首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 儘管金十字看漲,狗狗幣的價格仍下跌

Dogecoin’s Price Dips Despite Bullish Golden Cross


發布: 2023/11/23 17:23 閱讀: 745



  • The price of Dogecoin dropped by over 2% on Wednesday, despite positive network activity and bullish technical signals.
  • 儘管網路活動積極且技術訊號看漲,但狗狗幣的價格週三仍下跌了 2% 以上。

  • A “golden cross” chart pattern, not seen in a year, was identified, signaling a potential reversal of the multi-month downtrend.
  • 發現了一年未見的「黃金十字」圖表模式,顯示個多月下降趨勢可能出現逆轉。

  • Whale Alert recorded over $47 million worth of Dogecoin changing hands in three large transactions
  • Whale Alert 記錄了價值超過 4700 萬美元的狗狗幣在三筆大型交易中易手

The price of meme-favorite crypto Dogecoin fell over 2% on Wednesday, even as network activity reignited and technical signals flashed bullish. Blockchain trackers spotted a landmark “golden cross” chart pattern for the first time in a year, along with growing wallet use. However, DOGE has yet to respond positively as traders weigh mixed outlooks.

儘管網路活動重新點燃且技術訊號閃爍看漲訊號,深受人們喜愛的加密貨幣狗狗幣的價格週三仍下跌了 2% 以上。區塊鏈追蹤者一年來首次發現了具有里程碑意義的「金十字」圖表模式,同時錢包使用量也在不斷增長。然而,由於交易員對前景的看法不一,狗狗幣尚未做出積極回應。

Whale Alert recorded over $47 million worth of Dogecoin changing hands across three large transactions early Thursday. Outflows from centralized exchange Robinhood to external wallets made up the bulk, possibly indicating investors withdrawing to hold independently or conduct business on-chain.

Whale Alert 週四早些時候記錄了價值超過 4700 萬美元的狗狗幣在三筆大型交易中易手。從中心化交易所 Robinhood 流向外部錢包的資金佔了大部分,這可能表明投資者退出以獨立持有或在鏈上開展業務。

Dogecoin transfers align with an uptick in active addresses


The transfers align with a noteworthy uptick in so-called active addresses observed on the Dogechain. According to blockchain analytics firm IntoTheBlock, the count of active addresses transacting DOGE has surged by 87% since November 1st.

這些轉移與狗狗鏈上觀察到的所謂活躍地址的顯著上升一致。根據區塊鏈分析公司 IntoTheBlock 的數據,自 11 月 1 日以來,進行 DOGE 交易的活躍地址數量激增了 87%。

The jump may reflect resurgent interest not yet reflected in the token price hovering near 2-month lows. As network utilization rebounds off year-to-date lows, a breakout for the meme coin may materialize with a typical lag.


Adding to DOGE’s intriguing position is a bullish technical indicator not seen over the past 12 months. This week marked the first “golden cross” on the daily Dogecoin chart since November 2021, when faster-moving averages crossed above slower ones.

過去 12 個月從未出現過的看漲技術指標讓 DOGE 的地位更加有趣。本周是狗狗幣日線圖表上自 2021 年 11 月以來的首次“黃金交叉”,當時較快移動的平均線穿過較慢移動的平均線。

Last March, the opposite death cross pattern formed, presaging further weakness. Now the golden cross re-emergence hints the multi-month downtrend may have bottomed out or be on the verge of reversing higher again.



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