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Dogecoin Millionaire Claims Bitcoin Spark Could Deliver 20x Returns Soon

狗狗幣百萬富翁聲稱比特幣 Spark 很快就能帶來 20 倍的回報

發布: 2023/09/17 22:30 閱讀: 545



Meme coins have taken the cryptocurrency universe by storm. The ecosphere emanated in the decentralized ecosystem via humor and social media hype. Among them, Dogecoin, named after Shiba Inu’s dog breed, has captured the attention of numerous digital currency participants. The decentralized crypto has made several investors join the bandwagon, hoping to accumulate massive capital gains. 

Meme 幣席捲了加密貨幣領域。生態圈透過幽默和社群媒體炒作在去中心化生態系統中產生。其中,以柴犬的品種命名的狗狗幣吸引了許多數位貨幣參與者的注意。去中心化的加密貨幣讓一些投資者加入了這股潮流,希望能累積巨額資本利得。

A millionaire in the ecosystem has expressed his belief that Bitcoin Spark could return 20x  during this winter season. Despite being a new entrant into the ecosystem, Bitcoin Spark has managed to make digital currency whales put funds into the project. 

生態系統中的百萬富翁表示,他相信比特幣 Spark 在今年冬季可能會回報 20 倍。儘管比特幣 Spark 是生態系統的新進者,但它已經成功地讓數位貨幣鯨魚向該計畫投入資金。

How To Follow Smart Money


Smart money refers to many seasoned traders and investors who possess extensive resources, deep pockets, and a large amount of data concerning the cryptocurrency market. These institutions and individuals are often described as accumulating an edge while trading in decentralized finance. 


Therefore, they greatly influence market movements and trends. At most times, they are depicted to sway the direction of certain assets. Retail investors are highly encouraged to follow or track the movements of such whales as it provides more significant insights concerning the trends. 


Will Crypto Recover?


The cryptocurrency ecosphere has seen immense development during the last decade. Since the inauguration of Bitcoin, the first-ever digital currency to be pioneered, several potential whales have flocked to the niche to facilitate the development of the ecosystem. Based on previous market movements and trends, the cryptocurrency ecosystem might have an upsurge in the imminent winter of 2024. 


Bitcoin Spark set to Grow 20x

比特幣 Spark 將成長 20 倍

Bitcoin Spark, a new initiative in the crypto sphere, has already made waves in the blockchain ecosystem. The crypto project has generated an immense traction rate in the traditional finance ecosystem. Auditing firms such as Contract Wolf and Cognitos have already conducted smart contracts and know your customer verification. 

Bitcoin Spark是加密領域的新舉措,已經在區塊鏈生態系統中掀起了波瀾。加密項目在傳統金融生態系統中產生了巨大的吸引力。 Contract Wolf 和 Cognitos 等審計公司已經執行了智能合約並了解您的客戶驗證。

The platform has a roadmap containing information on its progress from the initial coin offering(ICO) phase to the launch and post-launch period. Users and newbies can easily navigate through the platform as it contains user-friendly interfaces.


The platform has a native currency called BTCS, which rewards community members participating in the project’s development. The maximum supply of the tokens is 21 million, which is similar to that of Bitcoin. From the 21 million tokens, 4.55 million will be allocated to the launch supply and 16.55 million to the mining reward pool. 

該平台有一種名為 BTCS 的原生貨幣,用於獎勵參與專案開發的社群成員。代幣的最大供應量為2,100萬個,與比特幣類似。在2100萬枚代幣中,455萬枚將分配給啟動供應,1655萬枚將分配給挖礦獎勵池。

The launch supply is distributed to initial coin offerings, team tokens, pre-launch exchanges, and liquidity pools. Participants who wish to join the project can currently enter through phase 5 of the initial coin offering phase. 


The platform utilizes a unique consensus mechanism called proof-of-process to conduct transactions. The consensus mechanism blends proof-of-stake and proof-of-work algorithms. The consensus algorithm facilitates the validation of blocks and the creation of new BTCS tokens. The project also has a special algorithm that enables the non-linear distribution of rewards. The rewards are allocated to both large and small-scale participants.

該平台利用一種稱為過程證明的獨特共識機制來進行交易。共識機制融合了權益證明和工作量證明演算法。共識演算法有利於區塊的驗證和新的 BTCS 代幣的創建。該專案還有一​​個特殊的演算法,可以實現獎勵的非線性分配。獎勵分配給大型和小型參與者。

Learn more about Bitcoin Spark on:

了解有關比特幣 Spark 的更多資訊:


購買 BTCS:https://network.bitcoinspark.org/register

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