首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣創始人的 Twitter 條目; Decentraland 和 InQubeta 預計將飆升 2,600%

Dogecoin Founder’s Twitter Entry; Decentraland & InQubeta in Position for 2,600% Surge

狗狗幣創始人的 Twitter 條目; Decentraland 和 InQubeta 預計將飆升 2,600%

發布: 2024/01/11 20:09 閱讀: 315



狗狗幣創始人的 Twitter 條目; Decentraland 和 InQubeta 預計將飆升 2,600%

Today in crypto, we have some more Dogecoin news following all the hype the project has been generating as it enters another market cycle. We’ll also be discussing projects like Decentraland and InQubeta which are showing plenty of signs that they may grow further – and if you’re on the quest looking for the best new crypto to invest in – we may have your answer.

今天,在加密貨幣領域,隨著該項目進入另一個市場週期而引發的所有炒作,我們有更多狗狗幣新聞。我們還將討論 Decentraland 和 InQubeta 等項目,這些項目顯示出大量跡象表明它們可能會進一步發展——如果您正在尋找最佳的新加密貨幣進行投資——我們可能會給您答案。

Dogecoin Founder’s Twitter Entry

狗狗幣創始人的 Twitter 條目

Dogecoin, a top ten cryptocurrency, has been in the news recently because of its founder. In a recent Twitter exchange, Billy Markus, the founder of Dogecoin, known by the pseudonym “Shibetoshi Nakamoto” on the platform, shared the reason behind his entry into the world of Twitter in 2020. 

狗狗幣,排名前十的加密貨幣,最近因為它的創始人而上了新聞。在最近的一次 Twitter 交流中,狗狗幣創始人比利馬庫斯(在平台上化名“Shibetoshi Nakamoto”)分享了他在 2020 年進入 Twitter 世界的原因。

Markus disclosed that his entry into Twitter was prompted by a continuous stream of demands from crypto enthusiasts urging him to “cap Dogecoin.”

馬庫斯透露,他進入 Twitter 是因為加密貨幣愛好者不斷要求他「限制狗狗幣」。

Despite the initial motivation to address these persistent requests, Markus found himself sticking around on the platform for reasons that extended beyond this initial plea. 


Decentraland’s Unique Value Proposition, Prepped For Growth

Decentraland 獨特的價值主張,為成長做好準備

There are many different ways to define Decentraland. Most definitions state that it is a virtual, augmented, or extended reality social experience or game. Realistically, and as of its state at the end of 2023, it is a three-dimensional online platform allowing users to be part of a shared digital experience where they can play games, socialize, and create, buy, or sell digital items. You can buy a plot of virtual land and create anything you want on it. If you have virtual or augmented reality goggles, you can wear them while in Decentraland or load the program on the screen of one of your devices and play it like a game.

定義 Decentraland 有許多不同的方法。大多數定義都表明它是虛擬的、增強的或擴展的現實社交體驗或遊戲。實際上,截至 2023 年底,它是一個三維線上平台,允許用戶參與共享數位體驗,在那裡他們可以玩遊戲、社交以及創建、購買或銷售數位物品。你可以購買一塊虛擬土地並在上面創造任何你想要的東西。如果您有虛擬或擴增實境護目鏡,您可以在 Decentraland 中佩戴它們,或者將程式加載到您的一台裝置的螢幕上,然後像玩遊戲一樣玩。

Their token acts as proof of ownership of the land purchased by its users. It also provides a P2P connection for ‘Decentralanders’ to socialize and interact with each other. Users of Decentraland can not only benefit from buying and selling land they own, but they can also rent these assets to other players on the platform. 

他們的代幣充當用戶購買的土地所有權的證明。它還為“Decentralanders”提供 P2P 連接,以便彼此進行社交和互動。 Decentraland 的用戶不僅可以從買賣自己擁有的土地中受益,還可以將這些資產出租給平台上的其他玩家。

The interoperability of the crypto network enables users to value their assets beyond the platform. The decentralized identity system of Decentraland allows anyone on the blockchain to verify the consent of the user through cryptographic signatures quickly.

加密網路的互通性使用戶能夠在平台之外評估其資產。 Decentraland 的去中心化身分系統允許區塊鏈上的任何人透過加密簽名快速驗證用戶的同意。

Will InQubeta See A 2600% Gain?

InQubeta 會實現 2600% 的收益嗎?

This question can only be answered by first understanding what the InQubeta project can truly do. First of all, if you’re a beginner, the question of how to get into cryptocurrency is made easier through the user-friendly interface and the opportunity to invest in promising AI startups using the QUBE token.

要回答這個問題,首先要了解 InQubeta 專案真正能做什麼。首先,如果您是初學者,透過用戶友好的介面以及使用 QUBE 代幣投資有前途的人工智慧新創公司的機會,如何進入加密貨幣的問題會變得更容易。

This token is the way the system works, allowing users to invest in AI projects before they are launched to the masses. This is massively beneficial for the AI startups themselves as they gain the investment they need to grow, but also for the investors themselves, as they can make a profit on this growth.


InQubeta’s innovative blend of AI and blockchain technology reshapes the investment landscape, providing a transparent, secure, and accessible platform. The platform’s ethos revolves around leveraging the synergies of AI and crypto, propelling the growth of startups and fostering community involvement.

InQubeta 人工智慧和區塊鏈技術的創新融合重塑了投資格局,提供了一個透明、安全和可訪問的平台。該平台的宗旨是利用人工智慧和加密貨幣的協同作用,推動新創企業的發展並促進社區參與。

InQubeta’s QUBE token stands out as one of the best crypto for beginners and is regarded as one of the best cryptocurrency choices for experts too. It is proving itself as a significant player that continues to impress investors with its innovative features.

InQubeta 的 QUBE 代幣脫穎而出,成為初學者的最佳加密貨幣之一,也被認為是專家的最佳加密貨幣選擇之一。它正在證明自己是一個重要的參與者,並以其創新功能繼續給投資者留下深刻的印象。

Visit InQubeta Presale

訪問 InQubeta 預售





As the market continues to bubble in the new year of 2024, big players like Decentraland and InQubeta are making their moves and community members are taking notice. Be sure to stay tuned for more updates as these respected cryptos continue to make headlines.

隨著市場在 2024 年新的一年繼續泡沫化,像 Decentraland 和 InQubeta 這樣的大玩家正在採取行動,社群成員也正在關注。請務必繼續關注更多更新,因為這些受人尊敬的加密貨幣將繼續成為頭條新聞。

Visit InQubeta Presale

訪問 InQubeta 預售





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如何進入加密貨幣 初學者的最佳加密貨幣 最佳加密貨幣


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