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Dogecoin’s Mega-Wallet Surge Sparks Price Speculation!


發布: 2023/11/24 10:59 閱讀: 704

原文作者:Crypto News Land



  • Stirring dormant Dogecoin whales signal investor interest.
  • 活躍的休眠狗狗幣鯨魚顯示了投資者的興趣。

  • Dogecoin’s price trend hints at a potential rally.
  • 狗狗幣的價格趨勢暗示著潛在的反彈。

  • Elon Musk’s integration plans could boost Dogecoin’s value.
  • 伊隆馬斯克的整合計畫可能會提升狗狗幣的價值。

Dogecoin (DOGE) has sparked renewed interest with intriguing developments in its ecosystem. Notably, dormant Dogecoin whales have reemerged, triggering a flurry of activity. 


A substantial number of long-stagnant DOGE coins have been on the move, accompanied by the emergence of numerous mega-wallets, indicating a shifting landscape within the DOGE market. The creation of over a hundred new wallets, each holding substantial amounts of DOGE, within a month underscores the growing interest from major players in the crypto sphere.

大量長期停滯的 DOGE 幣一直在流動,伴隨著許多巨型錢包的出現,顯示 DOGE 市場格局正在改變。一個月內創建了一百多個新錢包,每個錢包都持有大量 DOGE,這突顯了加密貨幣領域主要參與者日益增長的興趣。

Examining the Dogecoin/USDT price chart provides further insights into the situation. Despite a prolonged consolidation phase, DOGE has shown an upward trend, currently testing a crucial resistance level. This level has historically impeded upward movements, yet the increased activity and emergence of new wallets hint at the potential for a breakthrough.

檢查狗狗幣/USDT 價格圖表可以進一步了解情況。儘管盤整階段較長,但 DOGE 仍呈現上升趨勢,目前正在測試關鍵阻力位。這一水平歷來阻礙了上漲,但活動的增加和新錢包的出現暗示了突破的潛力。

Speculation surrounding Elon Musk’s plans to integrate DOGE into a payment system on a major platform has fueled additional excitement. Musk’s influence on Dogecoin’s value has been evident in the past, with his support often coinciding with surges in price. However, its utility within the broader blockchain ecosystem remains somewhat constrained, potentially impacting its long-term value proposition.

圍繞 Elon Musk 計劃將 DOGE 整合到主要平台的支付系統中的猜測引發了更多的興奮。過去,馬斯克對狗狗幣價值的影響是顯而易見的,他的支持往往與狗狗幣價格飆升同時發生。然而,它在更廣泛的區塊鏈生態系統中的效用仍然受到一定限制,可能會影響其長期價值主張。

The convergence of whale activity and chart patterns suggests a favorable short-term outlook for Dogecoin. With indicators not signaling an overbought scenario, there’s room for potential upward momentum. The possibility of a breakout rally akin to Dogecoin’s historic surges remains contingent upon the cryptocurrency breaching the current resistance level.


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The post Dogecoin’s Mega-Wallet Surge Sparks Price Speculation! appeared first on Crypto News Land.

狗狗幣超級錢包激增引發價格投機!首先出現在 Crypto News Land 上。


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