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Dogecoin Network Hits New Peak in Transfer Activity


發布: 2024/02/04 06:00 閱讀: 645



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Dogecoin (DOGE) community’s prominent figure Tdogewhisperer announced on their personal X account that the largest memecoin has reached a new peak in transfer activity. Tdogewhisperer reported that 1.9 million transfers have been made on the Dogecoin network in the last 24 hours.

狗狗幣(DOGE)社群的知名人物 Tdogewisperer 在其個人 X 帳戶上宣布,最大的 memecoin 的轉帳活動達到了新的高峰。 Tdogewisperer 報告稱,過去 24 小時內狗狗幣網路上已進行 190 萬筆轉帳。

New Peak in Dogecoin Network Transfers


Tdogewhisperer shared from their personal X account that the Dogecoin network has reached a new peak with 1.9 million transfers. The leading figure of the Dogecoin community mentioned that this record was mainly achieved through images minted via inscriptions on the Blockchain. It is known that the outputs provided by the inscription protocol that allows image minting on a Blockchain often inflate the networks. Despite the high figures reflected in the metrics, the outputs provided by the inscription protocol do not have a real use case.

Tdogewhisperer 從他們的個人 X 帳戶分享道,狗狗幣網路已經達到了新的峰值,轉帳次數達到 190 萬次。狗狗幣社群負責人提到,這項紀錄主要是透過區塊鏈上銘文鑄造的圖像來實現的。眾所周知,允許在區塊鏈上鑄造圖像的銘文協議提供的輸出通常會導致網路膨脹。儘管指標中反映的數字很高,但銘文協議提供的輸出並沒有真正的用例。

Tdogewhisperer wrote that there has been a rapid increase in the size of a file that can be transferred on the Dogecoin Blockchain, reaching 110 GB. They highlighted that if this increase continues, it could limit users’ ability to run their own nodes. This situation would make hosting a single node more expensive and slow down the entire network when used for something more valuable than image transfers.

Tdogewhisperer 寫道,可以在狗狗幣區塊鏈上傳輸的檔案大小迅速增加,達到 110 GB。他們強調,如果這種成長持續下去,可能會限制使用者運行自己的節點的能力。這種情況會使託管單一節點變得更加昂貴,並且當用於比影像傳輸更有價值的事情時會減慢整個網路的速度。

The majority of users see DOGE as a currency and use it for that purpose (not for sending files or writing images via the network), so keeping the Blockchain operational and hosting nodes should be easy.

大多數用戶將 DOGE 視為一種貨幣,並將其用於此目的(不是透過網路發送文件或寫入圖像),因此保持區塊鏈運行和託管節點應該很容易。

Furthermore, Tdogewhisperer added that many people suggest using a Layer 2 network called Dogechain for inscription transactions. The Dogecoin community has been divided into those who liken these images minted through inscriptions to NFTs and those who see them as bloatware or spam.

此外,Tdogewhisperer 補充說,許多人建議使用名為 Dogechain 的第 2 層網路進行銘文交易。狗狗幣社群分為兩類:一類人將這些透過銘文鑄造的圖像比喻為 NFT,另一類人則將其視為過時軟體或垃圾郵件。

Max Keiser Criticizes DOGE, Invites Elon Musk to El Salvador

馬克斯·凱澤批評 DOGE,邀請伊隆·馬斯克訪問薩爾瓦多

Bitcoin maximalist Max Keiser targeted Dogecoin in two tweets. He claimed that DOGE is a junk coin and security, as he has previously attacked XRP, SOL, ADA, and other major altcoins.

比特幣最大化主義者 Max Keizer 在兩則推文中針對狗狗幣。他聲稱 DOGE 是垃圾幣和垃圾證券,因為他之前曾攻擊過 XRP、SOL、ADA 和其他主要山寨幣。

Keiser stated that trading DOGE is not illegal in El Salvador, where he lives and works as a Bitcoin advisor to President Nayib Bukele, as long as it is not classified as a security. The Bitcoin maximalist also invited the world’s richest man and Dogecoin’s biggest supporter Elon Musk to El Salvador to explore the opportunities the country offers.

Keizer 表示,交易 DOGE 在薩爾瓦多並不違法,他在那裡生活和工作,擔任總統 Nayib Bukele 的比特幣顧問,只要它不被歸類為證券。這位比特幣極端主義者還邀請了世界首富和狗狗幣最大的支持者馬斯克前往薩爾瓦多,探索該國提供的機會。

The post first appeared on COINTURK NEWS: Dogecoin Network Hits New Peak in Transfer Activity

該貼文首次出現在 COINTURK 新聞上:狗狗幣網路轉帳活動達到新高峰


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