首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣獨自一人在多頭浪潮中失踪,具有更好代幣經濟學的新加密貨幣預計將在 2024 年取代它

Dogecoin Alone in Missing Bull Market Surge, New Cryptocurrency With Better Tokenomics Poised to Replace It in 2024

狗狗幣獨自一人在多頭浪潮中失踪,具有更好代幣經濟學的新加密貨幣預計將在 2024 年取代它

發布: 2024/02/15 16:38 閱讀: 266



The cryptocurrency market has seen tremendous growth over the past couple of years. However, one outlier stands out – Dogecoin. Despite being one of the more popular cryptocurrencies, Dogecoin has failed to capitalize on the current bull market. A new cryptocurrency project, Pandoshi (PAMBO), seems poised to take Dogecoin’s place with its unique tokenomics and ecosystem of products.

過去幾年,加密貨幣市場出現了巨大的成長。然而,有一個異常現像很突出——狗狗幣。儘管狗狗幣是最受歡迎的加密貨幣之一,但它未能利用當前的牛市。一個新的加密貨幣項目 Pandoshi (PAMBO) 似乎準備以其獨特的代幣經濟和產品生態系統取代狗狗幣的位置。

Dogecoin Failing to Move

Dogecoin, the original meme cryptocurrency, has struggled to gain momentum. Its price remains stuck below the $0.10 barrier, failing to break out. Market analysts say Dogecoin lacks the tokenomics and utility to drive sustained price appreciation. 

狗狗幣未能發展狗狗幣是最初的迷因加密貨幣,一直在努力獲得動力。其價格仍停留在 0.10 美元關卡下方,未能突破。市場分析師表示,狗狗幣缺乏推動價格持續升值的代幣經濟學和效用。

Launched in 2013, Dogecoin operates on a proof-of-work consensus mechanism similar to Bitcoin. However, it has an unlimited supply, meaning no supply caps are built into its protocol. This results in high inflation as more coins enter circulation constantly, suppressing the price. 

狗狗幣於 2013 年推出,採用類似比特幣的工作量證明共識機制。然而,它的供應量是無限的,這意味著其協議中沒有內建供應上限。隨著越來越多的硬幣不斷進入流通,這會導致高通貨膨脹,從而抑制價格。

Beyond mining rewards, Dogecoin offers little in terms of utility. No significant development is happening on the network, nor does it have its own decentralized exchange or wallet solutions. With unlimited supply and a lack of products, Dogecoin seems destined to underperform its peers.


Pandoshi – The Rising Star

In contrast, a new cryptocurrency project, Pandoshi, seems ready to unseat Dogecoin as the leading meme coin. Pandoshi combines deflationary tokenomics with a robust ecosystem of products, catering to all facets of decentralized finance.

Pandoshi——後起之秀相比之下,一個新的加密貨幣項目 Pandoshi 似乎準備取代狗狗幣成為領先的模因幣。 Pandoshi 將通縮代幣經濟學與強大的產品生態系統結合,滿足去中心化金融的各個面向。

Pandoshi’s appeal lies at the core of its ingenious tokenomics structure, centred around its native cryptocurrency, PAMBO. PAMBO has a maximum supply of 2 billion coins, much lower than Dogecoin’s uncapped supply. Further, the protocol implements a buy-and-burn mechanism on all transactions, permanently removing coins from circulation. 

Pandoshi 的吸引力在於其巧妙的代幣經濟結構的核心,以其原生加密貨幣 PAMBO 為中心。 PAMBO 的最大供應量為 20 億枚,遠低於狗狗幣的無上限供應量。此外,該協議對所有交易實施「購買並銷毀」機制,永久地將代幣從流通中移除。

According to developers, this process will continue until 80% of the total supply gets burned. Such deflationary economics creates scarcity, driving up demand and price for PAMBO. With Dogecoin’s unlimited inflationary model, it simply cannot compete on tokenomics.

據開發商稱,這個過程將持續到總供應量的 80% 被燒毀為止。這種通貨緊縮經濟造成了稀缺性,並推高了 PAMBO 的需求和價格。由於狗狗幣的無限通膨模型,它根本無法在代幣經濟學上競爭。

Utility Across All Aspects of DeFi

But Pandoshi offers more than just a good token model – it also develops a range of decentralized finance products for security, liquidity, and usability. These include:

涵蓋 DeFi 各個方面的實用性但是 Pandoshi 提供的不僅僅是一個良好的代幣模型,它還開發了一系列具有安全性、流動性和可用性的去中心化金融產品。這些包括:

PandaChain – A layer 2 proof-of-stake blockchain optimized for fast and affordable transactions. All Pandoshi products leverage PandaChain as the underlying network.

PandaChain – 第 2 層權益證明區塊鏈,針對快速且經濟實惠的交易進行了最佳化。所有 Pandoshi 產品都利用 PandaChain 作為底層網路。

Pandoshi Wallet – A non-custodial cryptocurrency wallet available on Android and soon iOS. It enables easy storage and usage of PAMBO coins and other cryptocurrency assets.

Pandoshi 錢包 – 一款非託管加密貨幣錢包,可在 Android 上使用,很快也會在 iOS 上使用。它可以輕鬆儲存和使用 PAMBO 幣和其他加密貨幣資產。

PandoshiSwap – A decentralized exchange for trading PAMBO and other tokens. The swap mechanism implements buy and burn for all PAMBO transactions, making the token deflationary.  

PandoshiSwap – 用於交易 PAMBO 和其他代幣的去中心化交易所。互換機制對所有 PAMBO 交易實現買入和銷毀,使代幣通貨緊縮。

Cardoshi – A crypto debit card with no KYC for easy real-world spending of PAMBO coins. As transactions occur on the card, linked PAMBO gets burned, making the currency deflationary.

Cardoshi – 無需 KYC 的加密金融卡,可在現實世界輕鬆消費 PAMBO 幣。當卡片上發生交易時,關聯的 PAMBO 就會被燒毀,從而導致貨幣通貨緊縮。

With this breadth of products across wallets, chains, exchanges and crypto cards, Pandoshi offers a utility that matches its tokenomics. Conversely, Dogecoin’s lack of features makes it a sitting duck in the evolving market.

憑藉錢包、區塊鏈、交易所和加密卡等廣泛的產品,Pandoshi 提供了與其代幣經濟相匹配的實用程式。相反,狗狗幣缺乏功能,使其成為不斷發展的市場中的「靶子」。

Final Thoughts

Pandoshi seems ready to seize the meme coin crown from the long-standing Dogecoin. With deflationary tokenomics combined with a usable ecosystem of products, it beats Dogecoin across all aspects that matter. Consequently, experts predict Pandoshi to be one of the top-performing cryptocurrencies as 2024 progresses. Pandoshi presents the perfect high-upside and low-risk opportunity for investors to capitalize on the booming decentralized finance niche.

最後的想法Pandoshi 似乎已經準備好從歷史悠久的狗狗幣手中奪取模因幣的桂冠。透過通貨緊縮的代幣經濟學與可用的產品生態系統相結合,它在所有重要方面都擊敗了狗狗幣。因此,專家預測,隨著 2024 年的進展,Pandoshi 將成為表現最好的加密貨幣之一。 Pandoshi 為投資者提供了完美的高成長和低風險機會,以利用蓬勃發展的去中心化金融市場。

Click Here To Buy PAMBO Tokens

點擊此處購買 PAMBO 代幣

Explore the following links for detailed information on Pandoshi (PAMBO):

瀏覽以下鏈接,以了解有關 Pandoshi (PAMBO) 的詳細資訊:

Website: https://pandoshi.com/
Whitepaper: https://docs.pandoshi.com/



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