不是他的計畫。

Final Statement


Markus concluded by reiterating his intention to never work on any cryptocurrency again. He warned the crypto community against believing claims of his involvement in any new projects.



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