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Dogecoin Patterns That Led To 28,000% Rally In 2020 Have Returned

導致 2020 年上漲 28,000% 的狗狗幣模式已經回歸

發布: 2024/02/24 06:33 閱讀: 225



Dogecoin is once again on the radar of crypto investors after multiple important patterns have made their way to the fore. This was pointed out by crypto analyst Ali Martinez, who identified multiple patterns similar to what was seen in 2020 that could result in a parabolic rally.

在多種重要模式脫穎而出後,狗狗幣再次受到加密貨幣投資者的關注。加密貨幣分析師 Ali Martinez 指出了這一點,他發現了多種與 2020 年類似的模式,可能會導致拋物線反彈。

Dogecoin Chart Looks Similar To 2020

狗狗幣圖表看起來與 2020 年相似

2020 was a pivotal year for Dogecoin as it was the setup that led to one of the most impressive rallies in crypto history. It also shares a similarity with 2024 as it was also a year when the Bitcoin halving took place, leading to an incredibly bullish one year for the space.

2020 年對狗狗幣來說是關鍵的一年,因為它引發了加密貨幣歷史上最令人印象深刻的反彈之一。它也與 2024 年有相似之處,因為這也是比特幣減半發生的一年,導致該領域極其樂觀的一年。

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It seems Dogecoin is looking toward a repeat of this rally as similar patterns are beginning to form once more. According to crypto analyst Ali Martinez, the present performance of the meme coin does bear a striking resemblance to what it did in 2020. More specifically, the formation of a bullish descending triangle.

隨著類似的模式再次開始形成,狗狗幣似乎正在尋求重演這一漲勢。加密貨幣分析師阿里馬丁內斯 (Ali Martinez) 表示,模因幣目前的表現確實與 2020 年的表現驚人相似。更具體地說,形成了一個看漲的下降三角形。

The previous descending triangle had formed in the years leading up to 2020 before ending in early 2020. From here, we can see in the chart that the DOGE price increased but made a number of notable dips and recoveries before the main rally.

先前的下降三角形是在2020 年之前的幾年中形成的,然後在2020 年初結束。從這裡,我們可以在圖表中看到DOGE 價格上漲,但在主要反彈之前出現了多次顯著的下跌和反彈。

Source: Ali_charts on X

來源:X 上的 Ali_charts

In the same vein, a descending triangle has been forming for Dogecoin from 2021 to 2024, and it has eventually found its bottom. Just like it did in 2020, the meme coin has seen a price surge, before recording dips and recoveries along the way.

同樣,從 2021 年到 2024 年,狗狗幣一直在形成一個下降三角形,並最終找到了底部。就像 2020 年一樣,Meme 幣的價格經歷了飆升,然後一路下跌和復甦。

If Martinez’s analysis is correct, then DOGE is on the brink of another parabolic rally. Now, while it may not end up being a 28,000% rally as seen before, it would be no less significant. In this case, the crypto analyst puts the target for Dogecoin as high as $10 if history were to repeat itself.

如果馬丁內斯的分析是正確的,那麼 DOGE 正處於另一次拋物線反彈的邊緣。現在,雖然最終可能不會像之前那樣出現 28,000% 的反彈,但其意義也不會減弱。在這種情況下,如果歷史重演,加密貨幣分析師將狗狗幣的目標定為 10 美元。

DOGE Inflation Could Be A Threat

DOGE 通膨可能是個威脅

While Dogecoin is a proof-of-work (PoW) blockchain just like Bitcoin, it differs from the latter in the fact that there is no cap on its supply. This meant that the supply of DOGE has grown tremendously over the last three years, which could hinder its possibilities of a rally.

雖然狗狗幣和比特幣一樣是一種工作量證明(PoW)區塊鏈,但它與後者的不同之處在於其供應量沒有上限。這意味著 DOGE 的供應量在過去三年中大幅成長,這可能會阻礙其上漲的可能性。

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For example, when Dogecoin hit $0.7 in 2021, it had a market cap of around $80 billion. However, if Dogecoin were to hit its all-time high of $0.7 with its current supply, the market cap would be more than $100 billion, meaning its supply has grown by around 25% since 2021.

例如,當狗狗幣在 2021 年觸及 0.7 美元時,其市值約為 800 億美元。然而,如果狗狗幣以目前的供應量達到 0.7 美元的歷史新高,其市值將超過 1000 億美元,這意味著自 2021 年以來其供應量增長了約 25%。

Nevertheless, the expectations for Dogecoin are still high as it continues to enjoy support from the likes of Elon Musk. With its strong community, DOGE is poised to see another good performance in the bull market.


DOGE price at $0.08 | Source: DOGEUSD On Tradingview.com

DOGE 售價為 0.08 美元 |資料來源:Tradingview.com 上的 DOGEUSD

Featured image from CryptoPotato, chart from Tradingview.com

精選圖片來自 CryptoPotato,圖表來自 Tradingview.com


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