首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣到月球:6.35 億枚 DOGE 在 DOGE-1 任務前易手

Dogecoin to Moon: 635 Million DOGE Change Hands Ahead of DOGE-1 Mission

狗狗幣到月球:6.35 億枚 DOGE 在 DOGE-1 任務前易手

發布: 2024/01/04 18:07 閱讀: 303



狗狗幣到月球:6.35 億枚 DOGE 在 DOGE-1 任務前易手

In a flurry of activity reported by Whale Alert, a staggering 635 million Dogecoin (DOGE) has recently shifted between major cryptocurrency platforms, namely Robinhood and Binance. The transactions, totaling tens of millions of dollars, reveal a dynamic dance of DOGE liquidity.

在 Whale Alert 報導的一系列活動中,最近有 6.35 億美元的狗狗幣 (DOGE) 在主要加密貨幣平台(即 Robinhood 和 Binance)之間轉移。這些交易總額達數千萬美元,揭示了 DOGE 流動性的動態舞蹈。

The movement commenced with 82.082 million DOGE and 102.27 million DOGE flowing from two undisclosed addresses to Robinhood, collectively amounting to $15.142 million. Shortly after, a reversal unfolded, as 151.68 million DOGE, equivalent to $12.49 million, traveled from Robinhood to another mysterious wallet.

運動開始時,8,208.2 萬枚 DOGE 和 1.0227 億枚 DOGE 從兩個未公開地址流向 Robinhood,總計 1514.2 萬美元。不久之後,情況發生了逆轉,1.5168 億枚 DOGE(相當於 1249 萬美元)從 Robinhood 轉移到了另一個神秘錢包。

The crescendo occurred with the largest transfer, a whopping 300 million Dogecoin worth $24.63 million, dispatched from a new unknown address to Binance, the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange.

最大一筆轉帳達到了高潮,價值 2,463 萬美元的高達 3 億狗狗幣從一個新的未知地址發送到全球最大的加密貨幣交易所幣安。

🚨 300,000,000 #DOGE (24,629,096 USD) transferred from unknown wallet to #Binancehttps://t.co/M3WBb9bPOW

🚨 300,000,000 #DOGE(24,629,096 美元)從未知錢包轉移到#Binancehttps://t.co/M3WBb9bPOW

— Whale Alert (@whale_alert) January 4, 2024

— 鯨魚警報 (@whale_alert) 2024 年 1 月 4 日

Dogecoin to moon


This intricate crypto shuffle unfolds against the backdrop of the DOGE-1 lunar mission, scheduled for launch this winter. Sponsored entirely by Dogecoin, the CubeSat mission by Geometric Energy Corporation aims to collect "lunar-spatial intelligence" using onboard sensors and a camera.

這場錯綜複雜的加密貨幣洗牌是在計劃於今年冬天發射的 DOGE-1 月球任務的背景下展開的。幾何能源公司的 CubeSat 任務完全由狗狗幣贊助,旨在使用機載感測器和相機收集「月球空間情報」。

The satellite, set to ride SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket, will display images and DOGE-inspired digital art on a small screen, broadcasting them back to Earth.

這顆衛星將搭載 SpaceX 的獵鷹 9 號火箭,將在小螢幕上顯示影像和受 DOGE 啟發的數位藝術,並將其傳輸回地球。

Scheduled for a February 2024 liftoff, the DOGE-1 mission has received approval from the NTIA and FCC, marking a crucial milestone in the ambitious journey of Dogecoin to the moon. With millions in DOGE changing hands and the lunar mission on the horizon, the crypto community finds itself on the cusp of an exhilarating chapter in the Dogecoin saga.

DOGE-1 任務計劃於 2024 年 2 月發射,現已獲得 NTIA 和 FCC 的批准,這標誌著狗狗幣雄心勃勃的月球之旅的一個重要里程碑。隨著數以百萬計的 DOGE 易手以及登月任務即將到來,加密貨幣社區發現自己正處於狗狗幣傳奇中令人興奮的一章的風口浪尖。


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