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Dogecoin Gains Momentum, Sets Sights on Reaching $0.15

狗狗幣勢頭強勁,目標達 0.15 美元

發布: 2023/12/07 08:02 閱讀: 367

原文作者:Crypto News Land


狗狗幣勢頭強勁,目標達 0.15 美元

  • Dogecoin aims for $0.15 after a 24% weekly gain, breaking key resistance.
  • 狗狗幣每週上漲 24%,突破關鍵阻力位,目標價為 0.15 美元。

  • Positive crypto market sentiment persists despite Bitcoin’s 75% Fear and Greed Index.
  • 儘管比特幣的恐懼和貪婪指數高達 75%,但加密貨幣市場的正面情緒仍然存在。

  • DOGE’s bullish shift is marked by a 50-day EMA breakthrough.
  • DOGE 的看漲轉變以 50 日均線突破為標誌。

Dogecoin (DOGE) stands out, surging by an impressive 24% over the past week. This bullish momentum has catapulted DOGE beyond critical resistance levels, positioning it to target the significant milestone of $0.15.

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 脫穎而出,過去一周飆升 24%,令人印象深刻。這種看漲勢頭已使 DOGE 突破了關鍵阻力位,使其目標達到 0.15 美元的重要里程碑。

Despite Bitcoin’s Fear and Greed Index hitting 75% in recent days, indicating a mixed sentiment, the overall outlook within the crypto sphere remains notably upbeat. The current market environment anticipates a potential retracement to crucial support levels.

儘管比特幣的恐懼和貪婪指數最近幾天達到 75%,顯示市場情緒複雜,但加密領域的整體前景仍然非常樂觀。目前的市場環境預計可能會回撤至關鍵支撐位。

Amid this broader bullish wave, Dogecoin has displayed notable strength and resilience. Having faced a challenging period during the bear market, with a drastic price drop of over 90%, DOGE struggled to regain bullish traction. However, recent developments have marked a significant shift in its trajectory.

在這更廣泛的看漲浪潮中,狗狗幣展現了顯著的實力和彈性。在經歷了熊市時期的挑戰後,DOGE 的價格大幅下跌了 90% 以上,難以重新獲得看漲動力。然而,最近的事態發展標誌著其發展軌跡發生了重大轉變。

Breaking free from its previous downtrend channel, Dogecoin surged past the pivotal 50-day Exponential Moving Average (EMA). This breakthrough serves as a clear signal of a transition from a bearish to a bullish trend, further solidified by a substantial rise above the key resistance level of $0.095.

狗狗幣擺脫了先前的下降通道,飆升超過了關鍵的 50 天指數移動平均線 (EMA)。這項突破是從看跌趨勢轉變為看漲趨勢的明確訊號,並因大幅上漲至 0.095 美元關鍵阻力位之上而進一步鞏固。

The current market analysis suggests a robust posture for DOGE, holding firm above the crucial $0.095 mark. Analysts are eyeing a potential surge that could drive Dogecoin’s price toward the targeted zone of $0.15. This positive outlook is supported by its sustained position above the daily 50% Fibonacci retracement and reinforced by the strong buy volume highlighted by the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) indicator.

目前的市場分析顯示 DOGE 走勢強勁,堅守在關鍵的 0.095 美元關卡之上。分析師正在關注潛在的飆升,這可能會推動狗狗幣的價格達到 0.15 美元的目標區域。這種積極的前景得到了其持續高於每日 50% 斐波那契回檔位的支撐,並得到了移動平均收斂發散 (MACD) 指標所強調的強勁買盤量的支撐。

Presently exchanging hands at $0.1019, Dogecoin has recently crossed the psychological threshold of $0.10, showcasing a 15% surge in the last 24 hours. 

目前,狗狗幣的交易價格為 0.1019 美元,最近已突破 0.10 美元的心理門檻,在過去 24 小時內飆升了 15%。

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The post Dogecoin Gains Momentum, Sets Sights on Reaching $0.15 appeared first on Crypto News Land.

狗狗幣勢頭強勁,目標達到 0.15 美元的貼文首先出現在 Crypto News Land 上。


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