Despite the current volatility in the cryptocurrency market, CoinCodex forecasts a potential 300% increase for Dogecoin, reaching $0.60 by April 6th. Increased global trade tensions, such as U.S. tariffs and retaliatory measures from the EU, have fostered investor apprehension and contributed to Dogecoin's recent downturn. The cryptocurrency market experienced a significant decline last month, with
儘管當前的加密貨幣市場波動性,但Concodex預測Dogecoin的潛在增加了300%,到4月6日到達0.60美元。 全球貿易緊張局勢加劇,例如歐盟的美國關稅和報復措施,促進了投資者的擔憂,並促成了Dogecoin最近的低迷。 上個月的加密貨幣市場經歷了顯著下降,其中