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More than a Dogecoin meme: Shiba Inu Kabosu remembered by the community

不僅僅是狗狗幣模因:社區銘記 Shiba Inu Kabosu

發布: 2024/05/24 21:10 閱讀: 368



不僅僅是狗狗幣模因:社區銘記 Shiba Inu Kabosu

On May 24, the meme coin symbol, Kabosu, died after a long illness.
Kabosu, which symbolizes the Dogecoin (DOGE) token, was 18 years old. In early May, its condition deteriorated sharply. The dog could no longer walk independently and moved with the help of an animal wheelchair.

5月24日,迷因幣符號Kabosu在長期患病後去世。 5月初,病情急劇惡化。這隻狗已經無法獨立行走,只能藉助動物輪椅來移動。

かぼちゃんは今朝、深い眠りにつきました🌈私に撫でられながら眠るようにそっと逝きました。かぼちゃんを愛して下さったみなさん、長い間ありがとうございました。https://t.co/aJyC8wECQP— かぼすママ (@kabosumama) May 24, 2024

南瓜今天早上睡得很沉🌈 被我撫摸著,像睡著了一樣輕輕​​地走了。感謝大家長期以來對南瓜的喜愛。 https://t.co/aJyC8wECQP — Kabosu Mama (@kabosumama) 2024 年 5 月 24 日

Kabosu’s owner, Atsuko Sato, wrote on the Kabochan blog that Kabosu felt normal before its death, eating rice and drinking water. The dog’s farewell will take place on May 26 in Narita, Japan. 

Kabosu 的主人 Atsuko Sato 在 Kabochan 部落格上寫道,Kabosu 死前感覺很正常,吃米飯、喝水。這隻狗的告別儀式將於 5 月 26 日在日本成田舉行。 

“We hope to hold a fun farewell party at Sakura Furusato Hiroba when the weather gets cooler.” Atsuko Sato, Kabosu owner

“我們希望天氣轉涼時在櫻花故裡廣場舉辦一場有趣的告別派對。” Kabosu 老闆佐藤敦子

In December 2022, Kabosu was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Atsuko Sato said that the pet is “in a very dangerous condition.” On Christmas Eve, the dog stopped eating and drinking, but its appetite returned after some time.
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Crypto community reaction
The crypto community and fans of the most famous Shiba Inu expressed their condolences.
The official Dogecoin X account published a post saying the “impact this one dog has made across the world is immeasurable.”

2022年12月,卡博蘇被診斷出患有慢性淋巴性白血病。佐藤敦子表示,這隻寵物「處於非常危險的狀態」。聖誕節前夕,狗停止了吃喝,但一段時間後它的食慾又恢復了。粉絲表示他們表示哀悼。 Dogecoin X 官方帳戶發表了一篇帖子,稱“這隻狗對世界產生的影響是不可估量的。”

Today Kabosu, our community's shared friend and inspiration, peacefully passed in the arms of her person. The impact this one dog has made across the world is immeasurable. She was a being who knew only happiness and limitless love. Please keep her spirit and her family in…— Dogecoin (@dogecoin) May 24, 2024

今天,我們社區共同的朋友和靈感來源卡博蘇在她親人的懷里安詳地去世了。這隻狗對世界產生的影響是無法估量的。她是一個只知道幸福和無限愛的人。請讓她的精神和她的家人留在…Dogecoin (@dogecoin) 2024 年 5 月 24 日

In honor of the dog’s memory, Dogecoin fans decided to release a long-planned limited collection of NFTs. All 5,000 NFTs will be free, requiring users only to pay gas fees.
The Shiba Inu (SHIB) cryptocurrency community also thanked Kabosu for its contribution to the development of meme coins.

為了紀念這隻狗,狗狗幣粉絲決定發布一系列計劃已久的限量 NFT。所有 5,000 個 NFT 將免費,只需要用戶支付 Gas 費。

Today, the internet loses a legend. Thank you, Kabosu, for inspiring a generation of meme-makers and dog lovers. Run free across the rainbow bridge! 🐕 #RIPKabosu https://t.co/t7zshHqCJa— Shib (@Shibtoken) May 24, 2024

如今,網路失去了一位傳奇人物。感謝卡博蘇激勵了一代模因製作者和狗愛好者。自由奔跑穿越彩虹橋! 🐕 #RIPKabosu https://t.co/t7zshHqCJa — Shib (@Shibtoken) 2024 年 5 月 24 日

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin also joined in the grief by retweeting a post by the owner of Kabosu.

以太坊聯合創始人 Vitalik Buterin 也透過轉發 Kabosu 所有者的貼文來表達悲傷。

Rest in peace Kabochan 💛 https://t.co/R4Fx7rbmcw— vitalik.eth (@VitalikButerin) May 24, 2024

安息吧 Kabochan 💛 https://t.co/R4Fx7rbmcw—vitalik.eth (@VitalikButerin) 2024 年 5 月 24 日

From a shelter to the crypto industry leaders
Kabosu came to the volunteers after the previous owner and breeder went bankrupt and could no longer support the dogs that he had transferred to the shelter. At the charity center, Kabosu was taken by Atsuko Sato.
Photos of the pet first appeared on its owner’s blog in 2010 and almost immediately went viral. Kabosu became famous after its photo with the word “Doge”, spelled incorrectly in English, went viral on the internet. 
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Many texts were attributed to the image of Kabosu’s surprised face, lying with its paws folded, and various pictures were added, and as a result, the image became a meme. Kabosu’s popularity increased, and the portrait of the dog appeared in various things — from toys to Bitcoin (BTC).
In 2013, the internet meme was ranked 12th on MTV’s list of “50 Things Pop Culture Had Us Giving Thanks For This Year.” That same year, a developer Jackson Palmer used the doge as a logo for the Dogecoin cryptocurrency. 
In 2018, Vitalik Buterin visited a dog owner in Japan.

從收容所到加密貨幣行業的領導者,在前主人和飼養員破產並且無法再養活他轉移到收容所的狗之後,Kabosu 來到了志工那裡。在慈善中心,佐藤敦子 (Atsuko Sato) 拍攝了 Kabosu。卡博蘇因一張英文拼字錯誤的「Doge」照片在網路上瘋傳而出名。 您可能還喜歡:狗狗幣本週在“Doge D”之前上漲了20% 很多文字都歸因於Kabosu 驚訝的臉、爪子折疊躺著的圖像,並且添加了各種圖片,結果,該圖像成為了模因。 Kabosu 的受歡迎程度不斷提高,這隻狗的肖像出現在從玩具到比特幣(BTC) 等各種物品中。 」列表中排名第12 名。同年,開發商傑克遜·帕爾默(Jackson Palmer)使用狗狗作為狗狗幣加密貨幣的標誌。 2018年,Vitalik Buterin去日本拜訪了一位狗主人。

Vitalik Buterin met Kabosu (original shibe from the doge meme) this week and took her for a walk! https://t.co/tTDbjjh8Qg pic.twitter.com/P0nkXWHDDd— MyDoge.eu (@MyDogeEU) April 7, 2018

Vitalik Buterin 本週遇到了 Kabosu(來自 doge meme 的原始 shibe)並帶她去散步! https://t.co/tTDbjjh8Qg pic.twitter.com/P0nkXWHDDd — MyDoge.eu (@MyDogeEU) 2018 年 4 月 7 日

Later, in 2020, the image of Kabosu appeared in another popular meme — about two Shiba Inu dogs, one of which personifies strength and resilience, and the other weakness and helplessness.

後來,在 2020 年,卡博甦的形像出現在另一個流行的迷因中——關於兩隻柴犬,其中一隻代表力量和韌性,另一隻代表軟弱和無助。

someone pls make the weak-strong dog meme with gesture & profit before playoffs and when in playoffs pic.twitter.com/WC5dzsxJl4— neptuNo (@Neptuno) October 9, 2020

有人請在季後賽前和季後賽中用手勢和利潤製作弱強狗模因 pic.twitter.com/WC5dzsxJl4 — neptuNo (@Neptuno) 2020 年 10 月 9 日

Elon Musk also purchased this meme coin. He stated that Tesla, Starlink, and Starship would accept Dogecoin for payment, and integration into the X payment service is also planned. 
Impact of Dogecoin on the meme coin market
When the Dogecoin developers launched the project, Kabosu had already become the personification of meme coins. This may be the reason why the developers used the dog meme in their coin.
The main goal of Dogecoin was to demonstrate users’ satirical attitude towards how cryptocurrencies suddenly became popular. In fact, cryptocurrencies do not stand out among others and do not deserve special attention.
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The power of social impact has become a significant driver of growth and traction for DOGE. The coin’s first phase of its heyday came in 2021 when the value of Dogecoin increased by more than 800% in 24 hours and reached $0.07, thanks to the support of Reddit users. In February, the Doge fan community welcomed Elon Musk.
The success of Dogecoin led to the emergence of similar projects. Dogecoin’s closest competitor, Shiba Inu, was initially launched to surpass Dogecoin’s popularity by using an identical image of the Japanese Shiba Inu dog breed. 
Since then, the image of a Shiba Inu dog has gone viral in the meme coin market. Projects launch all sorts of DOGE analogs, stylizing the image of a famous dog — BabyDoge, Dogwifhat (WIF), and others. 
However, no one has yet been able to surpass Dogecoin’s success — the coin has been consistently in the top 10 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization for several years. It does not even think of giving up its place to anyone.
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伊隆馬斯克也買了這個迷因幣。他表示,特斯拉、Starlink 和 Starship 將接受狗狗幣支付,並計劃整合到 X 支付服務中。 狗狗幣對 meme 幣市場的影響 當狗狗幣開發者啟動該計畫時,Kabosu 已經成為 meme 幣的化身。這可能是開發者在他們的硬幣中使用狗表情包的原因。事實上,加密貨幣在眾多加密貨幣中並不脫穎而出,不值得特別關注。驅動力。該幣的全盛時期的第一階段出現在 2021 年,由於 Reddit 用戶的支持,狗狗幣的價值在 24 小時內增長了 800% 以上,達到 0.07 美元。 2月份,Doge粉絲社群迎來了 Elon Musk。狗狗幣最接近的競爭對手柴犬最初推出是為了透過使用與日本柴犬品種相同的圖像來超越狗狗幣的受歡迎程度。 從那時起,柴犬的形象就在迷因幣市場上瘋傳。該項目推出了各種 DOGE 類似物,將著名狗的形象風格化——BabyDoge、Dogwifhat (WIF) 等。 然而,還沒有人能夠超越狗狗幣的成功——該幣多年來一直位居市值前十名的加密貨幣之列。它甚至沒有想過將自己的地位讓給任何人。


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