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Dogecoin Founder Shibetoshi Nakamoto Says No Plans to Develop Cryptocurrencies Beyond DOGE

狗狗幣創始人 Shibetoshi Nakamoto 表示沒有計劃開發 DOGE 以外的加密貨幣

發布: 2024/09/25 21:30 閱讀: 638



狗狗幣創始人 Shibetoshi Nakamoto 表示沒有計劃開發 DOGE 以外的加密貨幣

Dogecoin Founder Shibetoshi Nakamoto Remains Dedicated to DOGE

狗狗幣創始人 Shibetoshi Nakamoto 仍致力於 DOGE

Shibetoshi Nakamoto, the anonymous founder of Dogecoin (DOGE), has announced that he has no intention of developing any cryptocurrencies beyond DOGE. In a post on X (formerly Twitter), Nakamoto clarified that he has not been involved in the creation of any other cryptocurrency since 2014 and has no plans to engage in future cryptocurrency projects.

狗狗幣(DOGE)的匿名創始人 Shibetoshi Nakamoto 宣布,他無意開發 DOGE 以外的任何加密貨幣。在 X(前 Twitter)上的一篇貼文中,中本聰澄清說,自 2014 年以來,他沒有參與任何其他加密貨幣的創建,也沒有計劃參與未來的加密貨幣項目。

This statement dismisses any speculation regarding Nakamoto's potential involvement in other cryptocurrency ventures, reaffirming his unwavering support for Dogecoin as his sole contribution to the crypto sphere.


No Crypto Development Since 2014

自 2014 年以來沒有加密貨幣開發

Nakamoto emphasized that he has had no connection to cryptocurrency development since his work on Dogecoin, which originated as a joke in 2013. The meme coin gained a substantial following due to its lighthearted nature and has become one of the most recognizable cryptocurrencies worldwide.

中本聰強調,自2013 年狗狗幣誕生以來,他就與加密貨幣的開發沒有任何關係。大量追隨者,並已成為全球最知名的加密貨幣之一。

"I have not worked on any cryptocurrency since 2014, and will never create or work on any cryptocurrency," Nakamoto declared, indicating his long-standing focus on Dogecoin and his disinterest in developing new crypto projects.

中本聰宣稱:「自2014 年以來,我沒有研究過任何加密貨幣,也永遠不會創建或研究任何加密貨幣。」這表明他長期以來對狗狗幣的關注,並且對開發新的加密項目不感興趣。

Dogecoin's Journey from Joke to Mainstream


Dogecoin was initially introduced as a parody of the cryptocurrency frenzy, featuring the popular Shiba Inu dog meme as its logo. Despite its humorous beginnings, DOGE swiftly attracted a loyal community of users who appreciated its fun and accessible nature. Over time, Dogecoin has evolved into a legitimate cryptocurrency with a market capitalization that has occasionally surpassed billions of dollars.

狗狗幣最初是作為對加密貨幣狂熱的模仿而推出的,以流行的柴犬模因作為其標誌。儘管 DOGE 的開頭很幽默,但它很快就吸引了一群忠實的用戶,他們欣賞它的樂趣和易於理解的本質。隨著時間的推移,狗狗幣已經發展成為一種合法的加密貨幣,其市值偶爾會超過數十億美元。

Nakamoto's role in the initial development of Dogecoin was critical to its early success, although he distanced himself from the project after 2014, allowing the community and other developers to shape its trajectory. Despite stepping away, Nakamoto remains an active participant within the Dogecoin community, frequently commenting on the coin's advancements and its memetic culture.

中本聰在狗狗幣的最初開發中所扮演的角色對其早期的成功至關重要,儘管他在 2014 年後與該項目保持了距離,允許社區和其他開發者來塑造其發展軌跡。儘管離開,中本聰仍然是狗狗幣社群的積極參與者,經常評論狗狗幣的進步及其迷因文化。

Focus on Other Projects and Interests


While Shibetoshi Nakamoto has not been involved in cryptocurrency development since 2014, he continues to engage with the crypto community on social media. Nakamoto often utilizes his platform to discuss cryptocurrency trends, share humorous content, and express his views on various topics unrelated to Dogecoin.

雖然 Shibetoshi Nakamoto 自 2014 年以來就沒有參與加密貨幣開發,但他繼續在社群媒體上與加密社群互動。中本聰經常利用他的平台討論加密貨幣趨勢,分享幽默內容,並就與狗狗幣無關的各種話題發表自己的看法。

His public statement reinforces that his role in the crypto industry is primarily non-technical, and he has no intention of creating or supporting the development of new cryptocurrencies. His decision to distance himself from new crypto projects ensures that Dogecoin remains his most significant and influential contribution to the blockchain realm.


No Plans for Future Cryptocurrency Ventures


Nakamoto's declaration makes it unequivocally clear that he has no intention of returning to the realm of cryptocurrency development, reiterating his commitment to other endeavors outside the crypto industry. His remarks serve as a reminder that although he remains a pivotal figure in the Dogecoin community, his involvement has been primarily from the sidelines for almost a decade.


For those hoping to witness Nakamoto take on new projects or contribute to another blockchain venture, his message is unequivocal—he will not work on any new cryptocurrencies.


Conclusion: Dogecoin Founder Remains Committed to DOGE

結論:狗狗幣創始人仍致力於 DOGE

Shibetoshi Nakamoto, the founder of Dogecoin, has reaffirmed that he will not develop or contribute to any cryptocurrency projects beyond DOGE. After stepping away from crypto development in 2014, Nakamoto has pursued other interests, leaving Dogecoin as his preeminent and enduring legacy in the blockchain space. For the Dogecoin community, Nakamoto's legacy remains inextricably linked to the meme-inspired cryptocurrency that has far exceeded its initial aspirations.

Dogecoin 創辦人 Shibetoshi Nakamoto 重申,他不會開發或貢獻 DOGE 以外的任何加密貨幣項目。 2014 年退出加密貨幣開發後,中本聰開始追求其他興趣,使狗狗幣成為他在區塊鏈領域卓越且持久的遺產。對於狗狗幣社群來說,中本聰的遺產仍然與受迷因啟發的加密貨幣有著千絲萬縷的聯繫,這種加密貨幣遠遠超出了其最初的願望。


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