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Dogecoin hits $0.09, two meme coins in focus

狗狗幣觸及 0.09 美元,兩款迷因幣成為焦點

發布: 2023/12/06 06:22 閱讀: 881



Disclosure: This article does not represent investment advice. The content and materials featured on this page are for educational purposes only.


The world’s largest meme coin, Dogecoin (DOGE), rallied to $0.09 on Dec. 4. With DOGE gaining ground, some investors are also turning their attention to emerging and potent meme coins like Meme Kombat (MK) and Bonk (BONK).

全球最大的迷因幣狗狗幣(DOGE) 於12 月4 日上漲至0.09 美元。隨著DOGE 的崛起,一些投資者也將注意力轉向新興且強大的迷因幣,例如Meme Kombat (MK)和Bonk (BONK)。

Dogecoin surges to 8-month high


After weeks of lackluster price action between August and October, DOGE surged by around 55% to hit $0.092 – its highest level since April.

經過 8 月至 10 月連續幾週的低迷價格走勢後,DOGE 飆升約 55%,達到 0.092 美元,為 4 月以來的最高水平。

Daily trading volumes also spiked to above $1.1 billion, making DOGE the tenth most-traded cryptocurrency globally.

每日交易量也飆升至 11 億美元以上,使 DOGE 成為全球交易量第十大的加密貨幣。

Dogecoin’s rapid rise appears to have been driven by the overall strength of the crypto market, which has seen Bitcoin (BTC) reach $42,000 and Ethereum (ETH) tap $2,200.

狗狗幣的快速上漲似乎是由加密貨幣市場的整體實力推動的,比特幣 (BTC) 已達到 42,000 美元,以太幣 (ETH) 已達到 2,200 美元。

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However, DOGE has pulled back by 5% from Dec. 4’s peak and is now hovering around $0.0878.

然而,DOGE 已較 12 月 4 日的峰值回落 5%,目前徘徊在 0.0878 美元附近。

Despite the pullback, meme coin enthusiasts remain bullish on Dogecoin’s prospects in the final weeks of 2023.

儘管出現回調,迷因幣愛好者仍然看好狗狗幣在 2023 年最後幾週的前景。

According to CoinGecko, over 81% of users are “feeling good” about DOGE today.  

據 CoinGecko 稱,目前超過 81% 的用戶對 DOGE 「感覺良好」。

From a technical perspective, traders will be eyeing the $0.870 level closely, given that it previously acted as resistance.

從技術角度來看,交易者將密切關注 0.870 美元的水平,因為它之前是阻力位。

DOGE may use this level as support to build momentum for another upward leg.

DOGE 可能會利用這一水平作為支撐,為另一個上漲趨勢建立動力。

Meme Kombat presale raises $2.4 million

Meme Kombat 預售籌集 240 萬美元

As Dogecoin captures the spotlight, a new meme-inspired token, Meme Kombat, has emerged as a potential breakout altcoin to watch.

隨著狗狗幣成為人們關注的焦點,一種受迷因啟發的新代幣 Meme Kombat 已成為值得關注的潛在突破性山寨幣。

Meme Kombat combines elements of gaming, staking, and meme culture, featuring a battle arena where meme coin mascots fight in AI-powered matches.

Meme Kombat 結合了遊戲、質押和模因文化的元素,以戰鬥競技場為特色,模因硬幣吉祥物在人工智慧驅動的比賽中進行戰鬥。

Users can wager MK, Meme Kombat’s native token, on these fights to earn additional rewards.

用戶可以在這些戰鬥中下注 MK(Meme Kombat 的原生代幣)以獲得額外獎勵。

Meme Kombat also provides staking yields set at 355% APY – with over 11.1 million MK tokens already locked.

Meme Kombat 還提供 355% APY 的質押收益率——已鎖定超過 1,110 萬個 MK 代幣。

Although not yet officially launched, interested investors can buy MK tokens through the project’s ongoing presale, which has raised $2.4 million in funding.

儘管尚未正式啟動,但有興趣的投資者可以透過該項目正在進行的預售購買 MK 代幣,該預售已籌集 240 萬美元資金。

50% of the total MK supply has been set aside for presale investors, with tokens priced at just $0.225 during the current stage.

MK 總供應量的 50% 已保留給預售投資者,現階段代幣價格僅為 0.225 美元。

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您可能也喜歡:Meme Kombat 推出公共代幣預售、質押平台

The presale hard cap set at $10 million.

預售硬頂設定為 1000 萬美元。

Once the presale concludes, Meme Kombat’s developers plan to list MK on Uniswap for broader access – an event being awaited by members of the project’s official Telegram channel.

一旦預售結束,Meme Kombat 的開發人員計劃將 MK 在 Uniswap 上列出,以供更廣泛的訪問——該項目官方 Telegram 頻道的成員正在等待這一事件。

Led by Matt Whiteman, Meme Kombat presale appears to be dominating crypto forums.

由 Matt Whiteman 領導的 Meme Kombat 預售似乎在加密貨幣論壇上佔據主導地位。

Solana’s meme coin Bonk rising as staking protocol launches

Solana 的迷因幣 Bonk 隨著質押協議的推出而上漲

Bonk (BONK) is another meme coin investors are keeping tabs on.

Bonk (BONK) 是另一個投資者密切關注的迷因幣。

Launched on Solana, Bonk is a dog-themed meme coin.

Bonk 在 Solana 上推出,是一款以狗為主題的迷因幣。

Focusing on community strength, BONK is on an uptrend, jumping 695% in the past month.


This rise pushed daily BONK trading volume above $157 million as it was listed on Gate.io and Bybit.

這一增長推動 BONK 在 Gate.io 和 Bybit 上的每日交易量超過 1.57 億美元。

Although initially launched with no use case, BONK’s team recently began offering single-sided staking on liquidity pools to add utility.

儘管最初推出時沒有任何用例,但 BONK 團隊最近開始在流動性池上提供單方質押以增加效用。

Additionally, the token has attracted massive attention on social media, with some investors speculating that it could be the next meme coin to surge like PEPE.

此外,該代幣在社交媒體上引起了廣泛關注,一些投資者猜測它可能是下一個像 PEPE 一樣飆升的模因代幣。

Read more: Robinhood increases crypto trading volume by 75% in Nov.

了解更多:Robinhood 11 月加密貨幣交易量增加了 75%

Disclosure: This content is provided by a third party. crypto.news does not endorse any product mentioned on this page. Users must do their own research before taking any actions related to the company.

披露:該內容由第三方提供。 crypto.news 不認可本頁提及的任何產品。用戶在採取與公司相關的任何行動之前必須進行自己的研究。


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