首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Dogecoin Mobile P2E Meme Coin 競爭對手 PlayDoge 價格飆升 170 倍,有史以來最低預售價格即將結束

Dogecoin Mobile P2E Meme Coin Competitor PlayDoge Price To Skyrocket 170x, Lowest Ever Presale Price Ends Soon

Dogecoin Mobile P2E Meme Coin 競爭對手 PlayDoge 價格飆升 170 倍,有史以來最低預售價格即將結束

發布: 2024/06/01 01:07 閱讀: 206

原文作者:Inside Bitcoins


Dogecoin Mobile P2E Meme Coin 競爭對手 PlayDoge 價格飆升 170 倍,有史以來最低預售價格即將結束

PlayDoge: A Revolutionary Play-to-Earn Gaming Experience


With only hours remaining before its presale token price increase, PlayDoge has garnered significant attention.

距離預售代幣價格上漲僅剩幾個小時,PlayDoge 引起了廣泛關注。

Since its launch, the $PLAY token has raised over $617k, exceeding three-quarters of its $787,500 Stage 1 goal. Currently priced at $0.005, its value will rise to $0.0051 in under 24 hours.

自推出以來,$PLAY 代幣已籌集超過 617,000 美元,超過其第一階段目標 787,500 美元的四分之三。目前價格為 0.005 美元,24 小時內其價值將升至 0.0051 美元。

Beyond Dogecoin: PlayDoge's P2E Advantage

超越狗狗幣:PlayDoge 的 P2E 優勢

While sharing the meme coin popularity of Dogecoin, PlayDoge stands apart with its innovative play-to-earn gaming platform. By incorporating decentralized networks and mobile gaming, PlayDoge overcomes the limitations of traditional Tamagotchi-style games.

PlayDoge 與狗狗幣一樣受歡迎,但其創新的邊玩邊賺錢的遊戲平台脫穎而出。透過整合去中心化網路和行動遊戲,PlayDoge 克服了傳統電子寵物遊戲的限制。

The in-game $PLAY token serves as a reward and incentivization mechanism, with players earning rewards for nurturing and caring for their virtual pets. This gamified approach has the potential to explode in value, as evidenced by the 170x price surge of BabyDoge.

遊戲中的 $PLAY 代幣充當獎勵和激勵機制,玩家可以透過培育和照顧虛擬寵物來獲得獎勵。 BabyDoge 的價格飆升 170 倍就證明了這種遊戲化方法的價值具有爆炸性增長的潛力。

PlayDoge's Superior Infrastructure

PlayDoge 卓越的基礎設施

Unlike Dogecoin, PlayDoge operates on the BNB Chain, utilizing a more efficient proof-of-stake system. With a theoretical throughput of 2,200 transactions per second (tps), it far surpasses Dogecoin's 30 tps. Additionally, Layer 2 technology further enhances performance, providing an impressive 4,700 tps. This high throughput ensures seamless gameplay and prevents the P2E mechanics from compromising the gaming experience.

與狗狗幣不同,PlayDoge 在 BNB 鏈上運行,利用更有效率的權益證明系統。理論吞吐量為每秒 2,200 筆交易 (tps),​​遠遠超過狗狗幣的 30 tps。此外,第 2 層技術進一步增強了性能,提供令人印象深刻的 4,700 tps。這種高吞吐量可確保無縫遊戲並防止 P2E 機制影響遊戲體驗。

PlayDoge's Focus on Gaming Innovation

PlayDoge 專注於遊戲創新

While Dogecoin has dabbled in gaming, PlayDoge is designed specifically for mobile gaming. Its focus on utility and scalability enables it to host fully fledged mobile games, an advantage over Dogecoin's limited inscription technology.

雖然狗狗幣已經涉足遊戲領域,但 PlayDoge 是專為行動遊戲而設計的。它對實用性和可擴展性的關注使其能夠託管成熟的行動遊戲,這比狗狗幣有限的銘文技術更具優勢。

Community Involvement and Rewards


PlayDoge prioritizes community involvement in its gaming economy. 7.5% of the total token supply is allocated for community rewards distribution, and token holders can participate in staking to earn passive income.

PlayDoge 優先考慮社區參與其遊戲經濟。代幣總供應量的7.5%用於社區獎勵分配,代幣持有者可以參與質押以獲得被動收入。

Market Trends Support PlayDoge's Growth

市場趨勢支持 PlayDoge 的成長

PlayDoge aligns with the growing trend of meme coins embracing gaming to enhance utility. With a market cap of $23.2 billion, Shiba Inu is another example, but PlayDoge's focus on gaming positions it for significant growth.

PlayDoge 順應了模因幣擁抱遊戲以增強實用性的成長趨勢。 Shiba Inu 的市值為 232 億美元,是另一個例子,但 PlayDoge 對遊戲的關注使其能夠實現顯著增長。

BabyDoge's ROI Success and PlayDoge's Potential

BabyDoge 的投資報酬率成功和 PlayDoge 的潛力

BabyDoge's 170x ROI since launch demonstrates the potential of meme coins with a unique niche. PlayDoge's combination of meme coin virality and gaming could lead to even higher returns.

BabyDoge 自推出以來 170 倍的投資回報率展示了具有獨特利基的模因幣的潛力。 PlayDoge 將模因幣病毒式傳播與遊戲相結合,可能會帶來更高的回報。

Video Game Market Momentum


The global video game industry is projected to reach $1 trillion by 2032, indicating significant growth potential. PlayDoge's focus on this booming industry positions it for success in the crypto-gaming market.

預計到 2032 年,全球電玩產業將達到 1 兆美元,成長潛力巨大。 PlayDoge 對這個蓬勃發展的行業的關注使其在加密遊戲市場取得了成功。

Presale Momentum and Security


PlayDoge's momentum is evident in the rapid uptake of its presale tokens. The project's fully audited smart contract provides investors with security and reassurance.

PlayDoge 的勢頭在其預售代幣的快速普及中顯而易見。項目經過全面審核的智能合約,為投資者提供安全和放心。

Join the PlayDoge Revolution

加入 PlayDoge 革命

To participate in PlayDoge's presale, connect your wallet to playdoge.io and purchase tokens using BNB, USDT, ETH, or a bank card. Stay updated by joining the community on Discord and Telegram.

要參與 PlayDoge 的預售,請將您的錢包連接到 playdoge.io 並使用 BNB、USDT、ETH 或銀行卡購買代幣。加入 Discord 和 Telegram 社區,隨時了解最新動態。


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