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Dogecoin Price Jumps 6%, Whale Sells 300 Million DOGE on Robinhood

狗狗幣價格上漲 6%,Whale 在 Robinhood 上售出 3 億枚 DOGE

發布: 2023/12/01 22:00 閱讀: 274



狗狗幣價格上漲 6%,Whale 在 Robinhood 上售出 3 億枚 DOGE

According to data shared by popular crypto tracking service Whale Alert, around eight hours ago, an anonymous crypto holder transferred a mind-blowing amount of Dogecoin to popular trading venue Robinhood.

根據流行的加密貨幣追蹤服務 Whale Alert 分享的數據,大約八小時前,一位匿名加密貨幣持有者將數量驚人的狗狗幣轉移到了流行的交易場所 Robinhood。

He sent 300,000,000 DOGE in total – this is an amount of meme crypto equal to $25,033,123. It was sent for a tiny fee of $0.18 (that is 2.256 DOGE). No traditional bank can offer such a bargain for a $25-million transfer and at the speed at which it was performed.

他總共發送了 300,000,000 DOGE – 這相當於 25,033,123 美元的 meme 加密貨幣。寄送費用為 0.18 美元(即 2.256 DOGE)。沒有一家傳統銀行能夠以如此優惠的價格完成 2500 萬美元的轉賬,而且轉賬速度也如此之快。

🚨 🚨 300,000,000 #DOGE (25,033,123 USD) transferred from unknown wallet to #Robinhoodhttps://t.co/128ufh5OA5

🚨 🚨 300,000,000 #DOGE(25,033,123 美元)從未知錢包轉移到#Robinhoodhttps://t.co/128ufh5OA5

— Whale Alert (@whale_alert) December 1, 2023

— 鯨魚警報 (@whale_alert) 2023 年 12 月 1 日

Dogecoin whales active in November 

狗狗幣鯨魚在 11 月活躍

The goal of this transaction remains unclear, since Robinhood allows not only selling and buying DOGE and other cryptocurrencies. It also has its own wallets where users can store their crypto for a long time on the platform. On Nov. 16, an impressive amount of DOGE was sent to Robinhood as well – that chunk of meme crypto contained 103,000,000 DOGE.

這筆交易的目標尚不清楚,因為 Robinhood 不僅允許買賣 DOGE 和其他加密貨幣。它還擁有自己的錢包,用戶可以在平台上長期儲存加密貨幣。 11 月 16 日,大量 DOGE 也被送到 Robinhood——這塊 meme 加密貨幣包含 103,000,000 DOGE。

Overall, November was a month rich in large Dogecoin transfers. Throughout the whole month, Whale Alert spotted astounding transactions of DOGE made by anonymous whales and Robinhood and between unknown wallets. Once the tracker spotted a tremendous amount of DOGE transferred between them – 690,000,000 meme coins worth more than $50 million in fiat.

整體而言,11 月是狗狗幣大額轉帳頻繁的一個月。在整個月裡,Whale Alert 發現了匿名鯨魚和 Robinhood 以及未知錢包之間進行的令人震驚的 DOGE 交易。一旦追蹤器發現他們之間轉移了大量的 DOGE——6.9 億個 Meme 幣,價值超過 5000 萬美元的法定貨幣。

November has also seen quite a lot of dormant DOGE wallets awaken and start to move large amounts of Dogecoin. Aside from that, 121 new DOGE addresses, holding more than 1,000,000 DOGE each, emerged, according to a report from Santiment on-chain data provider.

11 月也見證了相當多休眠的 DOGE 錢包甦醒並開始轉移大量的狗狗幣。除此之外,根據 Santiment 鏈上資料提供者的報告,還出現了 121 個新的 DOGE 位址,每個位址持有超過 1,000,000 個 DOGE。

DOGE may double its price, analyst believes

分析師認為 DOGE 的價格可能會翻倍

Earlier this week, crypto analyst Ali Martinez posted a tweet to share a DOGE chart and opine that the most popular canine cryptocurrency may double its price, provided that it manages to break above the $0.087 crucial resistance.

本週早些時候,加密貨幣分析師Ali Martinez 發布了一條推文,分享了DOGE 圖表,並認為,如果這種最受歡迎的犬類加密貨幣能夠突破0.087 美元的關鍵阻力位,其價格可能會翻倍。

Per Ali, at this level suddenly came together the 0.786 Fibonacci level and both the 100-week and 200-week EMAs, which makes it hard to break through. However, if Dogecoin manages to do that, its price may double, i.e., surge to the $0.14 level.

根據 Ali 的說法,在這個水平上突然出現了 0.786 斐波那契水平以及 100 週和 200 週 EMA,這使得突破變得困難。然而,如果狗狗幣成功做到這一點,其價格可能會翻倍,即飆升至 0.14 美元的水平。

Since the start of the week, Dogecoin has managed to stage growth of 11.36%, hitting the $0.0848 price tag. It added almost 6% over the past 24 hours. However, today the price began to decline, losing 1.29% and now trading at $0.0838.

自本周初以來,狗狗幣已成功實現 11.36% 的成長,價格達到 0.0848 美元。過去 24 小時內上漲了近 6%。然而,今天價格開始下跌,下跌 1.29%,目前交易價格為 0.0838 美元。

Last weekend and again this week, Dogecoin demonstrated an impressive surge in transactions on the Dogecoin network. It surged first to more than a million and then to over 1.5 million daily transfers, leaving both Bitcoin and Ethereum far behind.

上週末和本週,狗狗幣網路上的交易量出現了令人印象深刻的激增。每日轉帳量先是飆升至超過 100 萬,然後超過 150 萬,將比特幣和以太坊遠遠拋在了後面。

However, this transaction spike is believed to be caused by small transactions, whose makers took advantage of very low DOGE fees and dust limits on the network.

然而,這種交易激增被認為是由小額交易引起的,這些交易的製造商利用了非常低的 DOGE 費用和網路上的灰塵限制。

Dogecoin cofounder Billy Markus commented on that spike last Saturday, sharing that the spike was due to people moving Doge Ordinals (Doginals) and "s-coins" – tokens made on the Dogecoin blockchain based on its new token standard DRC-20.

狗狗幣聯合創始人比利·馬庫斯(Billy Markus)上週六對這一飆升發表了評論,他表示,這一飆升是由於人們轉移了狗狗幣(Doginals)和“s-coins” ——基於新代幣標準DRC-20 在狗狗幣區塊鏈上製作的代幣。


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