首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣現在擁有 530 萬持有者:與其他頂級代幣相比如何

Dogecoin Now Has 5.3 Million Holders: How It Compares With Other Top Coins

狗狗幣現在擁有 530 萬持有者:與其他頂級代幣相比如何

發布: 2023/12/27 17:00 閱讀: 967



On-chain data shows Dogecoin now has around 5.3 million addresses carrying a balance. Here’s how Bitcoin and other top coins compare with this.

鏈上數據顯示狗狗幣目前約有 530 萬個地址有餘額。以下是比特幣和其他頂級貨幣與此的比較。

Dogecoin Has Seen Its Number Of Addresses Carrying A Balance Go Up


In a new post on X, the market intelligence platform IntoTheBlock has shared an infographic that breaks down the total number of addresses that are carrying a balance for some of the top layer 1 cryptocurrency networks.

在 X 上的一篇新貼文中,市場情報平台 IntoTheBlock 分享了一張資訊圖,其中詳細列出了一些頂級 1 層加密貨幣網路的餘額位址總數。

Layer 1” blockchains are those that host secondary networks and applications on top of them, and provide the actual processing and security for the entire layered network.


Below is the infographic posted by the analytics firm that shows the 30-day trend in the number of holders for six major layer 1 networks: Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Avalanche (AVAX), Dogecoin (DOGE), and Cardano (ADA).

以下是分析公司發布的資訊圖,顯示了六種主要第一層網路持有者數量的30 天趨勢:比特幣(BTC)、以太幣(ETH)、萊特幣(LTC)、Avalanche (AVAX)、狗狗幣 ( DOGE)和卡爾達諾(ADA)。

It would appear that Ethereum currently boasts the highest number of addresses carrying a balance with the total sitting at 103 million right now. The next best is Bitcoin, with less than half the number at 51 million.

看來以太坊目前擁有最多的餘額地址,目前總數為 1.03 億個。其次是比特幣,數量不到一半,為 5,100 萬。

Litecoin, Avalanche, Dogecoin, and Cardano all have a much smaller number of holders when compared to the top two cryptocurrencies, but their counts aren’t too different from each other. At 5.29 million holders, DOGE is sitting fifth on the list.

與前兩種加密貨幣相比,萊特幣、雪崩、狗狗幣和卡爾達諾的持有者數量都少得多,但它們的數量彼此之間相差不大。 DOGE 擁有 529 萬持有者,排名第五。

Interestingly, all the coins listed here have seen a significant rise in the indicator over the past month, except for one: ADA. The network saw an exodus of investors earlier in the month, where the metric’s value plunged in a short amount of time.

有趣的是,這裡列出的所有代幣的指標在過去一個月中都出現了顯著上升,除了 ADA 之外。本月早些時候,該網絡出現了大量投資者的撤離,該指標的價值在短時間內暴跌。

Dogecoin has observed some fast growth in its addresses during this period, implying that the blockchain has been catching a lot of attention recently. This adoption could be positive for the memecoin in the long-term.


Among the layer 1 networks other than Bitcoin and Ethereum, Litecoin is currently the largest in terms of the number of addresses with a balance at about 7.7 million.

在比特幣和以太坊以外的第一層網路中,萊特幣目前是地址數量最多的,餘額約為 770 萬個。

The asset has been enjoying a spike in activity recently, as a user has pointed out in an X post.

正如一位用戶在 X 貼文中指出的那樣,該資產最近的活動激增。

The number of transactions on the Litecoin network have been going up during the past month and just a few days back, the blockchain processed 1.27 million transactions inside a single day, a record for LTC.

過去一個月裡,萊特幣網路上的交易數量一直在增加,就在幾天前,該區塊鏈單日處理了 127 萬筆交易,創下了 LTC 的記錄。

It looks like that while DOGE may have had the stronger demand in terms of fresh adoption recently, LTC is still a network that’s popular in terms of transaction usage.

看起來雖然 DOGE 最近在新採用方面的需求可能更強,但 LTC 仍然是一個在交易使用方面很受歡迎的網路。

In some other news, a Dogecoin whale has withdrawn DOGE worth more than $91 million from the cryptocurrency exchange Binance today, according to data from the cryptocurrency transaction tracker service Whale Alert.

在其他一些消息中,根據加密貨幣交易追蹤服務 Whale Alert 的數據,狗狗幣鯨魚今天從加密貨幣交易所 Binance 撤回了價值超過 9,100 萬美元的 DOGE。

Exchange withdrawals can be a sign of buying and since this outflow is so large, it could potentially have a bullish effect on the price of the asset.


DOGE Price


Dogecoin has been stuck in sideways movement recently as its price is still trading around the $0.092 mark.

狗狗幣最近一直處於橫盤走勢,其價格仍在 0.092 美元大關附近交易。


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