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Dogecoin Sees 247K New Addresses: Price Surge Ahead?

狗狗幣新增地址達 24.7 萬個:價格即將飆升?

發布: 2024/01/31 07:07 閱讀: 366

原文作者:Crypto News Land


狗狗幣新增地址達 24.7 萬個:價格即將飆升?

  • Dogecoin witnessed a record-breaking surge, with 247,240 new addresses created, signaling potential future price growth.
  • 狗狗幣見證了破紀錄的飆升,創建了 247,240 個新地址,預示著未來價格的潛在增長。

  • The adoption of Ordinals technology on the Dogecoin network contributes to the unprecedented rise in new addresses.
  • 狗狗幣網路上 Ordinals 技術的採用有助於新地址的空前成長。

  • Analysts foresee a positive outlook for Dogecoin’s price, anticipating a potential surge to $5.
  • 分析師預計狗狗幣的價格前景樂觀,預計可能飆升至 5 美元。

Dogecoin’s (DOGE) network has witnessed an exceptional upswing, marked by an unprecedented surge of 247,240 new addresses. This surge surpasses the previous record set in 2014, shortly after the cryptocurrency’s inception, hinting at potential future escalations in value. 

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 網路見證了非凡的增長,新地址數量史無前例地激增 247,240 個。這一飆升超過了 2014 年加密貨幣誕生後不久創下的紀錄,暗示未來價值可能會上漲。

The remarkable surge in newly established addresses also reflects a remarkable 1,100% rise within a mere week, a significant achievement occurring in the early stages of what appears to be a crypto bull market. The upsurge in new addresses is attributed not only to the renewed interest in the broader crypto market but also to the implementation of Ordinals technology on Dogecoin’s network. 

新設立地址的顯著激增也反映出短短一周內就增長了 1,100%,這是在看似加密貨幣牛市的早期階段發生的重大成就。新地址的激增不僅歸因於人們對更廣泛的加密貨幣市場重新產生的興趣,還歸因於狗狗幣網路上 Ordinals 技術的實施。

Originating from Bitcoin (BTC), this technology now enables users to partake in the trading of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the Dogecoin network. Significantly, projects such as Doge Labs leverage the DRC-20 token standard, allowing users to trade NFTs denominated in the DOGE cryptocurrency.

這項技術起源於比特幣(BTC),現在使用戶能夠參與狗狗幣網路上的不可替代代幣(NFT)的交易。值得注意的是,Doge Labs 等項目利用了 DRC-20 代幣標準,允許用戶交易以 DOGE 加密貨幣計價的 NFT。

The introduction of Doginals, as these Dogecoin-based NFTs are dubbed, has generated enthusiasm within the community. The trajectory of this trend remains uncertain, but if it sustains its initial momentum, it could lead to an upswing in demand for DOGE as users seek the cryptocurrency for trading these assets.

Doginals(這些基於狗狗幣的 NFT 的名稱)的推出引起了社區的熱情。這一趨勢的軌跡仍不確定,但如果它維持最初的勢頭,隨著用戶尋求加密貨幣來交易這些資產,可能會導致 DOGE 的需求上升。

As of the current update, Dogecoin is trading at $0.08076, reflecting a moderate 5% growth over the past week. Market analysts express optimism about the future, envisioning the potential for Dogecoin’s value to surge, with some speculating an ambitious climb up to $5. 

截至目前更新,狗狗幣的交易價格為 0.08076 美元,反映出過去一周溫和成長 5%。市場分析師對未來表示樂觀,預計狗狗幣的價值將有飆升的潛力,有些人猜測狗狗幣的價格將雄心勃勃地攀升至 5 美元。

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The post Dogecoin Sees 247K New Addresses: Price Surge Ahead? appeared first on Crypto News Land.

狗狗幣出現 24.7 萬個新地址:價格即將飆升?首先出現在 Crypto News Land 上。


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