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Dogecoin Founder Unveils His Bitcoin Stash, Here's Surprising Part


發布: 2023/12/07 06:16 閱讀: 345




IT developer Billy Markus, who created and launched the largest meme cryptocurrency by market capitalization value Dogecoin in cooperation with Jackson Palmer in 2013, has surprised the crypto community by revealing how much Bitcoin he owns, and how much BTC needs to rise to make Markus a millionaire.

IT 開發人員Billy Markus 於2013 年與Jackson Palmer 合作創建並推出了市值最大的模因加密貨幣狗狗幣,他透露了他擁有多少比特幣,以及BTC 需要上漲多少才能使Markus 成為加密貨幣社區,這讓加密社群感到驚訝。百萬富翁。

DOGE founder’s BTC stash unveiled

DOGE 創辦人的 BTC 儲備揭曉

Markus has tweeted that he holds 0.0006 BTC in his crypto stash, and so in order to become a millionaire, he says: “all I need is for it to go to 166.6 million each.”

Markus 在推特上表示,他在自己的加密貨幣儲備中持有 0.0006 BTC,因此,為了成為百萬富翁,他說:“我所需要的就是每個比特幣達到 1.666 億。”

i have .006 bitcoin now so all i need is for it to go to 166.6 million each and i’ll be a millionaire

我現在擁有 0.006 比特幣,所以我所需要的就是每個比特幣達到 1.666 億,我將成為百萬富翁

— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) December 5, 2023

— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) 2023 年 12 月 5 日

Still, Markus is known for his frequent ironic and sarcastic posts on the Twitter/X platform, so this “Bitcoin stash revelation” may be far from how much he really owns. One of the basic security rules for a crypto holder is not to brag about one’s crypto holdings on social media so as to avoid losing both one's crypto and one's life.

儘管如此,馬庫斯仍因其在 Twitter/X 平台上頻繁發表諷刺性帖子而聞名,因此這種「比特幣藏匿爆料」可能與他真正擁有的數量相去甚遠。加密貨幣持有者的基本安全規則之一是不要在社群媒體上吹噓自己擁有的加密貨幣,以免失去加密貨幣和生命。

Still, one thing is certain, Markus likely holds Bitcoin. In one of his tweets recently, he admitted that among the variety of cryptocurrencies, he likes Bitcoin and Ethereum, while he dislikes all tokens based on Ethereum’s ERC-20 token standard.

儘管如此,有一件事是肯定的,馬庫斯很可能持有比特幣。他在最近的推文中承認,在各種加密貨幣中,他喜歡比特幣和以太坊,而他不喜歡所有基於以太坊 ERC-20 代幣標準的代幣。

In January, he was driven to sell part of his ETH stash at a loss in order to pay taxes for 2022. He did not specify how much Ethereum he sold but, notably, the Ethereum price went up right after Billy Markus sold his ETH. Had he made that sale a little later, his profit may have been higher.

今年1 月,他被迫虧本出售部分ETH 儲備,以便繳納2022 年的稅款。他沒有具體說明出售了多少以太坊,但值得注意的是,比利·馬庫斯(Billy Markus) 出售他的ETH 後,以太幣價格立即上漲。如果他晚一點進行銷售,他的利潤可能會更高。

In a comment to his own tweet, while answering an X user, Markus ironically agreed that before this year ends, the Bitcoin price may skyrocket to allow him turn into a millionaire.

在他自己的推文評論中,在回答 X 用戶時,馬庫斯諷刺地同意,在今年結束之前,比特幣價格可能會飆升,讓他成為百萬富翁。

Main reason for BTC surge given by Pompliano


Prominent investor and Bitcoin advocate Anthony Pompliano (known simply as “Pomp”) has shared what he believes to be the major reason for the current rapid Bitcoin increase.

著名投資者和比特幣倡導者 Anthony Pompliano(簡稱「Pomp」)分享了他認為當前比特幣快速增長的主要原因。

Pomp reckons that this is basically Bitcoin demand shock meets BTC supply shock - “There is way more demand for bitcoin than the amount available for purchase.”

Pomp 認為,這基本上是比特幣需求衝擊與比特幣供應衝擊的結合——“對比特幣的需求遠遠超過了可供購買的數量。”

There is way more demand for bitcoin than the amount available for purchase.Buyers have to bid higher and higher to convince holders to part with their bitcoin. This is why the price is rapidly rising.


— Pomp 🌪 (@APompliano) December 5, 2023

- 盛況 🌪 (@APompliano) 2023 年 12 月 5 日

Institutional buyers now have to offer higher bids for BTC to persuade holders to sell their Bitcoin. Therefore, the price is going up quite rapidly, per Pomp’s tweet.

機構買家現在必須對比特幣提出更高的出價,以說服持有者出售比特幣。因此,根據 Pomp 的推文,價格上漲得相當快。


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