首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 當狗狗幣價格跌入地獄時,實體硬幣將登上月球

While Dogecoin Price Goes to Hell, a Physical Coin Will Reach the Moon


發布: 2023/11/20 21:27 閱讀: 945



Another new company Astrobotic announced that it would send a physical Dogecoin to the moon in December next month. Astrobotic will send a physical replica of Dogecoin on the DHL Moonbox via ULA’s Vulcan Centaur Rocket on December 12, 2023. The mission has been funded by the DOGE community since 2015 and embodies a collective effort from investors.

另一家新公司 Astrobotic 宣布將於下個月 12 月向月球發送實體狗狗幣。 Astrobotic 將於 2023 年 12 月 12 日透過 ULA 的 Vulcan Centaur 火箭在 DHL Moonbox 上發送狗狗幣的實體複製品。該任務自 2015 年以來一直由 DOGE 社區資助,體現了投資者的集體努力。

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“Dogecoin on the moon update. Exciting news for the Dogecoin community! Astrobotic plans to send a physical Dogecoin to the moon in the DHL Moonbox via ULA’s Vulcan Centaur Rocket on 12/23/2023. Funded by our community in 2015, this mission embodies collective effort!” tweeted the official page of Doge. Read here for more details about the mission.

「月球上的狗狗幣更新。狗狗幣社群的令人興奮的消息! Astrobotic 計劃於 2023 年 12 月 23 日透過 ULA 的 Vulcan Centaur 火箭將實體狗狗幣透過 DHL Moonbox 發送到月球。 2015 年,這項任務由我們社區資助,體現了集體努力!” Doge 官方頁面發布了推文。請閱讀此處以了解有關該任務的更多詳細資訊。

Dogecoin Price Dips, Only ‘Physical’ Coin Goes To the Moon


While the news about a physical coin reaching the moon is exciting news, its price is going nowhere to the moon. Dogecoin’s price, in fact, is heading south and crashing to Earth this year and is now reaching hell in 2023. The highest DOGE could trade in Q3 and Q4 of this year is to jump from $0.07 to $0.08.

雖然實體硬幣登上月球的消息是令人興奮的消息,但它的價格卻沒有上漲。事實上,狗狗幣的價格今年正在向南並暴跌,現在到 2023 年將跌入地獄。今年第三季和第四季狗狗幣的最高交易價格將從 0.07 美元躍升至 0.08 美元。

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Dogecoin is unable to climb above the $0.10 mark despite multiple attempts this year. The last it traded at $0.10 was in December 2022 and it’s been a year since it’s unable to breach the mark.

儘管今年多次嘗試,狗狗幣仍無法突破 0.10 美元大關。它最後一次以 0.10 美元的價格交易是在 2022 年 12 月,距離它無法突破這一水平已經過去了一年。

However, the idea of sending a physical Dogecoin to the moon is ‘so 2021’ at the moment. If this was 2021, investors would have been excited about the development adding a bagful of coins before the rocket launch. The boat of excitement has sailed and all that’s left is the residue of a crash for investors to pick up.

然而,目前將實體狗狗幣發送到月球的想法是「2021 年」。如果這是 2021 年,投資者會對在火箭發射前添加一袋硬幣的開發感到興奮。興奮之船已經揚帆起航,剩下的只是股市崩盤的殘留物供投資人撿起。

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另請閱讀:Shiba Inu:500 美元的 SHIB 變成 380 萬美元

The leading meme-currency barely performed from the day it dipped from its all-time high of $0.73 in May 2021. The downturn remains unending reaching new lows every month. However, on the happier side, while the price dips. a physical Dogecoin will go to the moon soon.

自 2021 年 5 月創下歷史新高 0.73 美元以來,這種領先的 meme 貨幣幾乎沒有表現。經濟低迷仍在持續,每個月都會創下新低。然而,令人高興的是,雖然價格下跌。實體狗狗幣很快就會登上月球。

  • Dogecoin
  • 狗狗幣

Source: https://thebittimes.com/while-dogecoin-price-goes-to-hell-a-physical-coin-will-reach-the-moon-tbt70915.html



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