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Dogecoin Leads Meme Coin Market with Unmatched Social Media Activity


發布: 2024/09/12 06:41 閱讀: 536

原文作者:Crypto News Land



Dogecoin Dominates Meme Coin Market with Massive Social Media Engagement


September 12, 2024 at 01:46 AM GST
Updated: September 12, 2024 at 12:35 AM

2024 年 9 月 12 日凌晨 01:46 GST 更新: 2024 年 9 月 12 日凌晨 12:35



Dogecoin has emerged as a clear leader in the meme coin market, boasting a staggering 9.2 million interactions on social media in just 24 hours. Other meme coins, such as PEPE and Shiba Inu, have also demonstrated strong growth and are gaining traction.

狗狗幣已成為模因幣市場的明顯領導者,在短短 24 小時內社交媒體上的互動達到了驚人的 920 萬次。其他模因幣,如 PEPE 和 Shiba Inu,也表現出強勁的成長勢頭,並且越來越受到關注。

Dogecoin's Reign Continues


Dogecoin remains a dominant force, recording 22.9K engaged posts in the past day. This active community engagement underscores the coin's relevance and influence in the evolving cryptocurrency landscape. Its popularity is reflected in high levels of likes, comments, and shares on social media platforms.

狗狗幣仍然是主導力量,過去一天有 2.29 萬個活躍貼文。這種活躍的社區參與強調了該代幣在不斷發展的加密貨幣領域的相關性和影響力。它的受歡迎程度體現在社交媒體平台上高水準的讚、評論和分享。

Dogecoin's social media presence has a direct impact on its market performance. On Monday, the token experienced an over 8% surge driven by positive investor sentiment. Traders are closely observing a potential break out of a falling wedge pattern, which could indicate further growth for Dogecoin.

狗狗幣的社群媒體形象對其市場表現有直接影響。週一,在積極的投資者情緒推動下,該代幣飆升了 8% 以上。交易員正在密切觀察下跌楔形形態的潛在突破,這可能表明狗狗幣將進一步增長。

PEPE and Shiba Inu Make Strides

PEPE 和 Shiba Inu 取得長足進步

PEPE and Shiba Inu are not far behind Dogecoin in terms of social media traction. PEPE has recorded 16.1K engaged posts and 5 million interactions, positioning it as a strong contender. The token's popularity is bolstered by its integration with gaming and social platforms, giving it a strong presence in the market.

在社群媒體吸引力方面,PEPE 和 Shiba Inu 並不落後於狗狗幣。 PEPE 已記錄了 16,100 個參與貼文和 500 萬次互動,使其成為強有力的競爭者。該代幣與遊戲和社交平台的整合增強了其受歡迎程度,使其在市場上擁有強大的影響力。

Shiba Inu, despite being a relatively new entrant, has made significant headway. With 10K engaged posts and 1.5 million interactions, it has captured the attention of a loyal community. This strong support contributes to Shiba Inu's influence in the meme coin space, making it a key player alongside Dogecoin and PEPE.

儘管柴犬是一個相對較新的進入者,但已經取得了重大進展。憑藉 1 萬個活躍貼文和 150 萬次互動,它吸引了忠實社群的注意。這種強有力的支持增強了柴犬在迷因幣領域的影響力,使其成為與狗狗幣和 PEPE 並駕齊驅的關鍵參與者。

DegenTokenBase Enhances User Experience

DegenTokenBase 提升使用者體驗

In related news, DegenTokenBase has launched an upgraded block explorer designed to enhance transaction tracking. Users can now monitor deals with improved speed and efficiency. The team behind the explorer claims it allows tracking "faster than you can say banana zone." This upgrade aims to streamline the user experience on the system.

在相關新聞中,DegenTokenBase 推出了升級版的區塊瀏覽器,旨在增強交易追蹤。用戶現在可以以更高的速度和效率監控交易。該探測器背後的團隊聲稱它的追蹤速度「比你所說的香蕉區還要快」。此次升級旨在簡化系統的使用者體驗。

Other Emerging Meme Coins


PORK and POPCAT are emerging meme coins that are gaining attention. PORK has recorded 7.3K engaged posts and 1.7 million interactions, indicating its growing popularity. POPCAT also shows strong activity, with 6.2K engaged posts, highlighting the continued interest in new meme coins. These developments demonstrate the vibrancy and competitiveness of the meme coin market.

PORK 和 POPCAT 是正在引起關注的新興迷因幣。 PORK 已記錄了 7300 個參與帖子和 170 萬次互動,表明它越來越受歡迎。 POPCAT 也表現出強勁的活躍度,有 6.2K 個參與帖子,凸顯了人們對新模因硬幣的持續興趣。這些發展證明了模因幣市場的活力和競爭力。


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