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Dogecoin’s future trends and predictions


發布: 2024/02/17 06:11 閱讀: 769



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Cryptos Headlines 代幣空投已上線,官網 > CryptosHeadlinesToken.com 免費領取 5,000 CHT 代幣,價值 50 美元

How has Dogecoin’s journey unfolded since its peak in May 2021, and what factors have contributed to its current state of consolidation? Analysis and predictions.

自 2021 年 5 月達到頂峰以來,狗狗幣的旅程是如何展開的?哪些因素導致了其目前的整合狀態?分析和預測。

Dogecoin (DOGE), once a prominent figure in the meme coin craze that gripped the crypto market, now finds itself in a phase of consolidation and reflection.


Since reaching its peak in May 2021, when DOGE reached an all-time high of $0.7376, it has experienced a downtrend. As of Feb. 16, DOGE is trading at $0.086, marking a decline of over 88% from its peak.

自 2021 年 5 月 DOGE 達到歷史高點 0.7376 美元以來,它經歷了下跌趨勢。截至 2 月 16 日,DOGE 的交易價格為 0.086 美元,較高峰下跌超過 88%。

DOGE’s lifetime price chart | Source: CoinMarketCap

DOGE 的終身價格圖表 |資料來源:CoinMarketCap

Since the past year, the coin has remained within a narrow trading range of $0.05747 to $0.1058, signaling a period of stagnation.

自去年以來,該代幣一直保持在 0.05747 美元至 0.1058 美元的狹窄交易區間內,標誌著一段時期的停滯。

Amid this, data-analytics platform Santiment reported on Feb. 6 that Dogecoin’s wallets have been expanding at the fastest rate in DOGE’s history, with 413,800 new wallets added in just two weeks, primarily holding between 0.001 to 1 DOGE.

其中,數據分析平台Santiment 於2 月6 日報道稱,狗狗幣的錢包一直在以DOGE 歷史上最快的速度擴張,短短兩週內新增了413,800 個新錢包,主要持有0.001 到1 DOGE 之間。

Furthermore, Dogecoin’s association with notable entities such as SpaceX, Newegg, AMC Theaters, and the Dallas Mavericks, alongside its potential use as a payment method, has been crucial in its journey toward broader acceptance and utility.

此外,狗狗幣與 SpaceX、Newegg、AMC Theaters 和達拉斯小牛隊等著名實體的合作,以及其作為支付方式的潛在用途,對於其獲得更廣泛的接受和實用性至關重要。

Amidst all these recent developments, how has DOGE fared over the months, and how do these dynamics affect Dogecoin price prediction?

在所有這些最近的發展中,DOGE 在過去幾個月的表現如何,這些動態如何影響狗狗幣的價格預測?

Latest developments affecting Dogecoin price prediction

Dogecoin’s role in funding space exploration

In a noteworthy turn of events, the Dogecoin-funded DOGE-1 satellite mission has encountered yet another delay, adding to the anticipation surrounding its launch.

影響狗狗幣價格預測的最新發展狗狗幣在資助太空探索中的作用值得注意的是,狗狗幣資助的 DOGE-1 衛星任務再次遭遇延遲,增加了人們對其發射的預期。

Initially scheduled for January 2024, the “Doge-1” satellite, financed by Dogecoin and developed by Geometric Energy Corporation (GEC), is set to be propelled into space aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket.

由 Dogecoin 資助、幾何能源公司 (GEC) 開發的「Doge-1」衛星最初定於 2024 年 1 月發射,將由 SpaceX Falcon 9 火箭送入太空。

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The primary objective of the “Doge-1” satellite is to orbit the moon and facilitate the transmission of a video feed back to Earth.

Cryptos Headlines 代幣空投已上線,在官方網站 > CryptosHeadlinesToken.com 上以 50 美元免費領取您的 5,000 個 CHT 代幣 “Doge-1”衛星的主要目標是繞月球運行並促進將視頻反饋傳輸回地球。

Additionally, it will introduce a novel concept in space-based marketing and communication by incorporating a miniature screen capable of displaying advertisements, images, and logos.


Originally, the launch of “Doge-1” was announced as part of a collaboration between Intuitive Machines and NASA for a rideshare mission.

最初,「Doge-1」的發射是作為 Intuitive Machines 和 NASA 共乘任務合作的一部分而宣布的。

However, it has experienced several postponements. The latest delay stems from a rescheduling necessitated by Geometric Energy Corporation (GEC), the entity behind the DOGE-1 spacecraft, paying SpaceX to adjust the launch date.

然而,它已經經歷了幾次推遲。最近一次延遲是由於 DOGE-1 太空船背後的實體幾何能源公司 (GEC) 需要重新安排發射日期,該公司向 SpaceX 付費以調整發射日期。

CEO of Geometric Energy, Samuel Reid, clarified that the primary cause of the delay is the DOGE-1 X-Band’s accompanying satellite, which is contingent on the delivery of an upgraded spacecraft by Exobiotics Limited to Maverick Space Systems.

Geometric Energy 執行長 Samuel Reid 澄清說,延遲的主要原因是 DOGE-1 X 波段的伴星,這取決於 Exobiotics Limited 向 Maverick Space Systems 交付升級版太空船。

Fluctuations in daily active addresses

Dogecoin recently experienced a remarkable surge in daily active addresses, reaching a lifetime high of 374.8k on Jan. 29.

每日活躍地址的波動狗狗幣近期的每日活躍地址大幅飆升,於 1 月 29 日達到 37.48 萬的歷史新高。

This unprecedented level of activity surpassed even the peak interest seen during May 2021, when Dogecoin’s price soared to its all-time high, and the number of active daily addresses spiked to 242.55k.

這種前所未有的活動水平甚至超過了 2021 年 5 月期間出現的興趣峰值,當時狗狗幣的價格飆升至歷史新高,每日活躍地址數量飆升至 242,550 個。

However, the landscape quickly shifted, and Dogecoin’s active addresses plummeted by over 70% in just one week, settling at 101.66k levels as of Feb. 15.

然而,情況很快就發生了變化,狗狗幣的活躍地址在短短一周內暴跌超過 70%,截至 2 月 15 日穩定在 101,660 個水平。

DOGE’s daily active addresses | Source: Messari

DOGE 每日活躍地址 |來源:梅薩裡

The reasons behind these sharp movements in active addresses could range from speculative trading and shifts in investor sentiment to reactions to news or events related to Dogecoin or the crypto market at large.


Downturn in transaction volume

In a recent analysis by Ali Charts, a well-regarded analyst on X, a noticeable downturn in Dogecoin’s transaction volume and whale transaction count has been highlighted, signaling a potential dip in trading activity for the meme-based cryptocurrency.

交易量下降在X 領域備受推崇的分析師Ali Charts 最近的一項分析中,強調了狗狗幣交易量和鯨魚交易數量的顯著下降,這表明基於meme 的加密貨幣的交易活動可能會下降。

This trend could be indicative of a waning interest or confidence among investors and traders in Dogecoin, as fewer participants are engaging in buying, selling, or transferring DOGE.


The decline in transaction volume corroborates the previously noted sharp decrease in daily active addresses. Together, these metrics suggest a broader retreat from active engagement with Dogecoin, possibly reflecting a shift in market sentiment.


On one hand, it may lead to decreased liquidity and potential price volatility, as fewer transactions could mean larger price swings in response to small market moves.


On the other hand, it could also present a period of consolidation, where the market assesses Dogecoin’s value proposition and future direction amid evolving market conditions.


Dogecoin price prediction: short-term view

Dogecoin crypto price prediction based on technical indicators such as the 50-day simple moving average (SMA) and the 200-day SMA offers insights into potential short-term trends.

狗狗幣價格預測:短期觀點狗狗幣加密貨幣價格預測基於 50 日簡單移動平均線 (SMA) 和 200 日 SMA 等技術指標,可提供對潛在短期趨勢的洞察。

Currently, DOGE’s 50-day SMA stands at $0.080951, whereas Dogecoin’s 200-day SMA sits at $0.074504, reflecting that the current market price is within the range.

目前,DOGE 的 50 天 SMA 為 0.080951 美元,而狗狗幣的 200 天 SMA 為 0.074504 美元,反映出當前市場價格在該範圍內。

According to CoinCodex (CC), a cryptocurrency forecasting platform, the short-term forecast for Dogecoin predicts a price of $0.072719 by Mar. 14, reflecting a potential decline of over 15% from current levels.

根據加密貨幣預測平台 CoinCodex (CC) 的數據,狗狗幣的短期預測預計到 3 月 14 日價格為 0.072719 美元,較目前水準可能下跌 15% 以上。

You should exercise caution and consider potential risks associated with cryptocurrency investments. Market fluctuations, regulatory changes, and technological developments can impact DOGE price predictions.

您應該謹慎行事並考慮與加密貨幣投資相關的潛在風險。市場波動、監管變化和技術發展都會影響 DOGE 價格預測。

Сonduct thorough research and seek professional financial advice before making investment decisions.


Long-term Dogecoin price prediction: insights for 2024, 2025, and beyond

The Dogecoin price prediction for 2024, as per DigitalCoinPrice (DCP), suggests moderate optimism in the crypto market, pegging the value at around $0.18.

狗狗幣長期價格預測:2024 年、2025 年及以後的見解 根據 DigitalCoinPrice (DCP) 的數據,狗狗幣 2024 年價格預測顯示加密貨幣市場持溫和樂觀態度,將其價值固定在 0.18 美元左右。

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Looking further ahead, the Dogecoin price prediction for 2025 becomes more varied, with CC offering a broader range between a low of $0.071884 and a high of $0.373524. DCP aligns with a more conservative outlook, projecting a price of $0.21.

Cryptos Headlines 代幣空投已上線,在官方網站> CryptosHeadlinesToken.com 上免費領取5,000 個CHT 代幣> CryptosHeadlinesToken.com 展望未來,狗狗幣2025 年的價格預測將變得更加多樣化,CC 提供的範圍更廣泛,從最低0.071884 美元到最高 0.071884 美元。$0.373524。 DCP 的前景較為保守,預計售價為 0.21 美元。

The long-term outlook, encapsulated in the Dogecoin price prediction for 2030, presents an intriguing picture. CC forecasts a price range from $0.063824 (low) to $0.309557 (high). In contrast, DCP’s more optimistic Dogecoin price forecast of $0.62 indicates confidence in Dogecoin’s enduring appeal and utility.

狗狗幣 2030 年價格預測所反映的長期前景呈現出有趣的景象。 CC 預測價格範圍為 0.063824 美元(最低)至 0.309557 美元(最高)。相比之下,DCP 更樂觀的狗狗幣價格預測為 0.62 美元,顯示人們對狗狗幣持久的吸引力和實用性充滿信心。

Investors considering Dogecoin’s long-term prospects should weigh these predictions carefully, acknowledging the speculative nature of Dogecoin price forecasts.Keep in mind that shifts in investor sentiment can dramatically impact Dogecoin’s price trajectory, underlining the importance of thorough research and a balanced investment strategy.


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