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Dogecoin’s Market Performance and Future Prospects


發布: 2024/02/07 06:12 閱讀: 748



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您也可以在 COINTURK NEWS 上閱讀此新聞:狗狗幣的市場表現和未來前景

Dogecoin, the largest meme coin by market value, has once again dropped below the $0.08 support level. Will the decline continue? There are things more important than short-term price movements, such as network growth, major partnerships, grounded future plans, and much more. Despite ongoing miner sales contributing to its weakness, Dogecoin’s network data looks promising.

狗狗幣是市值最大的迷因幣,再次跌破 0.08 美元的支撐位。跌勢還會繼續嗎?有些事情比短期價格變動更重要,例如網路成長、主要合作夥伴關係、腳踏實地的未來計劃等等。儘管持續的礦機銷售導致其疲軟,但狗狗幣的網路數據看起來很有希望。

Dogecoin Analysis


Technical analysis can sometimes make accurate price predictions, but often it can be misleading because it fails to see fundamental changes and there is no obligation for the price to move according to historical structures. In the last two weeks, we have witnessed some significant developments on the Dogecoin front.


The current investor profile shows the number of new addresses holding Dogecoin has climbed to 413,800. A significant portion of these have balances below 1 DOGE. This rapid increase in new users represents the fastest growth rate in the network’s ten-year history and leads to speculation about Dogecoin’s future.

目前的投資者資料顯示,持有狗狗幣的新地址數量已攀升至 413,800 個。其中很大一部分的餘額低於 1 DOGE。新用戶的快速成長代表了該網路十年歷史上最快的成長率,並引發了人們對狗狗幣未來的猜測。

Will Dogecoin Reach the Moon?


November and December passed, and January ended without the space mission for DOGE taking place. While there was excitement over ETFs, this event could have been a good price catalyst for DOGE, but the timing was poor, and the market correction that has been ongoing for about 20 days is not over yet.

十一月和十二月過去了,一月結束了,DOGE 的太空任務卻沒有進行。儘管人們對 ETF 感到興奮,但這一事件本來可以成為 DOGE 的良好價格催化劑,但時機不佳,並且已經持續約 20 天的市場調整尚未結束。

Geometric Energy Corporation (GEC) CEO Samuel Reid made a payment to SpaceX for the DOGE-1 Mission using Dogecoin. The mission, planned to be carried out on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket in 2022, has been postponed several times. These delays have led to disappointment and a waning of excitement within the DOGE community. Big developments happen all at once, and the price fluctuates accordingly.

幾何能源公司 (GEC) 執行長 Samuel Reid 使用狗狗幣向 SpaceX 支付了 DOGE-1 任務的費用。該任務原計劃於 2022 年使用 SpaceX 獵鷹 9 號火箭執行,但已多次推遲。這些延誤導致了 DOGE 社區的失望和興奮感的減弱。大的發展同時發生,價格也會隨之波動。

However, as with the spot Bitcoin ETF approval, when the agenda is occupied with fake delay, approval, and rejection news, the price shows negative performance. Cryptocurrency educator Randi Hipper became the voice of the community by expressing doubts about the project’s timeline;

然而,與現貨比特幣 ETF 的批准一樣,當議程被虛假的延遲、批准和拒絕訊息佔據時,價格就會表現出負面表現。加密貨幣教育家蘭迪·希佩爾(Randi Hipper)對計畫時間表表示懷疑,成為社區的代言人;

“Does this mean another step back, or is the launch still planned for February?”


The DOGE price is currently close to the $0.077 support in the short term, and for now, the bulls don’t seem too concerned with network growth.

DOGE 價格目前接近 0.077 美元的短期支撐位,目前多頭似乎不太關心網路成長。

The post first appeared on COINTURK NEWS: Dogecoin’s Market Performance and Future Prospects

該貼文首次出現在 COINTURK 新聞:狗狗幣的市場表現和未來前景


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