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Dogecoin Holders Urged to Boost Security Amid Hacking Spree


發布: 2024/01/31 06:39 閱讀: 367

原文作者:Coingape News Media


Mishaboar, a significant contributor to Dogecoin, has issued a stark warning to holders of the meme-inspired cryptocurrency, Dogecoin (DOGE). This warning comes from a security breach involving the MyDoge wallet, which saw its Twitter account compromised by cybercriminals. The account has since been recovered, but the incident has highlighted the vulnerabilities that Dogecoin holders face.

Mishaboar 是狗狗幣的重要貢獻者,他向受迷因啟發的加密貨幣狗狗幣(DOGE)的持有者發出了嚴厲警告。此警告來自涉及 MyDoge 錢包的安全漏洞,該錢包的 Twitter 帳戶被網路犯罪分子入侵。該帳戶已被恢復,但該事件凸顯了狗狗幣持有者面臨的漏洞。

Mishaboar pointed out that due to Dogecoin’s popularity, especially among newcomers to the cryptocurrency market, it has become a prime target for hackers and scammers. He emphasized the importance of heightened vigilance and security measures to protect digital assets from such threats. Additionally, Mishaboar has called upon Twitter support to take decisive action by temporarily disabling accounts reported for scam activities to safeguard the community from fraudulent schemes.

Mishaboar 指出,由於狗狗幣的受歡迎程度,尤其是在加密貨幣市場的新手中,它已成為駭客和詐騙者的主要目標。他強調了提高警覺和採取安全措施以保護數位資產免受此類威脅的重要性。此外,Mishaboar 還呼籲 Twitter 支援人員採取果斷行動,暫時停用被舉報存在詐騙活動的帳戶,以保護社群免受詐騙行為的侵害。

The MyDoge Wallet Incident: A Wake-Up Call

MyDoge 錢包事件:敲響警鐘

The recent hack of the MyDoge wallet’s Twitter account served as a significant wake-up call for the Dogecoin community. Hackers gained access through “delegate access” permissions not revoked following a previous breach in early December. They then attempted to lure Dogecoin holders by promising to double any DOGE sent to a specified wallet address. Thankfully, control over the account was quickly reestablished, and the fraudulent messages were removed.

最近 MyDoge 錢包的 Twitter 帳戶遭到駭客攻擊,給狗狗幣社群敲響了一個重要的警鐘。駭客透過「委託存取」權限獲得了存取權限,而在 12 月初的一次違規事件後,該權限並未被撤銷。然後,他們試圖透過承諾將發送到指定錢包地址的任何狗狗幣加倍來吸引狗狗幣持有者。值得慶幸的是,對該帳戶的控制很快就得到了恢復,欺詐性訊息也被刪除了。

This incident has prompted Mishaboar to share crucial security tips with the Dogecoin community, especially targeting individuals new to cryptocurrency. He stressed the importance of skepticism and caution when dealing with offers that seem too good to be true, such as promises of free cryptocurrency or airdrops in exchange for sending DOGE or connecting wallets. Moreover, he reiterated the golden rule of never sharing one’s seed phrase with anyone, underlining the principle of “trust no one” and verifying information before acting on it.

這事件促使 Mishaboar 與狗狗幣社群分享重要的安全提示,特別是針對剛接觸加密貨幣的個人。他強調了在處理看似好得令人難以置信的優惠時保持懷疑和謹慎的重要性,例如承諾免費加密貨幣或空投以換取發送 DOGE 或連接錢包。此外,他重申了絕不與任何人分享助記詞的黃金法則,強調「不信任任何人」的原則,並在採取行動之前驗證資訊。

Dogecoin Network Growth and Security Implications


Amid these security concerns, the Dogecoin network has continued to grow significantly, with crypto analyst Ali Martinez highlighting a 1,100% increase in new wallet creations over the past week, according to data from IntoTheBlock. This expansion underscores the growing interest in Dogecoin but also serves as a reminder of the potential risks associated with such rapid growth.

在這些安全疑慮中,狗狗幣網路持續顯著成長,根據 IntoTheBlock 的數據,加密貨幣分析師 Ali Martinez 強調,過去一週新錢包創建量增加了 1,100%。這種擴張凸顯了人們對狗狗幣日益增長的興趣,但也提醒人們與這種快速增長相關的潛在風險。

The influx of new participants into the Dogecoin ecosystem increases the potential for security breaches, as newcomers may not be fully aware of the best practices for safeguarding their investments. It is essential for both old and new members of the Dogecoin community to heed the advice of experienced contributors like Mishaboar and to implement robust security measures to protect their digital assets.

新參與者湧入狗狗幣生態系統增加了安全漏洞的可能性,因為新參與者可能不完全了解保護其投資的最佳實踐。對於狗狗幣社群的新舊成員來說,聽取 Mishaboar 等經驗豐富的貢獻者的建議並實施強有力的安全措施來保護他們的數位資產至關重要。

Read Also: Charles Hoskinson Dismisses Cardano’s ADA Drop Prediction

另請閱讀:Charles Hoskinson 駁斥了 Cardano 的 ADA 下降預測



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Maxwell is a crypto-economic analyst and Blockchain enthusiast, passionate about helping people understand the potential of decentralized technology. I write extensively on topics such as blockchain, cryptocurrency, tokens, and more for many publications. My goal is to spread knowledge about this revolutionary technology and its implications for economic freedom and social good.

Maxwell 是一位加密經濟分析師和區塊鏈愛好者,熱衷於幫助人們了解去中心化技術的潛力。我為許多出版物撰寫了大量關於區塊鏈、加密貨幣、代幣等主題的文章。我的目標是傳播有關這項革命性技術及其對經濟自由和社會福利的影響的知識。

The presented content may include the personal opinion of the author and is subject to market condition. Do your market research before investing in cryptocurrencies. The author or the publication does not hold any responsibility for your personal financial loss.



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