首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣百萬富翁在 TradFi 平台 Algotech (ALGT) 上押注 50 萬美元 – 聲稱第三季前將增加 258%

Dogecoin Millionaire Bets $500K on TradFi Platform Algotech (ALGT) – Claims It Will Increase 258% Before Q3

狗狗幣百萬富翁在 TradFi 平台 Algotech (ALGT) 上押注 50 萬美元 – 聲稱第三季前將增加 258%

發布: 2024/02/22 13:35 閱讀: 440



The Dogecoin community’s expectations were hampered by significant incidents early in 2024. While diamond hands tend to hold DOGE under price fluctuations, 2024 has proved to be an awful year for Dogecoin. Investors are speculative about their investments in DOGE owing to pessimistic market sentiment, even when bullish patterns are anticipated soon.

狗狗幣社群的預期因 2024 年初發生的重大事件而受到影響。雖然鑽石手傾向於在價格波動時持有 DOGE,但事實證明 2024 年對狗狗幣來說是糟糕的一年。由於悲觀的市場情緒,投資者對 DOGE 的投資進行投機,即使預計很快就會出現看漲模式。

On January 8, 2024, the Dogecoin Foundation revealed that Dogecoin (DOGE) has set out on an interstellar journey aboard the United Launch Alliance’s (ULA) Vulcan Centaur rocket. The news created massive hype among community members. Dogecoin (DOGE) saw a 6% increase in value between January 8 and January 20, going from $0.078 to $0.091.

2024 年 1 月 8 日,狗狗幣基金會透露,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 已搭乘聯合發射聯盟 (ULA) 的火神半人馬座火箭踏上星際之旅。該消息在社區成員中引起了巨大的關注。 1 月 8 日至 1 月 20 日期間,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的價值上漲了 6%,從 0.078 美元上漲至 0.091 美元。

However, the upward trend eventually shifted as the overall market became turbulent. Between January 20 and 22, Dogecoin (DOGE) saw a 6% decrease in value between January 20 and 22, dropping from $0.091 to $0.081.

然而,隨著整體市場變得動盪,上漲趨勢最終發生轉變。 1 月 20 日至 22 日期間,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的價值在 1 月 20 日至 22 日期間下跌了 6%,從 0.091 美元跌至 0.081 美元。

Furthermore, the decision made by Coinbase Commerce to cease support for Dogecoin, Bitcoin, and other UTXOs has sparked outrage and dissatisfaction among the crypto community and token holders. Moreover, many crypto analysts anticipate a further decline in the value of DOGE, advising caution for investors looking to buy DOGE. 

此外,Coinbase Commerce 停止支持狗狗幣、比特幣和其他 UTXO 的決定引發了加密社群和代幣持有者的憤怒和不滿。此外,許多加密貨幣分析師預計 DOGE 的價值將進一步下跌,建議尋求購買 DOGE 的投資者保持謹慎。

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Comparing Algotech (ALGT) vs Dogecoin (DOGE)

Despite its established and dedicated community, Dogecoin is still a highly volatile and risky investment. The fact that DOGE is not widely adopted and utilized is one of the key concerns attached to it. DOGE’s value is dependent on speculation, hence it is a high-risk investment. The absence of a regulatory structure raises concerns over its legitimacy as well.

— Mishaboar (@mishaboar) 2024 年 2 月 19 日 比較 Algotech (ALGT) 與狗狗幣 (DOGE) 儘管狗狗幣擁有成熟且專注的社區,但它仍然是一種高度波動和高風險的投資。 DOGE 沒有被廣泛採用和使用這一事實是與其相關的主要問題之一。 DOGE的價值取決於投機,因此是一項高風險投資。監管結構的缺失也引發了對其合法性的擔憂。

Algotech’s phenomenal tokenomics are a key factor in making it a better choice than

Algotech 非凡的代幣經濟學是使其成為比其他公司更好的選擇的關鍵因素

DOGE. The project includes a suite of cutting-edge trading features, including breakout trading, hedging, and arbitrage identification.  


Community members of Algotech are entitled to governance rights, profit shares, and


have access to advanced trading strategies, including hedging, mean reversion, and


algorithmic consolidation.


Algotech (ALGT) is Positioned to Return 258% on Investments After $1.1 Million Private Seed Round

With the speculations surrounding DOGE, investors are looking toward other projects that have the potential to displace legacy projects. Algotech (ALGT) is emerging as a great alternative because of its lucrative rewards and user incentives.

Algotech (ALGT) 預計在 110 萬美元私人種子輪融資後獲得 258% 的投資回報隨著圍繞 DOGE 的猜測,投資者正在尋找有潛力取代傳統項目的其他項目。 Algotech (ALGT) 因其豐厚的回報和用戶激勵而成為一個很好的選擇。

The project has managed to raise over $1.1 million within two days and is poised to reach

該項目已在兩天內籌集了超過 110 萬美元,並有望達到

even greater heights as the market looks toward emerging opportunities. A key factor dictating the growth of the project is the exciting roadmap. Holders are expected


to be offered governance rights, ownership stakes, and other benefits upon launch.


Due to the project’s outstanding performance at the start of 2024, its worth is anticipated to skyrocket beyond its current $0.04 level. ALGT will be listed on major exchanges in the upcoming months. Analysts predict its value to reach an all-time high of $0.15 indicating a significant rise in earnings of 258% before Q3. 

由於該項目在 2024 年初表現出色,預計其價值將飆升至目前 0.04 美元的水平。 ALGT 將在未來幾個月內在主要交易所上市。分析師預測其價值將達到 0.15 美元的歷史新高,顯示第三季前獲利將大幅成長 258%。

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